
Dou Messed eyebrows, he also didn't understand, why would his swords disappear?

"Is it a big ?" Zhao Yunxiang did not understand, just sinus to cut out the arrow, he obviously felt the violent energy!

This energy can be described as a shocking ghost, very cattle.

However, it is such a violent energy, but the stone red that is ready to get into the big oysters disappeared!

Such a thorough, disappearing, no trace!

It makes people feel that the swords will follow the same.

However, in the next second, the familiar violent energy appeared again, and the sword gas also appeared.

It's just that the sword is not flying towards the big scorpion, but it is fast to fly in Zhao Yunxiang.

" !!!"

Dou is scared by his own sword!

The release of the sword is not, but it can still come back!

What is Nima?

"Rebound !!"

Wang Quan is thinking, he shouted, "swallowed, rebound !!"

"What do you mean?" Dou is busy again to cut out a sword again, and another sword is generated.

The two swords collided with each other, and there was a strong impact wave, and while the shock wave appeared, the snow of the sky was distorted.

But very fast, the shock wave disappears, leaving only the two deep swords in the ground, and the deep pit of the swords will collide with each other.

"It's the ability to swallow the rebound!" Wang pomegranate is a king of hundreds of years.

Just watching the number of sinus attacks, I knew that the ability of the big oysters was to swallow their plus.

The big oysters can swallow the sword and then return it.

"How did this Nima be played?" Zhao Yunxiang suddenly made a difficult, recalling what Just now said, he feels that the king is right!

The sword of the sword who just pressed the sinus was not suddenly disappeared, but was swallowed by a large oyster, and after the guy was swallowed, it returned back.

It is also good enough to force the reaction, high, otherwise, will definitely be destroyed by the sword!

"I want to say, this mountain hole seems to be connected to some places, we are not as good as walking along the cave, can there be a way out?" Han Qi returned to hand with a silk scarf, silk towel true? " Slow from her hand.

The silk scarf is moving, although the diamond is small, but it still can't stop the eyes.

This silk scarf is indeed dying!

The welding tongs reminded everyone, since the big oysters outside are not willing to leave, and because it is difficult for harsh weather, it is difficult to stand firm.

The battle station is unstable, how do you fight?

Moreover, the ability of this big cockroach is to swallow the rebound, as long as it does not exceed it, it can bounce with a hundred percent of the harm on the body.

This Nima is got!

Moreover, these large classes are obviously refused to leave this side, and it seems to be special to dear Zhao Yunxiang and others!

These guys are probably only one for this purpose!

That is hindering!

Holding them to go to the future!

In other words, the big happens is who is life!

It may always be controlled, and even the whereabouts of several people are in the control of the person.

So now, it is not from here, but it will continue to drive along the cave and see if there is any way.

"I think the law must be destroyed!" Zhao Yunxiang secretly swear, must destroy the case, or will definitely go passive.

"I agree!" Dou is also raised his hand, he said, "I have to see who is here!"

He is very familiar with the power of Qing Dao, may be unable to attack the energetic, but special viscous people, and very popular.

There is no other way, Zhao Yunxiang see these large characters from the first eye, I feel that they are not ordinary roles, definitely that special cattle.

I don't know why, it may be that since I am awakened the blood of the blood, Zhao Yunxiang is getting stronger and more powerful for dangerous things.

Just see those big cockroaches, you can induce these guys are very cattle, they are not ordinary goods.

In this way, Zhao Yunxiang will take Han Qianfei, and even the test is not intended!

Just kidding, cavocation, can also rebound back the creatures, who can get it?

Moreover, look at the sini to avoid these big oysters, Zhao Yunxiang knows that they are not simple!

Stepping in the cave, the visibility here is very low, Zhao Yunxiang simply took out a large piece of fluoride to act as a lighting tool.

Because the mobile phone is out of power, the flashlight cannot be used. For this, Zhao Yunxiang regrets why I don't buy which mobile phone.


I shouldn't be too cheap that the mobile phone is inexpensive, I bought a piece of precious!

The expensive mobile phone can't use solar power storage, and that is cheap!

Although the new energy mobile phone is difficult to look, it is a new energy charging, even if there is no power supply, it can still be stored.

Just take a sun to the sun!

"The shiny stone is awesome!" Wang pomegranate looked at Zhao Yunxiang's fluorite from his hand.

The lighting ability of the fluorite can be calculated, and things within 4 meters of the square can be scattered.

"That is of course!" Zhao Yunxiang is very embarrassed to hold the fluor in his hand. This fluorite is exploiting from the ore, regardless of a rare metal accompanying stone.

It is possible to make a touch of fluorescence in the night, and the energy supplemental fluorescence is also the sun!

Generally speaking, the fluorite is shining all because you can absorb rays!

Like plant, plants discharge oxygen, because it will discharge carbon dioxide at night, inhale oxygen.

Waiting for the daylight to discharge oxygen, inhale carbon dioxide!

"Such fluorite can be uncomfortable, brightness is very bright!" Dou is also very satisfied with Zhao Yunxiang's fluor, after all, this glowing stone is quite easy in the dark space.

"Yeah ..." Zhao Yunxiang nodded.

Not long after got, no one opened, Zhao Yunxiang simply asked metered.

"Are you very familiar with these big oysters?"

Due to the sinus, "is very familiar, what I am not familiar with this kind of cleavage, but it is like a big oyster, but it is not a creature!"

"Oh?" Zhao Yunxiang asked very confused, "These are not big?"

"How can it be a big oyster?" Dou Medes shook his head, sighed, "Qing Daofu is just like a big lady, they are very good looking ..."

For a time, sinus can't find a suitable language to describe the big oysters.


Wang Pomegranate said a word.

It's tight, and Han Millena seems to have induced what, pointed to the front, "Quickly, there is a bright!"

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