God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 16 - Learn from each other

Chapter 16 – Learn from each other

Karp laughed and walked up to Carl and patted him hard on the shoulder.

Carl is a little unsteady with the strength.

The three generals saw this scene. Except for Sakaski, the other two couldn’t help but draw a curve in the corners of their mouths.

Basically the entire navy knew about Karl’s arrest of Karp’s two grandsons, and the three generals were no exception.

For a brave man like him, the navy really isn’t much.

“Warring States, just let him fight with me as I said, I want to try this kid’s strength, whether it is enough for you to treat it exceptionally!”

Karp grinned and stared at Carl like that.

But before the Warring States and Carl could say anything, the flying squirrel next to him came out first.

“Senior of the Warring States period, isn’t it good for you to do this? Carl is just a recruit after all, and he hasn’t formally entered the job yet. Did you do this…”

“Hahahaha, if you want to say that I am avenging my personal revenge, congratulations, you are right!”

Karp’s smile became brighter, which made the flying squirrel speechless and could only ask for help like the Warring States Period.

But the Warring States did not say anything, just walked up to Karl and said softly.

“Treasure this opportunity, Karp, this old boy, not everyone can let him give pointers!”

“Yes! I will cherish this opportunity!”

Carl also smiled, without any fear.

“Carl! Are you crazy?!”

When the flying squirrel saw Carl even agreed, he was shocked.

But Carl shook his head and glanced back at the flying squirrel.

“Don’t worry, Lieutenant-General, I know the strength of Senior Karp, but I also believe that I can’t die!

And I really want to know how strong a man stands at the top of the navy and even the world! ”

When he said this, Carl pretended to be blood surging, and the expression in his eyes was slightly arrogant.

Although he pretended to have this kind of fighting emotions, a small part of it was real.

Because he really wants to try, how far is he from the top!

“Hahahaha, your eyes are qualified, come with me now, I am waiting for you at the martial arts field!”

After a while.

Carl and Karp are facing each other in the martial arts field.

In addition to the Warring States Period and countless three generals, there are also many navies who like to watch theaters.

They gathered around here, all wanting to see, this navy recruit, can hold a few tricks in Karp’s hands.

“Guess, how can he hold up Senior Karp?”

“I guess it was just a trick that was seconded, right?”

“It shouldn’t be so weak. In any case, he also killed the Golden Lion and captured Luffy and Ace, who had a bounty of more than 100 million yuan.”

“Don’t forget, he and the flying squirrel caught Ace together, and the golden lion was only missed when he was about to die. His true strength is definitely not strong!”

“You are all wrong. His strength is not weak. I am also a soldier of Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel. I have seen with my own eyes that the female emperor of Qiwuhai was drunk by him!”

“what?!”(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

“The empress was drunk by this recruit?!”

“how can that be?!”

“It’s true, I’m the messenger of Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel. I saw it very real at the time. Even the figure of the Empress was…tsk!”

The surrounding crowd twittered.

But their voices have fallen into the ears of the Warring States Period and the three generals.

Regarding the matter of Carl drinking the female emperor, apart from the soldiers in the boat with Carl, only the Warring States and Karp knew.

Because this is not a big deal, there is no need for publicity.

But speaking out at this time can increase people’s sense of expectation of Carl.

“The three of you tell me, how long can Karl be in the hands of this old boy, Karp?”

The Warring States suddenly asked questions, which caught the three generals off guard.

“A la la, don’t ask me this kind of question, it’s not suspenseful at all, okay.”

Kuzan didn’t bother to answer. In his opinion, it didn’t matter how much Karl could persist, and it had nothing to do with him.

Polusalino and Kuzan had the same mind and did not answer.

But Sarkarski thought about it carefully before speaking.

“I guess I can stick to ten tricks!”

“Ten tricks? A little too much, right?”

“I didn’t say much, I am optimistic about him!”

When Sakaski said so, the Warring States period was a little surprised.

He didn’t expect that Sakarski, who had never cared about the outside world, would say such things.

Not only the Warring States period, but even Kuzan and Polusalino were shocked!

at the same time.

Everything on the ring is ready.

The battle between Carl and Karp is about to start!

“Hahahahaha! Boy, do you have anything else to say?”

“Want to say? Of course there is!”

Carl grinned, withered wood and Yingshi clenched tightly in his hands.

“I hope you don’t show mercy, Senior Karp! Otherwise…”

Before the words fell, Carl’s figure disappeared instantly!

Kapu squinted his eyes and slammed a punch to the right side of his body!

But at this moment, Karl has already appeared in this position!

“Otherwise I will be very unwilling!”

The second half of the sentence blurted out.

Accompanied by a roar, the armed and domineering double knives collided with Kapu’s steel-like fists, creating a fierce giant wave!

“Hahahaha! Interesting, really interesting!”

Karp laughed, his fists slammed hard, and Carl was knocked out in an instant.

Carl used the fruit ability to quickly adjust his figure in the air, and then slapped a sharp slash.

“Lionwei Chikiya——”

Carl released his previous hard-to-fight Ace’s big move without hesitation.

He knows very well that he doesn’t need to tentatively face Karp, just come up and make big moves!

“Good job!”

Karp saw the slashing slash and whirlwind in the sky, as if he had seen the golden lion once, which made him a little excited.

I saw Karp slam a punch with the same force, and a powerful wave of air surged with his fist instantly!

With just one punch, Carl’s moves were cracked, and he was also lifted by this powerful air current!

But it was in the air, and Karl was able to control his body quickly, and then squinted his eyes.

“Without the use of armed color domineering and relying solely on physical fitness, this level was achieved.

Such physical fitness is at least A+ level strength, right?

Really deserves to be the naval hero Karp, both power and reaction will crush me, in that case, let me see if I can force you to use domineering! ”

Carl took a deep breath, and his figure disappeared again.

In a blink of an eye, the surrounding ground suddenly vibrated.

The entire venue of the martial arts field just soared into the sky!

Carl stood on the painted surface of the field, controlled the fruit ability, and sent Karp to the sky!

“Boy, what are you going to do? Don’t you think our navy can’t fly?”

“No, I just want to see what you will do if you encounter a storm in the sky!”

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