The first to come here, Zhao Yunxiang feels that this moment is absolutely not in China!

Do not!

Even on the earth!

Because the architectural style here is different from each place above the earth, although Zhao Yunxiang has not abroad a few times, he is a certain understanding of the architectural style of most regions.

Seeing these buildings, he is very strange!

That's right!

The building here is similar to the ants of ants 1

The material of the building is similar to Tao-like, it looks very weird. The whole vision is a piece of earth yellow, including the special road on the ground!

"Noble circle ... but so ..." Zhao Yunxiang shook his head, singlely looked at the architectural style of the noble circle and learned about the degree of civilization here.

The building here is just some of the slums, and some don't even have the construction practicality of the noble circle.

"Hey!" A road man heard the words of Zhao Yunxiang, suddenly inserted into the waist, "Where is the people who come to evaluate the noble circle and guard? How to put this group of guys?"

A fat woman, at this moment, it is a fur coat with a beast. The coat is very rough. The linen line is clear and visible, and the coat made of the coat is not perfect, some of which are uniform, wearing a woman It is very weird.

"These people, they are afraid to have some disease!" The fat middle-aged woman screamed, trying to attract more people.


Many nobles came up, and their eyes couldn't see other looks, only endless ridicule and contempt.

This group of people can bullivate others because of the differences in clothing.

They seem to be determined, this group of people are poor.

"I hate this feeling!" Wang pomegranate looked at this group of people, "They reminded me of the nobles who stressed the water!"

Hundreds of years has passed, the level system is still not changed, but it will be vigorous!

Previously, the poor can live with the nobles, although there is a contempt, it is not serious.

However, the Rating system of Norton Fortress is obviously more serious than water transport.

Because the poor here can only stay in slums, if there is in the noble circle, will only be crowded.

"Leave here, the people, the noble circle is not you can enter!"

"Scorpio! You see them, those black people are not carrying viruses, how is this?"

"There is also the green creature, it is terrible! What is it?"

"These different sages, you should die! Let's go together, grab them to burn these guys."

The aristocrats around, there is no whit noble style, just like a villain, and ridiculous to Zhao Yunxiang and others.

"Little white, I want to kill them!" Sam looked at more than a few people around, and the faces of these nobles were angry and killing.

They have even spit water, lose their loaf leaves.

"I am also!" Zhang De Bai is also ancient anger, he just wants these people to slaughter!

Anger is very terrible, because he will swallow your reason, will let you not take care of everything.

Although I know that I am not alive, it will make some incredible things once it is angry.

It is like a man who is hacked by a green man ...

"So many years have passed, these people are still like this, it is also a person, why do you have to make this kind of thing?" Wang pomegranate sighed.

"This is the same root, how is the diarries?" Zhao Yunxiang snorted, "I know now, why did you subvert the water to save?"

Because it is not male!

Once the order is formed, it is difficult to change. If you want to change, you have to mess up all this!

"Boss, we don't do one?" Zhang De Bai slammed into Zhao Yunxiang.

"No need to!"

Zhao Yunxiang snorted, "I will solve it!"

Zhao Yunxiang's hand, took out a dark giant sword from the storage bracelet.

This is the sword is the magic sword!

The magic sword has been in these days, and it has been familiar with Zhao Yunxiang!

The ancient gods in the magic sword, can be used, and Zhao Yunxiang can also control it very little place.

"A spree people actually have a storage bracelet !!" A noble saw Zhao Yunxiang's big sword, suddenly understood, this person has a storage bracelet!

Moreover, this bracelet looks like it is also very valuable, and the big sword is worth money!

If you can grab it!

That ...

"This sword is what I saw first, and it should be me!"

"What jokes, what you see first? I have to take the lead!"

"Sale people, my brother is the guard team's class, and I have to give me the big sword with my bracelet, or I will tell me to go!"

"Cut! Cook, my dad is the guard team!"

"My dad is also!"

"My father can be!"

Wang pomegranate looked at these noble faces, they first shocked, now it is coveted.

Because Zhao Yunxiang took out the big sword, there is gold's storage amount bracelet!

"It's really no change, these humans are still such greed!"

Wang Shi is smiled, "I hope that the order can be broken, everyone is equal ..."

"It's impossible ..." Zhao Yunxiang said, "You have to know that people with people are bigger than people, there is no life, there is no one in the cold, there is less than half of the warmth, some people can't even see light ...... "


How can it be equal?

"The big sword is mine !!"

"It is what I saw first, it is mine, it is mine!"

The aristocrats don't have a hived gentleman's style at the moment, just like a group of hungry for a long time, rushing toward Zhao Yunxiang.

They just want to get the big sword with bracelet!

"Lao Zhao, are you still not thick?" Meng Meng urged, if Zhao Yunxiang still didn't shoot, she would take these people away!

She is the most like to be an enemy, because the little girl is not belonging to the world!

Her flame can burn everything!


Zhao Yunxiang's wrist is shaking, the magic sword in the hand is a big black breath, and those are some black runes.

These runes are no longer riot, but is very regular.

Then, a pounding prestige rose the aristocrats from the encirclement.


These people feel that the world has to collapse, as if they can't control their bodies, they are all pressed to the ground.

"Damn ... I ..."

A noble language wants to attack Zhao Yunxiang with a vicious language, because, feel that this terrible pressure is from Zhao Yunxiang's hands in the hand.

However, it is a pity that the language is blocked, and his pressed face will breathe.

Many people are on the ground, but one person stands in the original place. He rushed straight to Zhao Yunxiang.

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