God-level desert island survival system

57 people in the ancient city 1

The big snake has not seen any emotions, and the purple bifurcation is shaking, it seems to be distinguished by Zhao Yunxiang's smell.


Zhao Yunxiang yelled, ahead of the neck of the big boa, and another hand slammed the knife and retired the knife.

As in expectations, this snake is full of ability to have a twisted body. It can't make your own entangle, but also to bite Zhao Yunxiang with the teeth.

What I can do now is to move myself!

The giant began to twist, and the drums of the drums were creep, and the body in the abdomen was moving in the head of the snake head.

Zhao Yunxiang sat on the big snake, naturally it can feel the power of the giant body.

This guy's flesh is like a tire, it is hard! !

The giant spit out of the food is much faster than swallowing, just a few seconds, it is already possible to see the people who have a stomach liquid.

Kill the giant, the imminent!

However, there are three weaknesses of reptiles!

Brain, heart, central nervous!

It is difficult to destroy the head of the boa, it is difficult, and the heart is more impossible, because the guy's flesh is like a tire.

However, Zhao Yunxiang is not a biologist, does not understand the heart structure of the boa, and don't know the clear position of the heart!

However, he knows where the central nervous is!

It is the blood vessel nerve wrapped in the neck spine!

The pattern of the chopper is similar to the knife, the knife tip is sharp, and the puncture is very strong.

Moreover, Zhao Yunxiang has summoned the Song Peng, and the feeling of power is much longer than before, it is estimated that a knife can thoroughly throw the neck of the boa, and even destroy the nervous.


The chopper became a fierce murder in Zhao Yunxiang, a knife, the knife tip of the chopper broke the neck of the big snake, and successfully broke his small spine.

This knife goes down, the action of the python is stopped, almost the moment of death!

At the moment before death, it spit out the people in the belly, it is a foreign woman, wearing it, is the costume of the rescue team! ! !

"It is actually a rescue team ..." Zhao Yunxiang helplessly sighed, "I didn't expect the rescue team, will also lose this."

What is even more unexpected is the backpack!

Inside the backpack is some very tasted life supplies, ask people who come to rescue, will bring these things?

Think about it carefully ...


"Is it dead?" Lin Qingyu looked at the big snake, even if it was a dead snake, it looks like a ridge.

"Dead, the central god is broken." Zhao Yunxiang pulled the machete from the back and neck of the giant pyth, with a little blood on the blade.

The blood in the reptile is very small, mainly because of this animal's atrium, their atrial blood vessels are only two, and the blood delivered is very small.

At least, there is no capillary!

However, the central nerve is equivalent to the artery of the python, and there is a lot of blood flowing here.

"The python is a good thing ..." Zhao Yunxiang looked at the big python, "the snakeskin of the net pyth can do clothes, but also ... The meat is very good!"

This giant snake meat can let them eat more than a month!

"Snakers do clothes?" Han Qian fell to the snake skin of the net pyth, the pattern on this leather is not bad.

To make clothes ...

The snake leather library seems to be good!

Call ...

The giant is left here, so the big guy will not be, but the body with the gastric juice has to be handled.

There is no thing in the pocket of the body, it is clean than Zhao Yunxiang's face.

"Hey ... I would like to ask before buried, do you really don't plan to leave this woman's clothes or shoes?" Zhao Yunxiang asked three.

You know, there is no clothes you can buy in this wasteland.

The clothes on the body wear, can only be, so can have such resources, Zhao Yunxiang wants to stay.

"Don't take it ..." Han Qianlu looked at the stomach liquid on the woman, for this, she was very conflicted!

"Okay, then it is buried!"

Zhao Yunxiang found a place nearby, where this is depressed, and the surrounding soil is similar to the sand, it is very good to dig.

Several people combined, buried the women of the rescue team.

Looking at a living person killed by a python, Lin Qingyu was very good, and he sighed. "If one day I die, you have to bury me, don't let the beast eat."

"What about thinking?" Zhao Yunxiang is speechless, "we will not die, will live well."

A person who buried the rescue team, and several people intended to wait until the big snake.

Mark a marker on the nearby small tree, just go straight to the ancient city.

On this road, Zhao Yunxiang is staring at the monkey who climbs only on the tree.

"It's not surprised? It is not surprised?" The monkey simply jumped in Zhao Yunxiang and asked in his ear.

"Accident Your Mom!" Zhao Yunxiang is very speechless. "Do you know that the python is eating?"

"Ang, when I saw, the woman was still struggling, the internal organs were treated by the ribs, you said that I should save her?"

"Save it, use it ..." Zhao Yunxiang sighed, human beings were very fragile, ribs penetrated the internal organs, in the world of literature, maybe there is a vibration rate.

However, here is a wasteland, don't say it is the internal organs.

Even a very heavy trauma, you will cause infection!

"Oh, yes, this ancient city has passed last time, seeing a lot of figure in the city, seems to have lives in the world!" The long right continued to say in Zhao Yunxiang.

"Know it ..." Zhao Yunxiang brows wrinkled, for such a place, he held his doubt.

How to see it is not very common here, how do you have such a magnificent architecture?

Who is here bucing this ancient city?

Everything about this doesn't know, you must explore the ancient city, you can have the opportunity to get the answer!

The door to the ancient city, the road of the ancient city is not narrow, the road in the city and the walls are full of climbing trophy.

The special rainforest climate here provides a lot of energy to this vine, allowing them to grow quickly.

There is a square in the ancient city, the center of the square is a huge statue, and the statue has long been missing, and it is covered by green plants.

Here is what you look like a dead city!

Dead, only endless green vegetation, can't see a moving live.

It's even found that the long right black shadow!

"Tightly follow me, we will go!" Zhao Yunxiang felt, and there was a very depressed atmosphere around. It seems that what is going on here.

I just got away, there is a person in front of the front, he is squatting on the ground, I don't know what to do.

"Someone !!" Han Miyou, staring at the figure of the cloth.

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