"Zhao Yunxiang, you are back ..." After Zhao Yunxiang saw Zhao Yunxiang, he quickly said, and then she saw a monkey as a body as a body.

The signature posture of the short tail monkey is the strength of the show.

"Teacher Han, is he the little brother?" Asked a slightly pure girl.

The pure girl is a white dress, and there is some scratches on the arm. The wound has been scarred, because the muddy, her shoes, and the psion on the legs.

"Yes, I lost him, otherwise I have already died." Han Millen said.

Yes, these days have lost Zhao Yunxiang's care, otherwise she will go to death.

"It can actually make our strong people Han teacher so boasts!" A girl wearing a black dress, her long, like a white girl, only this temperament is different.

Both people are 18 years old, a warmth is cute, and the other is a little glamorous, and the dust is somewhat dignified.

Zhao Yunxiang as an old driver of the Royal 30, evaluated this twin, 8.8 points.

If developing a wave, you can reach 9 points.

"Handsome guy, self-introduction, I am Lin Qingyin, this is my sister Lin Qingyu." Lin Qingyin said that there is a very heavy girl.

"Zhao Yunxiang ..." It is very simple to introduce yourself. Zhao Yunxiang thinks about it. "How did you come here."

It has been more than a week from the cruise ship, and this is the ninth day. How did these two delicate girls come to this island?

Is there anyone else?

These are all clear!

"At that moment, we have a kayak in the moment, because we are a girl, there is a black man wants to be strong, and I am a boat in my feet ..." Lin Qing pulled over, the attack power was very strong. .

"Later ..." Lin Qingyu took the words, "our kayak hit the reef area when landing this island, and the kayak sinking, we met a lot of people in the sides of the mangrove. "

"Mangrove?" Zhao Yunxiang stared at a large mangrove, the woods stretched a few kilometers, and the other end of the mangrove was Zhao Yunxiang and the original place of residence with Han Millennium.

Just I didn't expect that the abandoned shelter, actually became someone else.

Sure enough, a person's garbage is a treasure of another person.

This sentence is not fake.

"How did you come here?" Zhao Yunxiang also had a doubt that the other end of the mangrove was unable to see the sandy beach.

Moreover, the sea area corresponding to mangroves is a reef, the wave is very large, and it is impossible to pass from the sea.

Therefore, they can only come over from the forest!

"That ..." Han Qi fell to say, "The two are students in my school. They are remembered in other places, and they have no way to find out, can you accept them?"

Han Qianli survive here, more relying on Zhao Yunxiang, she can't leave her own student privately, so I have to ask Zhao Yunxiang in advance.

"How do you see?" Zhao Yunxiang turned his gaze to maltose and the longest right, and these two strangeness were loyal to him, and they were loyal than Han.

"I have no opinion ..." Malt candy shakes his legs, and he is extremely strong legs.

"Hey ..." The monkey who didn't want to speak, he would speak the human language.

"Hey!" Lin Qingyu shouted, "this monkey actually grows four ears!"

"Really, it's so strange!" Lin Qingxi also squinted his eyes and stared at the long right.

The longest sign posture is that, put the strengths, and the eyes are unruly.

"This ..." Han Qianru looked at the long maltose of the legs, and looked at the long and right, I always feel that this monkey is not general.

"That ... you are tired, let's take a break, eat something, eat enough, give me a donation, give me a work, I haven't heard it!" Zhao Yunxiang intends to leave twins.

Twins, more fun!

"Okay, thank you for your handsome guys!" Lin Qing said with a smile.

"Thank you, my dad is very rich, waiting for us to go back, will definitely repay you." Lin Qingyu said directly.

"How much is it?" Zhao Yunxiang asked very simply, can I have money from my dad?

"Company market value of billions ..."

"Lying in the trough, the cattle!" Zhao Yunxiang felt emotion, this time he lost him.

Go back to let my dad come on, and strive for the company's market value!

Two girls are eating tuna, drinking bamboo water.

Bamboo forest periphery ...

"Hey, monkeys, will it be a root?" The old gantry of maltose is sitting on the stone.

The right right is very confident, "no matter what, as long as there is a seed and seedlings, I can give you it."

After that, the longest and wonderful asked, "What do you want to do?"

It is necessary to know that this kind of creature is living in the water, and it usually likes to eat raw food, and this kind of thing is not good, but also hurt the body, what is it?

"Hey, have you seen the super good sister?" Malt glycoves pointed to the blue and bodied jeans.

From here, back shadow.

From the front, the face of the skin is super stick, it is a goddess of Yan Yan.

To be true, when you see Han Qian, the right side of the first time, the strength of playing is big.

"Is it?" Asked the long and right, "Do she like to eat?"

"If the sister likes to eat, I will give her a root to her, and I have a good thing!"

"No, she likes to play!" Maltose grinned.

"..." Long and right, thinking after a moment, whispering, "hurt ... Tomorrow, a cucumber, try to persuade her."

"Do you want a cucumber, have there a seed?" Zhao Yunxiang came out at this time.

"I can smell, in this big forest, there is wild cucumber!" Long and right, sniffing the taste of sniffing air, then said.

"I remember the original name of the wild cucumber called cak?" Zhao Yunxiang is a little understanding of history, and courgettes are still brought back from the Western region.

Make the western region not only bring back to cucumber, and there is a cumin walnut, etc. ...

"It doesn't matter!" Long right sigh said, "I won't let so a cute sister endured and play, I want her to know, the most lovely or cucumber!"

"..." Han Millennium was originally cleaned up of tuna meat, from just now she heard the maltose and other people and said something.

People like to doll! !

Your group of animals! !

People are gumped! !

When you go to the forest, Zhao Yunxiang is strolling in the seaside with maltose.

Maltose is really strolling, only Zhao Yunxiang is serious to find ocean garbage.

I got a few bottles in front and saw many bubbles ...

Then, I saw a glass jar floating on the sea, and the bottle mouth had a wooden plug, with a note.

"drifting bottle??"

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