"Tiger brother, are you not serious? You will die!" Chen Yunfei stared at Sun Leihu, but he could not respond to Chen Yunfei.

"Oh, even if you don't make me alive, it is better to fight, even if I die, I have to drag this guy!"

Sun Leihu is now very strange, his muscular bones are moved on a piece, the whole body seems to be like a Rubi, the body is seriously distorted.

"You will die!"

He is facing, as if he has a great pain, and then, Sun Leihu lost his gods and became like a ghost.

This drug is found in the village of the fish, because there is no manual, Sun Leihu took an ordinary man to experiment, the experimental results were shocked.

That ordinary person couldn't be ingeating a few drops, it became violent, like a beast, the overall strength did not know how many times, the same pay is also quite, that is dead, but the body is still alive, he sees People will kill, and finally, Sun Leihu is also able to kill it, so there is a few awaken.


Sun Leihu has been completely gone, the whole is a distorted flesh, his skin is completely detached, and there are many sticky bare muscles that stick to the blood.

His legs have shifted with their arms, and they can walk through their arms. The legs instead of the arm can be flexible.

"Wrap !!"

The first time, Xiao Yu, made the entanglement skill, quickly wrapped Sun Leihu, but these rough vines were very effective, and they were easily earned.

"Let's run, the boss is crazy, it will kill all the lives around you." Chen Yunfei quickly got up and prepared, he intended to escape, as long as he left a few awakening, he was a boss.



A torn voice, Chen Yunfei screamed, and then seeing his body was torn away by Sun Leihu.

"Boss ... you ... no, this is not true!"

Chen Yunfei stretched out his hands and struggled, trying to grab a few life-saving straw, but he only felt the cold air scratched finger gap and fell to the ground.

"This is not true, I am doing a dream right?"

His internal organs have flowed a place, the lower body is in a far away, Chen Yunfei does not believe this is true, he intends to deceive himself, this is a bit funny.

"Can be evil! Help, save us!"

Li Zhiying hid in the crowd in the crowd in the crowd in the crowd, but he was blocked by everyone who was handheld the weapon, and they continued to surround the array.

"Boss .. I am a small black .. Don't .. Don't .."

Sun Leihu turned into a monster mouth and a hidden residual limbs, Xiao Black's head laminated a large half, he still didn't die, can only be horrified to watch his own head, which is undoubtedly the most desperate.

Perhaps it is a long time with your own friends, Sun Leihu took the lead in killing his own hand, he likes the living people to tear two halves, and then cruelly eat half body.

He grows, changing, with a monster of deformity, gradually become nausea twisted.



A spurious sound of the bones and the skin, Sun Leihu's armpits drilled two thick arms, the two arms like two legs, with 3 finger claws.

"Is it evolving?" Zhao Yunxiang frowned low-language, "rely on the energy of the flesh and blood absorbed?"

Sun Leihu turned into a monstrian to choose to kill awaken, because the alert is full of energy, which can make it stronger in a short period of time.


He took note of the two black men behind Zhao Yunxiang. This two goods are very quiet, and a face is observed.

"Oh, Sam, I saw it when I thought I was a child, I originally pulled it a time every day, but I didn't pull it all the week, and finally pulled out the things like him!"

Zhang Debai is still recalling the beautiful time of childhood at this moment.

"Hey! Little white, I really envy you is the son of the chief, you can have delicious, I am a few times a few times, I don't eat it, I don't eat, my mother will give me a mud ..." Sam stared at Zhang De Bai, like a small grievance.

"Mud cake? That is a super delicious thing, I think my mother ..."

"You are enough, this time is still talking about this kind of topic?" Xiao Yu is helplessly staring at these two goods, because the country will have such a drop? "

Seeing the disgusting thing that Sun Leihu became a disgusting thing, I would like to have a 7-day moving, and then I want to eat, and still eat mud .....

Nausea monsters seem to have completed their evolution. He began to transfer the goal to Zhao Yunxiang and others. They are mostly awakened, Zhao Yunxiang is integrated with the ancient gods, itself with a very pure energy, so that this monster is coveted .

He flew up toward Zhao Yunxiang, talled high, it seems to need to put it into a meat sauce.

"Advance !!"

Zhang Debai quickly shot an arrow, he is the only remote attacker of this team, and encounters danger to naturally attack.


The arrow is in the body of the monster, and its defensive power is not as strong as it is, the whole is the same as rubber.

Four elites!

At this moment, Sun Lei Tiger will definitely reach the standard of four elite!

"After you have retired, this will give me a deal!" Zhao Yunxiang smiled and turned into the monsters turned into the Sun Leihu.

The left hand is holding a boxing to waving the front chest of the monster. This fist is playing in cotton. It has gathered in a little power to be scattered. This monster is naturally safe.

"Hey !!"

The monster smiled, four rude arms tried to catch Zhao Yunxiang, but unfortunately he slipped, a side moved, gorgeous turned, came to the monster, followed by a knife.

"Blood gas !! Cross !!"

A huge red cross is printed behind the monster, his body is scratched a few big mouth, but this cross is gradually dissipated after touching his body.

Cross is gone?

This skill is that the Lian Wanglong can press the overbearing skills in the ground, how can I suddenly have?

"what happened?"

Zhao Yunxiang frowned, quickly dodge the monster violent attack, just crushed clearly of the body's body, but also cut blood marks, but the cross is in an instant when contacting the monsters.

"This guy!!".

"Can he absorb harm?"

The self-healing ability of the monster is very strong, so big blood marks start healing in just a few seconds, its meat is slowly creeping, and then the next evolution after healing the injury!

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