"Stand, I don't seem to let you leave!"

The cold voice sounded, ready to leave the dozens of people suddenly stunned, they didn't dare to move, as if they were filled with lead.

There is a horse that is very bold, the head is not returning, just when he is about to run out of the alley, a huge thing behind him suddenly flew.

After that, the blood is splashing, the horse is running away, and his back is a flesh and blood, a huge irregular metal ball is lying on one side.


Everyone took a breath, and the muma was lifted to death, and he was hit by tens of machete patchwork.

Everyone is very fortunate, I am fortunate that I have not continued to escape, otherwise it will definitely be shake.

"I know that you are a military, but my big brother is Xiong Mountain! He is also a military person, China's medium!"


For the division of the military, Zhao Yunxiang is not particularly clear. Anyway, these don't matter, people are not his opponent.

However, this beach, it seems very familiar.

"Xiong Mountain?" Zhao Yunxiang asked, "But the brother of the bears, Xiongshan under the broken mountain?"

"Yes! It is he!" Guo Shanhu thought Zhao Yunxiang was afraid, after all, a pawl of Xiongshan practiced as fire pure, is a mid-term war.

"Xiongshan has participated in the killing Chen Churan, and the thing is that he is doing with the bears!" Meng Meng mastered a lot of information, the night building is the most good at murder, and most news will be told by them.

"Oh?" Zhao Yunxiang's face suddenly cooled, he was strange when he was in the invincible, and he said that his father Chen Churan is also a military person. It is impossible to be solved by the kind of goods. It turns out that there is also an help.

"Hey!" Guo Shanhu was helping. "My old power is outside, and I apologize immediately, I have a good mood, maybe you can put you."

"You don't seem to know the situation of things!" Zhao Yunxiang is cold and cold, "Now immediately call Xiongshan, let him catch up and die."

"If you want to kill my boss?" Guo Shanhu ridiculed, "I admit that you are really very powerful, but compared to my boss, you are nothing, he just ... ah!"

Guo Shanhu said that he made a scream, he looked at Zhao Yunxiang at the right arm of his blood.

A long knife in his hand also dripped blood, and a arm was lying on the ground, and Guo Shanhu looked at his own legs and scared the whole body.

Qiu quarters were shocked, it is a big, Xiongshan's younger brother dare to waste!

"Call, I don't want to say the second time!" Zhao Yunxiang said coldly.

"Okay ... good ..." Guo Shanhu was frightened, immediately reached out and took out the phone, and once opened a number.

"Hello, what is there?" The movement of Xiong Mountain is very old, and there is a woman's pain.

"Boss ... Some people have won one arm, you ... you come to save me!" Guo Shanhu said herbs.

"It's a useless thing, you are very dead!" Xiong Mountain seems to be with a woman crazy, playing is full of prosperity, there is no intention to come over.

"You see ..." Guo Shanhu is a difficult, he prayed to Zhao Yunxiang, asking for yourself.

"Xiong Mountain, NMSL !!!" Zhao Yunxiang squatted on the floor.

The voice there is paused there, then the gloomy voice sounded, "Who are you?"

"you guess?"

"..." Xiong Mountain was silent.

"Guo Sand Tiger, where are you, how is Laozi rushed!"

The bear hills on the phone have been to run away. He can roughly guess, this person is looking for death!

"I only give you 10 minutes, 10 minutes, you are coming, allow you to ask questions, after 10 minutes, you appear death!"

It's too mad!

Crazy to endless rhythm!

"Tera's, kid, you are dead!" Xiongshan hangs the phone, it seems that I want to come quickly.

10 minutes of waiting time is really long, free, Zhao Yunxiang came to Qiu to wait, and he quickly went a few more in Qiu.

I have a painful cold snort, and I am so surprised that all wounds have all stopped, and the whole body is very hot, and the lower abdomen seems to have a cyclone that is rotating.


"Yes, from now on, you are a martial art, this thing is given to you, don't forget, don't forget, be a good person!" Zhao Yunxiang handed a handwritten paper.

"Thank you Encheng!" He was shaking in the paper. He still didn't understand it. I only knew that this thing was very precious, and Zhao Yunxiang did not intend to add a saints again.

"You go, the scene is still not good, or you will be a nightmare, and there is a good person who follows the law!"

Zhao Yunxiang swayed and showing them to leave.

"Thank you!"

Qiu is known that he can be rescued today, and it is also given to practice, all of themselves, he has helped Lin Yuyu's debt to get these.

Several people leave!

Not long, a Bentley stopped on the roadside, a majestic middle-aged man came down from the car.

"Boss, that is, he cut my hand!" Guo Shanhu pointed at Zhao Yunxiang. "You must revenge for me!"

"You are Zhao Yunxiang?" Xiong Mountain looked at Zhao Yunxiang in black.

Xiongshan's momentum is very strong. His arrival has increased the momentum of the younger brother, was cruelted for so long, and finally someone can stand up for them!

No reply, Zhao Yunxiang directly shot!

No one saw how Zhao Yunxiang shot, just in an instant, he appeared in front of Xiongshan.

"You ..." Xiong Mountain's eyebrows have a red dot, and then the eyes have dim, slowly fall, and there is no life.


Guo Shanhu sucks a breath!

Xiong Mountain was actually solved!

Just a hit! !

Zhao Yunxiang said to the body of Xiongshan. 15 minutes, so ... no need to answer. "


Neuropathy! !

When the horse, Ma is full of stupid. This goods will kill Xiongshan once!

That is, the mid-term war! !

"Let's go home!" Zhao Yunxiang got on the bus and left here.

As for those blending, I stand in place, watching Zhao Yunxiang left ...

They finally knew at the moment, what is called people have a day!

This guy is a lot!

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