"Of course I know!" Zhao Yunxiang said very confident.

That's right!

Just now, when he used the true eyes, he gave birth to the attribute of the magic sword, and also known that the black rune of the magic sword came to lock the target, and gave contact with the magic sword.

That is the breath!

Bubble shield This kind of chicken ribs generally can't do how much defense, but it can cover your own breath.

Just now, Zhao Yunxiang first applied a bubble shield, giving his own shield before all black runes attacked.

Then, then give these black rune suits!

In this way, Zhao Yunxiang is in the weak bubble shield with the black runes of the sky.

It is the ultra-thin shield that blocks the magic sword and the black rune!

It is the ultra-thin silk shield, covering Zhao Yunxiang's breath, let the rune can't lock him!

"You lie to me !!" Alsa crashed to despair, his own weapon has been used for so long, actually being easily crackdronically.

To know that Alsa is an attempt to subvert to the stuff!

Now I want to be realized, it is actually ruthlessly killed like this!

He is not willing! !

Not willing! ! ! !

"Then let you see it!" Zhao Yunxiang waved his right hand, cut the bubble shield with a long knife, and then rushed to Alsa.

"Black Murt !!" Alhazawa looked at Zhao Yunxiang, and suddenly lifted a black big sword, and called a black rune again.

These black runes are included with an ancient god of God, and they can't call too much once, and Alhazo has been overloaded in order to win in order to win.

The magic sword at this moment, I didn't have a half-point resonance!

"How can I ??" Alsawi collapsed at the moment, he has always been relying on this magic sword!

I am going to make yourself, but also by the magic sword.

However, the magic sword at this moment has no hierarchy with him, and even there is no half-point help.

Not only that, the black rune of the Magic Sword also has a fatal harm to him!

Those runes have already turned their spells, and they are deeply branded above his body, and the soul is deep!

At this moment, the Alsawus has been eaten too much, but it is unaware!

"There is something to tell you!" Zhao Yunxiang came to Alhazawa and his long knife, and cut his wrist.


The right hand that only holds the magic sword is cut off from the wrist part, so falling on the ground.

The huge heavy sword swinds a lot of dust.

"Magic Sword"! "

After the magic sword dropped from his hand, Alsawi finally learned his situation, his broken arm became dry, and he couldn't see a slightly blood.

The flowing thing is black, but it is not a blood, but a black rune.

These runes are different from the runes used by the attack, but some are very strange things.

"Don't hurt ??"

Alhazo has not heard what Zhao Yunxiang said, but he looked at his broken arm. His wrist was cut, and he didn't feel a bit of pain.

and! !

He also felt that these black runes have become part of their own body!


These runes can be used by themselves! !

"Hahahaha ..." Alsawi tried to manipulate runes, turning instantly, and runes also have responded.

The original broken arm returned to his arm under the connection of the rune.

Going back together, there is also the black big sword!

"Kid!" Alsawus saw the big sword once again returned to his hand, suddenly grinned. Doctoral

The mentality of the original collapse is all disappeared with the spirit, and it is extremely confident and arrogant!

"Kid, tell me now!" Alhaza is cruel, "How do you want to die?"

Alhazawus only knows that the big sword is coming, but I don't know if my original dry body has done some.

"The master, the black robe seems to be more thin ..." Li Dazhuang squinted his eyes and said.

Zhang Wei, who was standing before Li Dazhuang, "I have never seen such a strange ability!"

As an aristocratic circle, Zhang Wei said that he has seen a wide range of knowledge, as long as there is something in this world, he can speak.

Even if you don't know, you can also speech, which depends mainly on his thick face and Du!

Once upon a time, Zhang Wei's ideals became a writer!

It is the kind of writer with an illustration!

Unfortunately, he has promoted the leader in the nobles, and the strength does not allow him to become a writer who is inactive, can only be a big!

"Yeah ..." Li Dazhuang looked at Zhao Yunxiang, as well as the still black rune not far away.

Those runes are like a dead!

"This person is absolutely can't sin!" Zhang Wei said with a goat beard. "I am still just a beggar, I haven't guilty!"

Fortunately, the old man is wisdom!

The unlucky Sun Jie can be troublesome!

It turns out to kill people!

People are awaken, and there is a team of awakening ...

After the trouble before you solved, I see how you grandson!

Mom! ! !

When I remembered Sun Jie, Zhang Wei felt that my heart was very uncomfortable, I was so uncomfortable!

Fortunately, this is not long-awache, it's not necessarily, it is still not necessarily!

That is to say, in the noble circle, Sun Jie's forces can be swallowed! !

I am ...

This is better than a few times!

"You this kid !!"

Alhazawi is anger again. He also rushed toward Zhao Yunxiang. He knew that the black can't hurt Zhao Yunxiang, and the black and his body hurt too much.

If you continue to transfer the black oxide, you will estimate yourself!

Alhazawi has always thought that it is only the ability to consume itself, but it is not known that the cost of manipulating the black oxel is vital.


The magic sword with Zhao Yunxiang's long knife is cut with a lot of sparks.

Although the Magic Sword cannot use a black attack, this level of weapon is not the place where Zhao Yunxiang's ordinary long knife can be blocked.

After all, this big iron can be sealed with an ancient god!

For the ancient gods, this weapon must be made, even if you don't have to use it!

In the next second, Zhao Yunxiang rushed up and launched a series of attacks!




"Collapse Mountain!"

"Millennium kill !!"

The use of a variety of skills, the beginning of Alhazawi is still very familiar, but after receiving a few tricks, the physical strength of Alsha is not supported.

"Your kid ... What did you use?" Alhaza feels back pain, the big sword whose hands hold.

"Magic Sword, you don't know?"

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