With all the people who came to the black iron mine side, most of them were some of the fact ants. These big worms were busy, they fell in many giant residual limbs, most of them were giant Thousand insects.

It is far away from the ant nest, and you don't have to worry about the second-level soldier ants, you can give it to these ordinary people.

They can be described as two, which can supervise the group of betrayal mining, and can be upgraded.

They are three or five complexes, disperse distribution, and harvested the life of prehistoric ants, and Zhao Yunxiang is standing on the top 100 meters high.

He wanted to go to the mainland in all times, but unfortunately, the strength of the present is too weak, and he needs more members.

Because the base terrain is high, you can clearly see the blue sea, and the cracks on the sea reflects sparkling silver light under the sun irradiation.

During this time, I haven't discovered any cruise ships. Those fishermen have recently stopped, and they have never gone to get someone.

"Well? That is?"

Zhao Yunxiang suddenly discovered a different, with a large number of fisherman cavalry in the stunning woods, they were driving fast.


The cavalry is here, the huge rough trees are surprised a piece of small bird dragon.

"These guys must have a moment!" Zhao Yunxiang greeted Xiao Yu and two black people, followed behind these guys.

"Boss, I see a big burden on the mount of these fish people, and I am so careful, there is definitely something good, it is better to take it." Sam touched smooth chin, if I have something to do.

"I agree, these fishman cavalry kill a lot of our kinds, this team has a 20 fish people, killed them can not only get killing experience, but also get their baby, I want to buy It is definitely some of the blood. "Zhang Debai is also a face of financial fans.

I didn't find it before, this two black also had robber psychology. In the past, these two goods met the well-equipped equipment, and the number of fisherman cavalry was hiding hide to hide.

However, this time is affected by Zhao Yunxiang, the courage is big, and the character is also cruel. This is the redness of the near Zhu, near the ink.

"You can't move your mind, this fishman obviously has the differences you encountered in the past." Xiao Yuyou said, "Most of the fishman cavalry that I have encountered before, can make more movement Get a lot of movements. "

"Now this group of fish, sneaky, form is sure, definitely doing something very important, we can slowly follow them, see where these guys are going to go."

To be said, Xiao Yu is asked to stare at Zhao Yunxiang, smile, cute blinking seems to be waiting for the award.

"You know that the black and lollipops have smart than these two."

Zhao Yunxiang faintly looked down and continued to follow the fishman.

"Not ... Boss, we hob this, you said that you don't love women, don't like chrysanthemums, you will have more effort all day long." Zhang Dibai sent a stagnant and spread his hands.

"Shut up, dead base! Amazing fish, I killed you!"

Zhao Yunxiang stared at Zhang Dibai coldly, scared his back to cool, and he was explored by himself.

Without, the fishman cavalry came to a huge cave, this cave is extremely concealed, and there are many fish people hiding behind the tree.

"Ah!" I love search network

The strong and strong fishman headed with a few guards greeted, and then led a pair of cavalry to enter the depths of the cave.

"What is definitely there!"

Zhao Yunxiang decided to go in to find out, the fisherman level at the door is about 2, and they are different from those fish soldiers who have previously, and their weapons are two huge ax shields.

"These fish people are different from those we encounter, what special varieties are they?" Xiao Yu squatted with a small head and thoughtfully thoughtfully.

"Look at the equipment of the monster, this should be a kind of attack and defense, but the speed is very weak, and the speed of the ability is quickly sweeping with a few small fat piers," Xiaobai, you are responsible for whistling the cave. The guy knew it, try not to let the body fell. "

"Sam took me with me to kill the little pier, Xiao Yuzhen, you are ready to get out of your debut,"


Under the order, Zhang Dehu took the lead in shooting a fishman standing on a high place. This guy is a quite famous god hand in the African tribe, and the hit rate is naturally nothing.

The fisherman who whistled above the cave died, the following chubby piers were ignorant, and there was still a leisurely slammed the ax shield, until suddenly slammed, appearing in front of them.

"Ulara !!"

A small fat shoud shouts, waving huge ax shields, it is necessary to kill Zhao Yunxiang.


The black iron-level ax is not a toughness and sharpness of the green quality equipment, and it is a huge gap by Zhao Yunxiang's green long knife.

It seems that the strong and strong fat sakesman have also been flying out by Zhao Yunxiang, and it hits it in her companion.


Several fat fans who have been rushing up later have been hitting the sorrow, in the "their eyes, this is the biggest insult to them, only to seize the dedication to the big priest to disperse their hearts only hate" !

"Crack !! Fragmentation Blade !!"

Sam's speed is slower, he rushed up from behind, waving white hands sword in his hand, and the empty sword waved along the fat dong people from 2 meters away.

A large number of white sharp knife swings, fast, not into the fisherman's pile, although these small fat piers are wearing a lot of thick black armor, but there is no effect in front of these blade.


The blade cuts their body, and it has become bloody in an instant. There are several times to be cut directly to the key.

Sam's skill is a group attack of ignoring defense. The armored armor on these chubby piers is a strong equipment, but in front of this skill, it is no effect.

His attack angered the remaining sisters, they waved the ax when the ax was running towards Sam, and it seems to break it.


A cold light flashed, Zhao Yunxiang's figure quickly moved, and these fishermen's heads have dropped Qi Qi, protecting the armor of the neck and cut, this cut is smooth without burr.

"Go, go in and see!"

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