Li Yunqing, just rushed home from the Zongmen of learning, just passing this place, far from this side of the flying, there is a world of heavens.

So I plan to come over and see it. As a result, I saw that there was a black teenager who was taking the violent heaven and earth.

And see this boy is still handsome, it is to repair the low, only the initial passage of the spirit.

"Hey, villagers, hurry to open, let this less!" Head of Li Yunqing, who is wearing white, is proud of his face, and there is no look at Zhao Yunxiang.

This small place in Tanxi Town is some butterfly, and it is really impossible to compare with our Qinghe City.

"I am sorry, this way is forbidden!" Zhao Yunxiang slowly opened his eyes, said, "said, there is no good look inside."

"If I have to go in?" Li Yunqing smiled, he felt that this guy was very fun, don't you know that your home is better than him?

As the Lishi Lord of Qinghe City, but also very lucky to be selected by Tianmen, Li Yunqing is very proud.

"Then I can only fly!" Zhao Yunxiang got up, he was this, there were not many words, it is always that there are a few words.

"How to fly?" Li Yunqing smiled, "You are really a big tone, you have to know, I am the late period ..."


Li Yunqing said that he saw Zhao Yunxiang rushed over. His handsome face was somewhat dissatisfied, and the people in small places were no polite, and they didn't finish it.

Li Yunqing wanted to pull the sword, but thought that the other party was only the first forety in the spiritual world, soon, it quickly dismissed the idea of ​​the sword.

That is, he didn't pull the sword. If you pulled it, there is no refined iron sword to fight against damage.



A scream, Li Yunqing was flying, flying in the air, the huge impact of his blood was swaying, and the Zhang mouth spit out a blood.

"How?" Li Yunqing hoarse, unbelievable look at the distance, "What did the strange teenager do?"


"My Sword, my sword !!"

A palm will be found in the essence of the essence. Is this a general psychic?


Until the next morning, Thunding beast finally digested the thunder.

"You eat this, can you become smaller?" Zhao Yunxiang looked at the Lei Lee beasts on the ground, and suddenly became a little bit of a big big mouse, it really did not adapt.

Of course, the main thing is that Zhao Yunxiang wants to ride a big mouse!

"Didn't find that the beast is small after a small, is it small?" Thunder beasts smashed his mouse face.

"According to the size ratio, there is no change ..." Zhao Yunxiang helpless.

After getting bigger, you can swallow the head and be smaller, you can plug down a rock orange.

Going home with a pet, the early Ye River in the morning is drinking tea, seeing Zhao Yunxiang and ran quickly.

"Hey, my son is coming back!"


"It's good last night."


"How is Han Xue Tong's body?"

"That's that!" Zhao Yunxiang turned over the eyes, more believed that the dozens of drawings under his bed were not buying itself.

"Hey, what is your eyes?" Ye River said is rude, "" What did you do in the secret, I know what I know, I said that your child is a child who is not more than people, He wants to get the disease, but you ... "

"I really hurt the top of Korea, you almost didn't kiss the Han Jia Miss."

Ye River is more angry, "When I just met your mother, I didn't help but she."

"You don't know, last night, the mother poisoned, almost eaten me!" Zhao Yunxiang said, "said, I have a belong to my heart, no one can't stand, this marriage, I oppose."

That's right, let him accommodate Han Xue, directly impossible, his heart is only the wife on the earth.

"Opposing ineffective, since ancient times, it has been the words of parents' distinguish, and then said, Han Jia Xiao girl is excellent!" Ye River said, "I want to cancel the marriage, only one way, unless you can fight Han Ton."

Of course, this is only who said that the Yehe Tian said, just want Zhao Yunxiang to refund, who knows this freight is true.

"This is really a good way!" Zhao Yunxiang took his wife and thought for the old father.

It is worthy of the color embryo that is a painted book!

"Hey ... I just talk about it, you won't really want?" Ye River asked.

"Thank you, my father, my son has retired!" Zhao Yunxiang is ready to reiterate, sleep back.

In his residential, Wang Wu is cutting iron!

The fine iron block embedded on the column is full of scratches, and some scratches have been 0.3 cm, and the bronze sword throwing on the ground is a lot.

"Master, you are back?" Wang Wu saw Zhao Yunxiang, and immediately excitedly and got an attentive.

"Well, practice hard, sleep for the teacher."

Zhao Yunxiang went to sleep, and the yellow hamsome brought back was playing in the yard.

Ye House has a cat, this is originally a Warcraft, but after years of domestication, it has become a pet.

Although it is a pet, the world's cat is still attacked, and it is very cruel to the rat.

"?" A fat big flower cat saw the little hamster, the mouse, but the most loved, hamster is no exception.

Send the gourmet food, if it refuses, it will not be too much.

"Silly Cat, before you are not angry, you'd better leave my sight!" The hamster glared at the dark eyes of black paint, looked at the bodies, prepared to attack the big cat.

"!!" The flower cat is very shocked, but it is still a journey, fluttering it.

The mouth of the mouth is not very common!

I ate it ... I will say something!

Talking cats will definitely be kneelted by the owners!

"Meow meow!"

The cat is getting more exciting, and a arrow is coming to the hamster, it is preparing to open its bloodshot.


A stronger came, the flower cat immediately squatted on the ground, and the hamster turned the tail of the flower cat walked toward the little alley.

"Today, this beast is giving you a lesson!"

As a result, it is also the brick and a stick, and the flower cat is completely crazy ...


Was this day!

Like the day, Li Haichuan is planning to go to the Treasure Pavilion to buy a spirit, this is his daily licking dog.

Just then, a teenager pulled him, "Li Haichuan!"

"Hey? Less Lord?" Li Haichuan was shocked, "Leight, what's wrong with you? How is it hurt?"

"Cough ..." Li Yunqing has some weak cough, "the night before, I found that Lei Mingshan on the sky, seems to have a treasure, I want to see, the result is hurt!"

"Who dares to hurt you?" Asked Li Haichuan.

"I don't know, I only know that the boy is in the early days of the spirit ..." Li Yunqing felt that it was too shameful to be hidden by the spiritual situation, then covering it, "It is what he makes the fraud, I will not be enemy!"

"Leight, this hatred must be reported!" Li Haichuan said, "Do you know what his name is?"

"I don't know ..." Li Yunqing shook his head, and then saw a young woman wearing black clothes and walked into the Treasure Pavilion, and then said, "It is him, it is him!"

After Li Haichuan looked at it, asked again, "Leight, you are not wrong?"

"Thousands of true!" Li Yunqing nodded very well, then rushed on the lazy teenager on the side, "The slag on the side, can you still recognize Laozi?"

"Well?" Zhao Yunxiang, is preparing to enter the store, and then asked, "Which?"

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