In the evening, the desert island gradually wet, passed through the bamboo forest, came to the flat zone, where it was a rabbit nest.

More than a dozen rabbit woven, the evening night added a horrible veil to it.

Check the set of traps, the active buckle trap of the first rabbit nest is still old, and there is no trigger.

Follow the inspection of the second, the second rope sleeve moved, there should be a rabbit to walk from here, but the trap did not grab it.

Then, the third trap, the third trap is tight, and one end of the rope is on the wooden pile, and the other end is covered by the dense wound.

"It should be caught!" Zhao Yunxiang dragged the rope, clearly notice that the other end of the rope is in the end, and the component is not light.

Slowly drag and drop, a gray rabbit slowly appeared from the grass, its neck was tightened by the live buckle, and has lost his life.

Animal IQ is not high. Once they are caught by traps, they can only play drag, in order to escape.

As everyone knows this trap, the tighter, eventually only will kill himself.

More than a dozen traps caught two rabbits, one probably more than 5 pounds, one is around 3 gold.

One of the rabbits may die for a long time, and the body is covered with red bugs.

"This rabbit, can you eat?" Han Qian fell to the red bugs of dense Ma Ma, they have penetrated the eyes of the rabbit.

This is a bug in nature, and the bug is not large, but the number is very large.

"It doesn't matter, from us to set the trap until now, 7 hours, the rabbit meat will not be rotated in such a short period of time." Zhao Yunxiang thought, "and we will wait for meat."

The roasted meat can eliminate a lot of bacteria and parasites, and the taste will become great.

With two rabbits to the shelter, Lin Qingyu, who was busy taking the firewood, and saw the rabbit in Zhao Yunxiang.

"I am going, it is actually a rabbit!" Lin Qinghe saw the rabbit, I was very excited.

"Good hare!" Lin Qingwu is the same.

"Oh, this is big?" Malt sugar mouth, "Let the little handsome guoku, you will know what is the giant!"

"!!" Lin Qingyu.

"Is there so exaggerated?" Lin Qinghe.

"Okay, can you be some?" Zhao Yunxiang was speechless, and immediately prepared the rabbit to clean it.

"I will help you!" Lin Qinghe followed by Zhao Yunxiang, and took the initiative to help.

This temperament enchantive girl is exquisite and small, and a pair of beautiful legs outside the short skirt is white and the lines are beautiful.

"Come, let's go to the reef!" Zhao Yunxiang took a machete with the cutting knife and came to the reef area not far away.

The reef here is partially bare, and the rugged stones build a water storage.

This pool will have no seawater when the water is boomed, and a separate water body will be formed when returning to the tide.

"Why do you want to run so far?" Lin Qingxeded his red lips and smiled well.

"The location here is very good, this puddle can be a natural trap, we have treated the rabbit here, discard the internal dirty skull, waiting for the tide, the pool is not over, the internal organs will have bloody Attracting many seafood, waiting for tomorrow to catch seafood. "

Zhao Yunxiang has carefully observed this pool, the pool is flat, the rock formation at the bottom is not thick, can be a chisel to cut it, so that the pool is convenient.

After all, this pool can be more than 2 tons, if it is splashing water with a container, it will not be too slow.

Of course, when it is not tangled in the pool, it is necessary to hurry to handle the rabbit.

"Do you kill the fish?" Zhao Yunxiang stared at Lin Qingxuan on one side, and the little girl was very good, there is a faint fragrance.

"No ... However, I feel that I can try it." Lin Qing took out a breath and said that he was prepared.

"Cince the rabbit's head, this no longer, then peel it, pull out the internal organs, wash it." Zhao Yunxiang said simple and clear.

Some things, it is simple, but it is hard to do.

Lin Qingxue took a cutting knife, a little bit of a little bit of the rabbit's skin with meat, and then got a rabbit skin, when the rabbit was opened, but she was tumbling her stomach.

"How is the bloody smell?" Lin Qingxidou quickly put the rabbit of the stomach into the sea.

There are many blood in the rabbit body. After cutting your head, after the opening of the belly, the strong pungent bloody taste is straight to the nostrils of the forest.

This taste is almost uncacked her.

I saw the red blood spread in a slightly turbid sea water, and finally diluted in every corner of the pool.

The rabbit put in the sea, bloody flavor, as the sea breeze is blown, now almost not smelling how much smell.

However, the rabbit meat after washed has a strong taste, and it is not very good to smell.

"Relive meat is this taste." Zhao Yunxiang appeared, and it was unmracted in an orderly manner, and threw it into the puddle.

This huge puddle is a natural trap, at the top of the puddle, affected by the wind, there is a stone pit, even if it is a rising tide, there will be water into the stone pit.

This pit is to take a sea salt. After all, people have to take a salt, and the salt contained in the blood in the biological body is still not enough.

Packing up the rabbit, the two fought the headless rabbit back to the shelter, this road is on the road, and the brow is frown, and the taste of the hand is slid.

That is the taste of killing, is bloody taste.

"If you want to live here, you have to become cruel." Zhao Yunxiang seems to have seen the idea of ​​Lin Qingyin, saying that "excessive benevolent heart will only let you enter the abyss."

That's right!

If you want to survive in this wildfringe, you must have a carnivore, and everything is dominated by survival.

Fortunately, this island belongs to the tropical island, there are many eaten above, if there is no creature, even if you can't find food, it will inevitably make extreme things in extreme hunger.

When there are many disaster accidents, many people have been defeated by hunger.

In many rescue, there have been similar sessions in the victims.

Come to the shelter, ready to start the rabbit.

The stones of the sludge is not suitable for barbecue, Zhao Yunxiang moves the flame to the outer sand.

The fire is full of broken granite stone, and there are many volcanic stones, and a male three girl sits around the fire, the barbecue.

Tonight is very beautiful, the silver moon is like a dish, the star is not covered, and there is a blue purple galaxy in the night sky.

Beauty is not only these, but also from the bamboo forest!

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