"Oh, how cute little wolf dog, let you take me with me?"

I didn't see people, but I heard the voice of people. After a few badly wolves thought that after they were opposed, they found that their eyes were, they were confused and helpless.

The situation is not right!


Three heads of the eyes were not right, they immediately fled, but unfortunately, they were later.


After three, the three-headed eye wolf is all shot, and it is revealed that a black people are revealed.


Seeing the old shadow, and his pungent smell, the ,,,,, , , ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,

More than ten minutes later ...

The three-headed eyes of the wolf are deeply squatting on the ground, they are completely crying, and a red blood is flowing in a red eye.

"The tears of the ......................... . ..

The creature of the wolf is proud. It is generally not crying, even if it is, I don't cry.

But this time ... They cry all down.

Whenever they want to run, the black figure always rushes to come over.

that's it……

After being abused for dozens of nine, the ... ...

"Hey, good harvest!" Zhao Yunxiang took the head of the eye, gentle, "Little Baby, wronged you, I will come to you next time."

" ..."

After that, after the eyes of the eyes, it is more embarrassed, but this time is not a bloody, but tears.

The ever-eyed magic wolf is crying for the first time, and it is bloody, crying, there is no bloody.

"Well, the production of metamorphosis version of the quenching material is all prepared." Zhao Yunxiang read the alchemist guide, knowing some of the pharmacology of this world, according to what he understood, he has an innovative version of quenching Ling liquid.

In general, this spiritual solution is a bit overbearing, it will be quenched, the quenching process is unheastered, so it is necessary to make the drug solution quickly by the body.

"Seven Star Grass, Pharmaceuticals, Also White, Mountain Long Youth, Hey, Wolf, Tears, Distilled Ling Wine ..." Zhao Yunxiang once again, and felt feasible.

Then it is made of quenching liquid, before making quenching liquid, he has found the goal, that is a very violent bear!

Yes, this bear is equivalent to the small boos here, and after drinking the quenching spirit, Zhao Yunxiang can grasp the battle with this big war army to the dawn.

Make the metamorphosis version of the quenching liquid in accordance with the proportion, Zhao Yunxiang took a deep breath, and then drunk a brain.

"Hey ... The taste is sweet, like a cool!" For air a second, Zhao Yunxiang is still delicious, next second, he is completely cool!



Because the drug is too metamorphosis, it is not that he can afford him.


The green gluten in the flesh is causing, and a powerful force collides in the limbs. He feels that this overbearing power is coming to explode.

"Lying in the trough!" Zhao Yunxiang dared to die, there is a reason, because there is a life agents.

The new life agents are very special, and it contains a rich vitality. When you fight with the eye wolf, the fist is grinded by the teeth of the vague wolf. Even the blood did not flow, and the moment was restored.

He thinks that even if he is dying, life agents will protect themselves.

"Dear, do you really want to look at my explosion?" Zhao Yunxiang pressed on the trunk, kneaded with his hand, and the trunk was crushed.

However, after the drug is filled, the body is still crashing, and the drug effect of life agents is still not moving.

"Hey, hey!"

The quenching is still continuing. Zhao Yunxiang feels that the overbearing momentum has begun to quench the bones.

"You are really overbearing!" Zhao Yunxiang can't do anything else, simply jumping from the tree, and going toward the huge bear's residence.


The small BOSS of the earth war, almost no natural enemy, in addition to eating honey every day, is chasing the low-level beast, the days are very happy.

As for humans, they generally don't dare to come here, how to say it is also a big war, power is very big.

However, today is a bit different, the big war bear is far away from a slightly pungent taste.

This taste is very special, with a super sense of smell, that is, there is a flavor of cloves.

The earth war bear is still not getting rid of the feature of the bear, the sense of smell is super, the hearing is not bad, only this vision ...

In short, it heard the footsteps, the nose is more smelling the human smell.

General Beasts, as long as they are heard or asked, either attack, either run away, will not be like this bear, double foot, bear's palm is put on the eyes, and a strong look.

After that, it looks clear, it is a ...

Very big fist, probably have a casserole!

Then, "Hey!", The earth war bears were taken out.

This hit is hurting, it flew down 3 meters, and then he was on the ground.

"Calling!" Zhao Yunxiang is heavy, muttered in his mouth, "Shuan, Shu Tan, there is no more fun than the bears in this world, come, bear big!"

"..." China War Bear.

Lying in the trough, it hurts!

This human beings ... I have reminded me of the feeling of pain, very good, very good!

I will let you feel what is the power of the bear!

The big land of the United States got up and got a swollen right eye and then slammed a charge.

"Hey! Tong!"

The earth war bear and Zhao Yunxiang confessed together, and one person is unknown.

After a punch fled, Zhao Yunxiang had a weak aura fluctuation. This fluctuation is like a shock wave, diffuses around.

"Hey !!" The earth war is surprised, he is so powerful? ?

Lying in the trough?

This man is nothing to force, it seems to be a butter fish!

Ah, harmonious fish, being dead!

The majesty of the big territorial bear can be trampled!

Just pass this whole night ...

The sky is about to brightened, and the East's horizon has appeared on a shining, and this shining is received by many beasts, and all began to hide.

The night is a beast, and it is better during the day or hiding.

However, there is also a shine, such as bats, and big land bears that are being made into a panda eye.

"Hey ... ... ..."

After a whole night, the big war bear has been hit, and Zhao Yunxiang is sitting in the big land bears, the body's clothes are basically crushing.

Last night, their battles were very intense. Zhao Yunxiang has been flying many times. It is good to have a life medicine. Otherwise, I have already died.

"The quenching is over ..." Zhao Yunxiang took the head of the big land, "I will come tomorrow, I will come, this is reward you."

Leave a bottle of little medicine, Zhao Yunxiang disappeared, he needs to leave, because now Zhao Yunxiang, the same is basically the same.

This medicine was named Zhao Yunxiang, drunken dreams!

"Hey ..." The big land war is struggling to climb up, slowly swallowing the bottle of drunken dreams, then sniffing.

Good fragrance! !

Is this the taste?

A touch of rice flowers ...

A bottle of wine, the foundation of the big battle, the foundation of the bear, even breaking! !

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