Living in the hotel, this is indeed, the bed is a hardwood board, only one layer of straw is above, this bed is not true, Zhao Yunxiang sleeps that "squeaky" sounds.

Meng Meng lived in Zhao Yunxiang next door, accurately said that Han Qianru and Zhao Yunxiang next door!

The two are fighting, it is clear that Han Qi is in the bottom of the wind!

Because the teacher of Han is screaming, with the kind of crying chamber.

"Ah, ah!" Meng Meng somewhat crazy, she appreciated girls were being dismissed at the moment, this sister could not stand it!

"I said, do you don't have a small point?" Meng Meng has no endurance, "What is the ghost in the middle of the night?"

However, the movement of the next door is still very big!

One waves!

A wave of waves over a wave!

Even, Han Millennaded called Dad!

"Zhao Yunxiang, you are a bastard!" Meng Meng showed a little love, whisper, "My thousands!!!"

Meng Meng this is not good, it is uncomfortable!

Xiao Yu is also unlucky, she lives next to the next door!

And there is a hole in the wall here, not only listening clearly, but also see Zhao Yunxiang Pentium.

"..." Xiao Yu is curled up in the corner, holding a knee, head indent the arm, then sowing.

This is a kind of suffering!

How much she wants that person is myself!

However, she can only listen to Zhao Yunxiang and others ... and their heartbreak.



Zhao Yunxiang got up, last night, gotting it is actually feeling some soreness, next to Han Qianlu is like a kitten, a fatigue.

On the wooden bed, there is a thick veterini, which is a big land lazy fur, because the hair is soft, and Zhao Yunxiang has always been around.

In the prehistoric world, the earth is too lazy, and they are all corners, they are the propagon of fruit.

The big lazy body is about 5 meters, which can do the forelimb and the trees, the hind limb stands, so you can play their strength advantage.

The key is in the body, not the height is because it is too easy to do, and it is usually the land!

Unexpectedly, this fur was really used in the past last night!

Han Qianlu's red pill is on the beast skin, bright and eye-catching!

"Are you awake?" Seeing Han Qianye opened his eyes, Zhao Yunxiang said softly.

My beloved people finally finished myself, and Zhao Yunxiang is relatively happy, quite sense of accomplishment.

"... um ... I .." Han Qi's words stopped, swallowing, it looks a little cute.

"Oh, I like you to swallow the vomiting, I am vague!" Zhao Yunxiang stunned the Liuye eyebrows, the latter slightly squinted, a look.


The Korean thousands of junior artists were ashamed, and she almost striped yesterday.

As for Zhao Yunxiang's use of tempered, this is not known!

"Get up quickly, let's go to eat!" Zhao Yunxiang said, "I consumed a lot of physical strength last night, I need to eat a lot!"

Zhao Yunxiang suddenly felt very hungry, it may have a relationship with the battle last night, or it may be because it is looking for Han Qianlu, the heart is very joy.

The so-called man is full of people!

"You ... You turn around, I want to wear clothes!" Han Millennolicious push Zhao Yunxiang, she is still a bit shy.

"The old wife is old wife, what are you shame?" Zhao Yunxiang's mouth pulled, showing a colorful smile, he laughed, "Come, I will help you!"

"Rao me!" Han Qianlu wanted to escape, but he accidentally involved a place.

Suddenly hurting!

"I suddenly thought of a joke!" Zhao Yunxiang said coldly.


Han Millennium is first, then shook his head, "" Don't listen, you are not good! " "

"Said, there is a woman take a bath in the lotus pool. There is a shrimp, the woman is suffering, and all the ways don't take the shrimps, I can only go to see the doctor."

Zhao Yunxiang sinks. "Do you know how doctic?"

"I don't know ..." Han Millennial expression is a little wonderful, this kind of thing is not possible to happen?

"Doctor said, don't take it out, I will give you a shrimp sauce!" Zhao Yunniang nodded, "said the joke."

"..." Han Millennium.

Hotel lobby!

Meng Meng is sitting on the table, facing the bacon of a table, Xiao Ni has no appetite.

"Big sister, how much to eat?" Liu Yang was very admired, this Xiao Ni saved all of them, at this moment, it is attentive.

"Don't eat, don't eat!" Meng Meng looked at the flesh of dry Barba, the fist was gripped, and the anger said.

"Ah ... Oh!" Liu Yang Si, and then said, "Just, it is too bad!"

This is super big, as long as it is good, you can become people!

Or, she will be fascinated with me!

That's right!

I am in my life, I have a proper protagonist.

When I arrive, I have to start behind!

This woman ...

" ... ..." Liu Yang made a disgusting laughter.

"You gave me!" Meng Meng said faintly.

"I just want to comfort you ..." Liu Yang did not solve, why didn't Meng Meng, oh! Is it so fast?

"Look at you, I am bother!" Meng Meng said, "Don't go, I will lose you!"

"..." Liu Yang can only leave it.

Failure, Liu Yang is very embarrassing, followed by this guy and is ridiculous by the black people of the two speech.

"Sam, do you know what is it called Failure?" Zhang Dehu sat on the table and asked the black cheeks.

"Isn't that one?" Sam referred to Liu Yang, who was slippeted.

"It seems that it is!" Zhang Debai's mouth, rushing to Liu Yang, "What does it feel?"

"You!" Liu Yangton felt that his face couldn't hang, and was provocated as it. Liu Yang dared to worry, after all, this two goods were the red people around Zhao Yunxiang, belonging to the heart!

"Hahaha ..."

"Liu Yang should not be shy. Let us help you share it, what happened?"

Many people followed the stupid, let Liu Yang's face have become difficult, just like a big manure.

"You!" Liu Yang's eyebrows were cold, but immediately, the momentum was still weak.


Laozi is the protagonist!

Waste and other waste actually insult me!

You will regret it!

Everyone is waiting for Zhao Yunxiang and Han Qi, not long, the two came out of the room.

At this moment, the Korean walking is very strange. It is basically a crab to walk, and her neck is full of strawberries. .

Seeing Han Qianlu, Meng Meng suddenly angered, a arrow rushed up, a punch to Zhao Yunxiang.

"Bastard, I want to kill you !!!"

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