The ancients brush the teeth of the tweeks, wicker branches, branches, tea, salt, etc. are all tools for brushing.

It is said that the emperor has invented the toothbrush with a wild pig, and later be taken away by the foreigners, because the wild boar is too hard, it is always scratched to the gums, after a variety of materials test, this is derived from the toothbrush.

Zhao Yunxiang's tools have three tools, sea water, charcoal powder, finger!

Sea water plus charcoal powder is applied to your finger, then quickly rub, clean the teeth.

Charcoal has a super adsorption force, which is more friction with granular charcoal powder.

The saline base in the sea water can effectively remove the stains and odor.

"I am going to ... Is this overbearing?" Han Qi Lu was surprised, but in order to neat, she also wrinkled her brow to start brushing.

Brush your teeth with your fingers, what experience?

Because there is no fresh water, the two use sea water to brush the mouth, that feels, almost did not die.

"I swear, I must find the water source as soon as possible, and I will never brush your teeth later." Han Qian is afraid to watch the sea, it is difficult to imagine, the area of ​​70% of the Earth is the salty and bitter sea water.

"The same feelings ..." Zhao Yunxiang said.

"Two mornings, don't know if the stool is dry?"

An unhamined voice came, it was ...


"That fish !!" Han Millennolic looked at the big sea, a length of 2 meters of fish was greeted.

I am going, a night, actually grow so much?

This is not to eat gold ?

"I ate a lot last night." Zhao Yunxiang looked at it, and this guy looked more.

This fish is very weird, and it is a bit like a killer whale, but the color is purple black, and there is no killer whale.

It is a bit horrible.

"That is, there are many small fish chasing the waves, and finally I was eaten by this fish." is very excited, mainly to swallow many souls, evil, and then chase a lemon shark just now Wash into the coral reef.

"Don't catch some seafood?" Zhao Yunxiang looked at his pet, this guy is so big, it is estimated that you can catch sharks.

People say that shark's flesh, Zhao Yunxiang does not believe, I want to taste it.

"In that pile of stones, a chapmper, a few stranded fish, there is a lobster, it is estimated that you have breakfast," .

These reef form a puddle, the water of the puddle is not deep, probably and knees, when the tide, some seafood will escape from this, and it is completely stranded after returning.

"Let's take a look, maybe there is any gains." Han Qianlu is still very interested in looking for seafood.

After all, face the sea, don't catch the sea, you can sorry so good geographic location.

"Okay, walk!"

Zhao Yunxiang is the most intended that it is not the seafood in the puddle, but is a marine garbage that is in the ocean.

Ocean garbage five flowers, from all over the world, these abandoned things have become treasures that have encountered people.

A person's garbage is another person's treasure. This sentence doesn't know who said. Anyway, Zhao Yunxiang feels right with the author!

Not far from the front, I found a slippers again, this slippers were ladies, and the style was a bit cute.

Pick up, continue!

I saw a lot of bubbles in front, still being picked up, of course, in addition to the bubble, there are many plastic bottles, fish lines!

The most difficult thing is to be expensive, it is also tied to a fish hook on the fish line.

"I have a lot of garbage." Han Qi fell to the ground, and then walked toward the puddle fingered by .

Here is a small reef area, these rocks are large as basalt, and they have a large and small puddle because of the long-term sun.

"This is the puddle." Zhao Yunxiang saw a fish hidden in the sea water, which is a squid.

"Strange? Why is the eyesight be so good?"

Zhao Yunxiang touched the brain, since then after the island, the body change is really big.

Is it because of the system?

What did the system do to me? ?

[Just because of your pet, don't think too much ...]

The system has been explained, if you continue to be boring, the ghost knows what this host will be.

However, this goods are indeed amazing, so you can inexhaust, don't write, unfortunately!

"I am very curious, what are you using?" Zhao Yunxiang found now, in addition to giving yourself a true eye, the system is not given.

[This system is in the sky, it can be powerful, basically everything will be , juvenile Lang!

"Is it so powerful? Look at it?"


The system is silent ...

"What are you talking about?" Han Qianlu has taken off the shoes, and she explored in the water.

There is a desire to hunt in the human bones. For example, there are fish in a water pond, there will be many people to do all kinds of ways to capture, and most people will never feel satisfied.

After catching the quarry, the inner heart will be satisfied, this is not a greedy and unsatisfactory, but the ancestor is passed down, because the ancestors are hunting.

At the end of the dialogue between the system, Zhao Yunxiang also took off his shoes and came into the pool.

This puddle is very smooth, almost there is almost no big stone, but it is a small gravel, in short, some is a feet.


A burst of water is stirring, a squid is thrown into the beach by Zhao Yunxiang.


I didn't respond, I was caught, then I lost it!

I rely!

Is this slippery body?

Then, it is a grouper to be lost on the shore, and the grouper is also forced, it is fell.

"I caught the octopus !!" Han Qian fell to the octopus hidden in the water, this is like a nose of the nose, in the case of being killed in a suction cup, killing some stones.

Of course, in addition to these, there is lobster, this lobster is not big, it is about 1 or two.

There are also some small crabs, small fry, these don't eat, so you don't have to pay attention.

"Lobster is a little bit." Han Qianli's eyewele looked at lobster, then proposal, "Do you want, let's put it?"

"Let's put it, you can eat less than half of the meat."

Lobster will return to the pond like this, and the remaining seafood will bring back, which is quite delicious after these seafood.

In this way, with seafood and marine garbage came to shelter ...

On the pile of fire, the octopus was smoked, the squid was baked with the grouper, and the melet is golden, and a wonderful fragrance is exuded.

"Cooked, you can eat it!"

Now you have a delicious moment, facing the sea, enjoy seafood!

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