There are a lot of things that have rain and rain, but now Zhao Yunxiang doesn't want to use palm leaves with Barberf, but want to use something else.

That is the reed!

You know, passing through the bamboo forest, there is a large reed near the water source, and it is not far from this side, and it will bring back N more reeds.

"I think, we can use the roof of the reed, the reed is hollow, not only keeps the insulation, bundle, the house, the house is also cool." Zhao Yunxiang refused, then analyzed.

"Hey ..." Han Qi fell into a moment, said, "It's like this, our tuna is in the sea, don't take it out, slice?"

"I have to take it out first." Zhao Yunxiang is very baby for the tuna, fear that the fish meat is deteriorated.

Although maltose can capture the sea at any time, this kind of fish will grab one less.

To say that the current fisheries, face a severe problem, as early as decades, fishermen can capture a lot of sea fish in the sea.

After dozent years, although fishermen pay attention to the fishing period, the offshore is almost can't catch fish.

It is not that fish is not playing near the sea, but, fish is decreasing ...

Scientists have been inferred, and in the past few decades, the number of fish in the sea of ​​sea will be suddenly reduced, and the fisherman can arrest.

The tuna in the sea has attracted a few small crabs, and those who don't die are still flying in the air, trying to breed future generations on this body.

Unfortunately, the tuna is bubble in the sea water and cannot be close.

The tuna is proposed, and there is obvious color difference by the cut fish fault, because it is bubbled by sea water for an hour, and the color of the fish is a bit white.

These are obviously unable!

"It seems that some are not fresh ..." Han Millennium is sophisticated, this fish will not deteriorate.

Although the elderly often say that the stinky fish is ate, but ... I always feel some worried.

Although the island is lacking, but it has not yet got to eat, everything is careful here.

If you accidentally eat toxic things, you will die in a short time, because this is not a civilized world, no doctor with the drug to help you resist the disease.

If you eat metamorphic food, it will also cause a stomach. In the city, you can pull it in the city, and a piratic acid may cure the diarrhea, what is not good here.

"Nothing!" Zhao Yunxiang opened the tuna's, "If you get a dead fish in the sea, if you are not sure you can eat, first smell the taste, it tastes it, it is fine, of course, this time you can also Look at the squid of the dead fish, if the is bright red, you can eat. "

Many people in the sea often encounter a dead fish in the sea. After all, nature is cruel. The survival environment of the fish is very bad. When the weather is very likely to be slammed by the waves, it is injured on the reef.

Of course, most of the big fish are killed by marine garbage.

If the dead fish I picked, the wishes are white or white, then this fish has been corrupted, try not to eat.

If there is no food, only the corrupted fish, take the meat as much as possible, the back is relatively far, the bacterial infection is small.

The most important thing is to do it again!

Zhao Yunxiang became very strong, and the tuna with a hundred pounds did not feel too hard.

In this way, the tuna is placed on a few banana leaves, which is a temporary dish.

First, first cut the tuna body on one side of the bubble, then discard.

Then, start with a cutting cutter.

A purple, tuna with a diagonal line texture, was cut by Zhao Yunxiang, and the purple fish is spent on white texture, and it is very good.

Han Qian fell to fish, bundled with bark, hanging on the beam of the house frame.

Not long, a hundred pounds of tuna were cut into many strips, and the long fish is a fire.

In order to reduce the fire, the smoke is increased, the two will drop the bamboo leaves that cut off the bamboo poles and throw the bamboo branch into the fire.

Because the bamboo leaves are moist, it is not easy to ignite, the flame is slowly swallowing bamboo leaves, and the heat is evaporated, so a large amount of smoke is formed.

These smoke rise up and smoked tuna on the top.

The original fans of the smell are above the fish, but when the smoke is raised, they will escape.

Smoking will slowly remove the meat of the tuna, thus gives it a touch of fire.

The framework of this house is firm because it is a loop-ring that is connected to the connection.

To know, the carpenter craftsmanship of the Huaxia is very superb, you can use wood to make an apple, then you can split the apple into many pieces of wood.

The frame is there, and the difference between the three-story sea view room is still super big.

It is already afternoon, the sun, the sun, the whole sky is dyed.

Taking advantage of it is still black, two have accelerated action, try to do the roof in a short time.

Of course, I have to try to do a few walls. After all, this bamboo frame is too simple. If it is raining, the two can't help.

With many vines, add a tree bark, add some firewood to the fire, so that it is not extinguished while smoke.

In this way, the two moved toward the bamboo forest!

There are some muds in the forest that have just got down, often slipping on the slope.

At this time, you need a spear, there are spears that can support the ground and slowly move.

Bamboo forest is somewhat big, except for bamboo, there is a mixture of other plants, most of which are tropical plants, characterized by large blades.

For unknown plants, Zhao Yunxiang is always incomprehensible, because some plants have chemical weapons in a long evolution!

A plant in front looks very familiar, and the true eyes get its properties.

Drip water Guanyin, which contains, purifies the air.

Tannins content: 14%

Water content: 25%

Other toxins content: 47%


In addition to this, celery was found, which also has a poisonous plant.

Fortunately, I have true eyes, otherwise it is easy to collect toxic things!

When I saw this data, Zhao Yunxiang suddenly became awkward, and I was afraid after a while.

The celery just now, Zhao Yunxiang really disadvantled out to bring it back to the cooking.

This kind of thing can be poisoned!

Of course, in addition to containing the poisonous plants, there are other non-toxic things!

For example, in front of you, these plants are also common in rural areas.

When I was, my grandfather also cooked Zhao Yunxiang, which is a very common medicinal material.

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