"Zhao Yunxiang .." Women's Zhu lipper, gentle whisper, her voice is crisp, such as Qingquan flowing well, imitation of the sound of the sky.

"It's me ... you ... you are back?" Zhao Yunxiang's eyes were in the eyes of crystal tears. He worked hard and did not let this tear.

He fantasically countless times, perhaps she didn't leave himself, but because of some reason, or have a hard work could not see yourself.

"I am back, old Zhao, love me?"

Han Qianli faded the white clothes, the exquisite clavicle, ice muscles, smooth, and the two lotus root-like arms surround Zhao Yunxiang's neck.

"Lao Zhao, I miss you, now I am yours, hurt me, can you?" She blurred, like a star-like shear scorpion, flashing the raging of the eager.

"You are not her ..."

Zhao Yunxiang held this Han Qi, holding her waist, "Although you are not her, I have to thank you, she looks in my heart."

In the past, Zhao Yunxiang was suspected, and the appearance of Han Qianluo was the same as in his heart, and he would not meet some special reasons to make him unable to recognize her, it seems that this is extra .

She is her, any counterfeit goods cannot be replaced!

The Han monarch in the embrace disappeared, turned into a star, slowly dissipated, her mouth always hangs a tenderness of gentleness.

"My family is not so casual, she is a very temperament."

Zhao Yunxiang wiped the tears contaminated on the cheeks, although it was a counterfeit goods, but her eyes looked at her dissipated, the heart was still very depressed, and there was a heavy feeling of breathing.

They all tried, they seem to have fallen into a very peaceful illusion. She had already forgotten the danger of the whisper. Zhao Yunxiang woke up, and there were a few tree demon near them near them.

The number of these guys is not a lot, there are 5, Zhao Yunxiang and others have killed one, and four are trying to puncture them with wood thorn.

Sam is holding a small tree, he is squatting, the waist is hard, and it is rhythmic.

"Oh, Xiaobai, you are so powerful!" Sam is blaming, it seems that his illusion is actually this dirty, "Oh white, you are so strong, I want to fly the sky ..."

"Your uncle! Can you stop for a while?"

Zhao Yunxiang took Sam to Sam, and once again rescued him from the wood thorn of the tree demon. He rushed to the distance and continued the dirty action after getting up.

Put the same as Xiao Yu, who is also sinking into the illusion, and Zhao Yunxiang faces these four tree demon.

"Level 3 tree demon?"

He smiled and quickly ran towards these guys. Basically all the paths he walked were all spurs out from the surface, but unfortunately he was smashed behind Zhao Yunxiang.


One waving white long knife, changing the pendulum straight, white quality weapons is a bit out of date, it is difficult to break the defense of the tree demon, but under his strong cutting, it still cuts its bark A green liquid flows from the tree demon body.

Zhao Yunxiang was in the breathing, and the left fantastics force shot on the tree demon, and the powerful power was once again hitting the green blood and four splashes, and the shape was more in the back. Fire off

Several branches of the tree demon can be rotated, which is like its arm, but this sensitivity is really low, and the branches try to match Zhao Yunxiang. I have been escapped out.

It seems to be inductive surrounding unusual strange fluctuations, Zhao Yunxiang is in the body of the tree demon, and the body is quickly blasted. After the blood of the tree demon, he has been breathed, and the blood of this monster contains. A practical role, I can't get into the illusion at this moment, and it will be sieved by these trees in one second.

"Hey! Hey ..."

The coherent sound came from behind, the trend of Zhao Yunxiang attacked the tree, which has been passed through many spikes, these are its similarity to attack Zhao Yunxiang, but this wooden thorn is attacking from the ground, this is also It is unavoidable to hurt the same kind.

The tree is too heavy, and the blood cave on the body at least dozens. When I instantly withered it, and Zhao Yunxiang did not breathe these smells.

"This group of nervous stuns, use this weakness, and it is not a good way to solve your good way!"

He quickly ran in another tree demon, during the travel route of Zhao Yunxiang, once again confused sharp wooden thorn, and more than his shoes were plugged, and it was going to finish. .

10 minutes later......

The four tree demon kneelted, they all died, except for the last accident, the rest of them were dead in their own companions, and finally Zhao Yunxiang hit the knife to harvest its life, not else to kill .

The last tree demon was a bit of life, and he was brought, killing, and Zhao Yunxiang's weapon weapon puncture, the power of Zuo Xuan is also strong, and a punch can go out. The trees are gone in a few meters.

Collected the blood of the tree demon, now he discovered that the blood of the tree demon is not all incense, but in a sublet of about 1 liter, the green blood is filled with a viode blood.

He has got three complete pouch, and the two of the two tree demon were severely damaged, and finally only the bottle was collected about half rises.

And Sam has continued, Zhang Debai seems to be arrested, it is estimated that returning to the tribe, hunting with the small friends, as for Xiao Yu, this mother's information is even bigger.

"Zhao Yunxiang .... This is not .. I beg you, don't be like this, don't ...!"

The little girl seems to have something that cannot be described, she is ashamed, the cheeks are red, and they are desperate to twist their body.

Zhao Yunxiang sprayed a sigh of water on the face of Sam and Zhang De Bai, and the goods also woke up, after a while, I was afraid, I was almost killed in my own illusion.

Xiao Yu, is sitting on the ground, back on the trunk, the small head is low, and it is going to drill into the deep awkward.

How to do?

How can I face him in the future?

Everything in the illusion, he should know?

Ah as shame! !

Xiao Yu squatting is sighful, and the body is quilt, she dares to look at Zhao Yunxiang because she doesn't have this courage.

"Continue to go!"

Zhao Yunxiang did not say more, now I can do it is to hurry, leave here.

Because the tree demon is too surprised!

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