"who am I?"

"where am I?"

Zhao Yunxiang opened his eyes and found that he earned on a sandy beach. He is very thirsty at the moment, looking at a vast sea, Zhao Yunxiang brows.

He didn't know what happened, I only knew that I have experienced a lot, I woke up, I came here.

I have to find a water source, after drinking some water, I think, he knows, if you don't drink water, you will die!

Seawater can't drink, the sea can't see the coconut tree, can only drill into the jungle ...

Walking for a long time ...

I suddenly appeared in front of the reed!

"I hope to have water!" Zhao Yunxiang looked not far away, where there was a bare, no plant growth.

You must know that there are few plants that can grow in the water, and that a large slice is probably the water source!

Can't care about there, there is no spider web on this way, very smooth.

Finally came to the reeds, the moon did nothing, only one dirt, the soil is full of dry cracks, it can be seen that there is water in the near future.

Water is part of the indispensable life, and the earth is born in seawater. Most lives are completely inseparable from water, and humans are also.

Water can not only be evaporated, and it will penetrate. Here, there is water, and the terrain is extremely low, and it can be dug from here. If you can dig out of water.

"I have to get the water as soon as possible!" Zhao Yunxiang began to put into the work of excavating the ground. He is not sure you can dig into the water, but you have to try it now.

Tools that dig pit are a wooden stick, and the wooden stick is probably the wrist. There is a slope at the end of the wooden stick, which is very suitable for excavation.

More than ten minutes later ...

"No ... I didn't dig a drop of water!" Zhao Yunxiang sat down on the ground.

Mining the loess in the sun is an individual, because the hot, the coconut juice has been drunk, and he is hot, sweating into his eyes, and the stinging can only be closed.

The surface of the full-eyed is, there are many pit drops, some are 30 cm, still dry in the bottom of the pit, no half a water.

This doesn't have any effects, and you can understand it, but you have dug for so long, or dry below, it is representative, there is no lost moisture in the soil.

"Why can someone else from the ground to the water?" Zhao Yunxiang left the hot sun to baked the earth, and it was dry, and the cool ground is also dry, and the soil of the root site also has a trace of traces.

"It's so hungry, so thirsty, so tired ..." Zhao Yunxiang is very helpless ...

In this place where Liao unmanned smoke, it is difficult to get food with water.

At this moment, the sun is high, and there is a lot of sweat, and it is so long in the sun. Zhao Yunxiang only feels that there is a fire in the chest in burning.


Hot ...


Waiting for the negative state, it has been crushed with the fragile nerves of Zhao Yunxiang. In the city, you can drink water. It is a luxury that you have to wet your lips.

"I can't find water this time, what should I live?"

Zhao Yunxiang is still tangling water, water is a cradle of life. It is also a must-have for life. People can live for a week, but do not drink water, it is estimated that it does not support 4 days.

The coconuts of the sea are very small, I don't know how long it can be supported by coconut juice, but it is certain that it will continue to crush the coconut juice, and his ending will only die!

"I have to find water as soon as possible!" Zhao Yunxiang dragged the tired body, slowly got up, step on the dry sand.

In the dry zone, there are many plants. In addition to the surrounding reeds, many plants grow in a far away, there is a trees that are huge vanes, this seems called banana tree, with banana tree. Near relatives.

This kind of trees seem to have water!

"Banana tree?"

Before the banana tree, Zhao Yunxiang looked at a huge open leaves, with a leaf of more than 30 cm and 10 cm wide.

However, the height of the banana tree is 2 meters, but unfortunately there is no Bar.

I have seen a documentary, and the time of finding banana trees, I usually hold a boxing banana tree, and the banana tree contains a lot of water, I don't know how this banana tree is.

Zhao Yunxiang did not learn Del Ge directly boxing banana tree, but tried to try the water water in the hand in his hand, with a dry sharp branch, thoroughly broke the epidermis of the banana tree, clearly feeling that the trunk is very soft. , Cotton like a water.

There is also a water exudation on the trunk of the banana tree, and the trunk is flowing. During the period, Zhao Yunxiang has a few mouthfuls, and the juice of the banana tree is sweet. There is a touch of banana, although it is somewhat, but this is indeed You can drink fresh water.

He intends to bring this tree back, and the banana leaves are good materials. Use this distillation seawater law in Zhao Yunxiang, and the banana tree contains a lot of moisture, and the banana heart is also able to eat, can be supplemented with vitamin and carbonated .

Plane pit dug tree officially started!

The wooden stick is a bit bare, especially the ground is dry and full of stone. After about 10 minutes, the root of the banana tree is finally twisted, and there is a pan in the soil of the tree roots.

This only looks like a little similar, and it looks very disgusting. If it is a frog, I believe that Zhao Yunxiang will definitely grasp it.

I ignored , Zhao Yunxiang dragged 2 meters long banana tree to the shade.

This banana tree is sinking, about 40 pounds, just don't know how many banana juices can get.

In this hot day, the shade is obvious to the sun is two distantly different worlds. Here you can take a little break, by the way, let a banana tree juice is thirsty.

In a row of high-strength work under the sun, Zhao Yunxiang has already washed several sweat, and the sweat was dried again, so repeated, his body was confused, and it was very sour.

"Waiting for a sea bath!" Zhao Yunxiang put with the banana tree on the ground, ready to start with water.

There is no mistake in the banana trunk, and the content should not be small, but you want to make it all the water in it, it is not simple.

If you want to completely extract the moisture in the banana trunk, it is indeed a little difficulty. This is like giving birth to a livestock, cutting off the animation of the animary animal, but it can't completely put it.

Zhao Yunxiang's banana tree dry water method is used is a rural killing pig, first put pigs ... banana tree, then use branches to destroy the trunk, and plants seem to have no major arteries, only the possibility of pressing trunk.

It is not good to have a cool tree, and there is a tree of about 3 meters, and the three strands of the scattered vines will be weaving, and it is made into a hemp rope, then bypass the treeba tree.

Zhao Yunxiang quickly killed the banana tree, he wants to put water to the banana tree quickly, try to get something after the task is finished.

The banana tree is over 40 cm from the ground, and the outer skin is generally, the soft trunk of the texture is rumoring with the inertia.

"... !"

Zhao Yunxiang quickly died with a dry branch, and the things inside the trunk were more like a sugar cane, just don't know if you eat it as sugar cane.

The water in the banana trunk is slowly flowing out because of the gravitation, and the leaves are ready to flow into the bottle.

The flow rate of the banana tree juice is full, the color is a basic transparent yellow green, which looks like a viscous, mainly the inside of sugar.

A bottle is accused, then the second bottle is replaced, and Zhao Yunxiang also took this opportunity to taste the banana juice.

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