"Who is this person?" A unconscious passers-by staring at the head of the tamper, through these onlookers, he couldn't see the face.

"I don't know, it seems to fall from the sky!"

Another onlookers said, "I think 80% is lost from the sky!"

"Wah, this is the big master of our Zhao's family, Zhao's no!"

"This product is Zhao's no. I am lie, I remember Zhao's unhappy!"

It turns out that this guy is Zhao's no, he has been smashed, and Zhao Yunxiang has just hit his chest, which has caused the chest depression.

He feels that his lung leaves are broken, the throat is uncontrolled, and a bunch of blood red visceral pieces are vomiting from the mouth.


A blood is again spit again. At this moment, Zhao has not feels that he wants to die!

That guy ...

Is it human or World of Warcraft?

How to have such a strong power, this fist, almost didn't break yourself.

No wonder Li Miss made himself low, this seems to be a guys, it is really can't afford!

Now, Zhao has no regrets, if you can change it, he vowes you will not provoke this comet!

However, now it seems that it is useless, because you are going to die!

"Teacher ..." Li Yunqing pushed the crowd, standing in Zhao's no-to-face, his expression was very bitter, he sighed, "Brother, as the same door is being bullied, I should shoot, but you also know, this Level of people, I am only increasing pain, so ... "

"Nima!" Zhao's mouth smoked, hate, can't kick Li Yunqing, a guy.

"Why don't you pull me?" Zhao did not feel that his vitality is losing, in this way, he will die, but the demeanor and the defects in the family seem to inhibit this deadly internal injury!

Yes, it is internal injuries, Zhao Yunxiang's punch seems to be fluttered, but it is scrapped, and the internal organs are broken.

"I can't set it out!" Li Yunqing is very speechless. How do I stop you? I can't stop you!

You are dying like this, who?

Not all because of your arrogant smell?

"Say to my father, let him help me with revenge!" Zhao did not extend his hand, wrote a dozen big wings on the ground! "

In this way, Zhao Wu quietly waited for death, he used to be a proud of heaven!

But what you think is that it will fall like this!

The noisy crowd broke the bustling, and the voice was more stacked.

"The genius Zhao is not in this way?"

"Just joke, are you sure that people play?"

"How to see it is more like Warcraft and play!"

"I don't know what Zhao's house owner knows how will it be?"

"That is also asking, of course, it is rushing to dry, after all, my most pet son is made into this way."

Zhao Yunxiang passed through the crowd, quietly stood in Zhao's no-heel.

The sacred jade looked at the miserable Zhao, the heart is very sympathy, his blasting is being destroyed by this comet!

And it is very complete!

"You are waiting for me, waiting for my father's anger !!" Zhao's unfortunately stretched out his fingers and pointed to Zhao Yunxiang.

"Well!" Zhao Yunxiang nodded. "Although everyone is surnamed Zhao, but you don't have authentic, even with gangsters robbing me, how do your adults teach you?"

"I ..." Zhao did not speak very speechless, only feeling a throat, and a reverse blood sprayed out, he trembled out of his right hand, pointed to Zhao Yunxiang, "You can't come, you can't help this time. And when the street shot! "

"It's not too!" Zhao Yunxiang heard, even shook his head, "First, this is not a gang!"

The supreme jade next to it is very surprised, I am not a gangster?

Is your father?

"Hey!" Zhao did not scream, his mouth is a strong dismissive, "he is a big family of the wind, name is the supreme jade, that is, I am grabbing your things, now you follow I am not a gangster? How do you take me as a fool? "

"You are also right, nor!" Zhao Yunxiang nodded, expressed his attention to Zhao's opinion, but immediately shook his head, felt that his view was not completely correct!

"What did Zhao brother come out?" Li Yunqing asked, he felt that Zhao Yunxiang can become a big event after this arrogance, this is a good born!

I heard Li Yunqing, Zhao Yunxiang doubts in a doubtful expression in this youth.

It seems to be said, what is your special?

Do I know you?

"Hey ..." Li Yunqing was seen very embarrassing, seeing Zhao Yunxiang's eyes, this guy seems to have not knowing himself!

This is getting ...

"You forgot, on the periphery of Thunder Mountain, we will encounter ..." Li Yunqing's scene in the scene is still in the eye.

This youth is he met with the most powerful people, even his master is more than!

"Oh ..." Zhao Yunxiang was just a faint response, turned without restraining Li Yunqing.

Mainly unfamiliar!

And only the general concept of this person in memory!

"..." I worsenedly ignored this, Li Yunqing will generally be angry. After all, he is also a proud of heaven, and there is temper!

However, in the face of Zhao Yunxiang is unpredictable!

Mainly don't dare!

"Ha ha……"

All this is in the eyes of Zhao, he grins, "I thought you were too powerful, who knows only this thing!"

"First, I don't have you, are you not the same?" Li Yunqing was ignored, there is nowhere to attack, and the anger is accumulated, and Zhao is suddenly taunt at this time, directly by Li Yunqing.

According to us, Li Yunqing did not dare to bother his brother, but it was a different and past day, mainly in the heart!

"Second ..." Li Yunqing said directly to Zhao Yunxiang. "I don't know what the second is the second thing I just said."

"Hey!" Zhao's unpredictable, gave a sense of Li Yunqing, and he opened his mouth, "licking the dog!"

"This second ..."

Zhao Yunxiang sinks into a moment, said, "Before the jade is getting angle, but since the blasting is destroyed, he is no longer a gang!"

"Hey ??" Zhao's unbelievable asked, "The blasting is destroyed?"

"Well ..." The supreme jade nodded, he quietly reached out and pointed to Zhao Yunxiang in front of the body, "was destroyed by him ..."

"..." Zhao did not speak again.

"A bandit head, there is no big bandits, and when you don't make a big man, that is, he is no longer a gangster ..."

Zhao Yunxiang explained this.

This is correct, and since ancient times, it has been robbing more people. I have never seen someone only came out.

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