Xiao Black has always been in this team, and his awakening is similar to scout, and it is very good to practice it. He is responsible for following Zhao Yunxiang and others are not easy to find.

"Tiger brother, I want to say that Zhao Yunxiang they have a few awakening, no fear, our team has 8, you have eight, simply straightforward."

Li Zhiying's hate is that Zhao Yunxiang is, because this guy is so good!

Laozi is the protagonist!

"Hey! Kid, you are still too tender, it is easy to cause casualties, even if the awaken is serious, it will die." Sun Leihu showed a smile of the old driver, "I have to do it." Ten thousand people control them, then go to a network, annex! "

"Oh! That is, that is, Tiger brother, I am very happy, I even have a very much." Li Zhiying caught a very unhappy in the eyes of Sun Lei, and I didn't think about what I thought about. Tang said, "For the tiger brother, this Zhao Yunxiang has several bloodsides, and also storage bracelets!"

"What?" Sun Leihu glared in the big eyes of the copper bell, "Solden? Also have a storage bracelet? What is this guy?"

"This .... I don't know, he has joined us alone, with these things, there is a black lacquered long knife." Li Zhiying said that all the books he knows.

"Soldn, white quality weapons, storage bracelets!" Sun Leihu touched his nose and smiled greed. "This is all good things, these things must be mine!"

Inland, most are places where some high-level creatures have, and a single awaken unless it is powerful, otherwise it is difficult here.

A big pig is looking down with a plant root, a near-transparent shadow has passed by it, and the giant pig seems to have a feeling. If you look back, you have not found out, turn it, continue to live.

The ability of Xiao Black is weak, which is very powerful, and the monsters of the perceived explosion can't find him, but he is only suitable for investigating, the battle is really no.

"It's a beautiful beauty!" Xiao Black licks his lips, and the sinister stared at Xiao Yu's mandatory posture.

Such a good person can only belong to yourself!

Zhao Yunxiang and others have encountered many monsters all the way, usually left to Xiao Yu and black friends to increase the killing.

"Hey, is it a small flies, is it a taste?"

He leaned down, collecting a blood red huge plant on the ground, which is a helpleden medicinal material of refining blood, and dragonflowers.

"Zhao Yunxiang, is the guy behind us ignore?"

Xiao Yuxi awakened the magic of the plant, she could resonate with the plants of nature. Natural feelings have been followed by someone, he has been following, but he passed away, but he is hidden, but Xiao Yu and Zhao Yunxiang.

"A small flies, there are still a few annoying big flies behind the flies, let's find a chance to make a good time." Zhao Yunxiang did not move the whisper, and the whispering of his two can only hear each other.

"One network is doing? We need to add new members.

"Awakening?" Zhao Yunxiang smiled, "I just woke up and didn't have much gap, as long as I follow my training method, ordinary people can completely hard to resist the same level of awakening."

He is not bragging, there is no way to wake up? It can be used to abuse the genericity through extreme sectors.

But after the awaken reaches level 4, it is completely different!

"When you come, please give me a special training!" Xiao Yu is sincere, "I have to be as strong as you."

"My trainer is very bitter, can you get it?"

Looking at the stubborn clear little beauty, Zhao Yunxiang is a smile.

"How can I not stand it, I can do anything!"

Xiao Yu, this voice is a bit big, and those behind them have heard it, and she is correct, but it is different in the ear of others.


Zhang De Bai's face is shameful, "" You look at people, this is a very good thing for a hundred years! You look at you again, but you will not be willing to be happy. "

"Not all because you, every time you are so thick, I have a good pain."

Sam painted, "The last time you gave me the whole bleeding ..."

The corner of the crowd behind him again, this is so disgusting for the base, and the bottle is still equipped with the dragon brain in the jar after his two, these two goods are still there, saying that it is fermentation. The taste is better.

Have your sister!

Xiao Yuzhen was a big red face that was smashed by this thick face. She was ashamed, and she stared at Zhao Yunxiang. She said, "I blame you!"

"Blame me?"

Zhao Yunxiang didn't matter shrugged, immediately stared at the distance, separated by the laminated woods, and faintly saw some shaking shadows.

That is a group of wandering fishman, they also bring a group of humans behind them, these people are full of food, just like , there are men with men, they are like captured foods, and several fishermen During the food, a bloody arm.

This arm is white and tender, which is covered with blood red blood, and the end of the arm is seriously eating, showing green ganyi and leather tissue, and looks like a girl's arm.

"Everyone stops, there is a situation in front!" Zhao Yunxiang raised his hand, "" Copying guys preparing to fight! "

The people behind him took out the weapon to put out the battle posture, followed by Zhao Yunxiang, whether it was awakening or ordinary people, he would learn to fight, he did not adopt the useless person, Li Zhiying and Xiao Six were examples.

This cavalry has seven fish people, they are level 2, is a very powerful team, those human beings are excited to stare at Zhao Yunxiang.

These fish people seem to like to use human beings, see Zhao Yunxiang and others, is planning to take back to taste.

"I didn't expect to follow such a small piece of paragraph, you have trouble, it is really a helping me!"

The little black is smile, takes out a pistol, this is a signal gun, he is deducted toward the sky.

Just send a signal, the boss will see, next, Zhao Yunxiang will be in the abdomen, and he will be very miserable!

I think about my own plan, I feel inexplicable!


I am a genius!

I have to get everything I want!


Of course, small black is most needed or Xiao Yuzhen!

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