Chapter 23 – Denon

“The next auction is our final product, the mermaid from Murloc Island!”

“The starting price is one billion Baileys! Each increase must not be less than one hundred million Baileys! Now the bidding starts!”

With a shout from the auctioneer, the curtain was instantly opened.

A mermaid was trapped in the glass box, very pitiful.

Seeing her tearful eyes, she really wanted to break the appearance of the water tank, and the ‘gentlemen’ who were present came off the stage one after another, trying to rescue such a beautiful mermaid.

“I pay a billion Bailey!”

“I am 1.3 billion!”

“I am 1.5 billion!”

“Two billion Baileys!”

The bidding was fierce, but in a moment the bidding came to more than 2 billion Baileys, and the price is still rising.

Seeing this scene, a man hiding in the corner couldn’t help but shook his head.

“It’s really a group of greedy people, but then again, the murlocs are really miserable. Every time I come here, I can meet the murlocs being auctioned.

On the contrary, I have not seen any human slaves. Could it be that humans are not as easy to catch as murlocs? ”

Carl is dressed in casual clothes, with a mask on his face, and a black silk scarf on his head.

He appeared here fully armed, no one could recognize who he was.

This auction house will not authenticate the real name, as long as the deposit is paid, anyone can enter!

Pizza didn’t let Carl go out, but Carl was not a kid. He really wanted to go out and no one could stop him.

And dressed like this, only wearing an ordinary iron knife, no one will associate him with the energetic Karl.

The purpose of his coming here is very simple, just to try his luck and see if he can meet the Devil Fruit.

He wanted to experiment, whether he could eat another Devil Fruit.

In this way, his strength can be improved.

However, it has been five days since he arrived here, and Karl rescued four murloc slaves, but he did not see a demon fruit.

I have to say that Devil Fruit is really rare.

The devil fruit that can be seen everywhere in the original book is really rare.

“Forget it, I have taken four shots anyway, and it’s not bad for you!”

Carl shook his head, cocked his legs and waited for the auction to end before going to save people.

He hated slave traders very much, but they couldn’t catch them cleanly, so he could only do his best.

“Ten billion Baileys! This murloc is mine!”

Just when Carl was observing, who could win this murloc.

At the door, a disgusting sound suddenly came!

The voice is very sharp, it sounds harsh, and the owner of the voice is the terrifying world aristocrat Tianlong!

“Draco actually came? No wonder Pizza will send someone to patrol today. It turns out that a Draco came here today.”

Carl’s eyes moved slightly, then he looked around.

At this time, all the people in the venue lost their voices collectively when they saw the Tianlongren appearing, and no one dared to speak.

The Tianlong people represent absolute rights. If you dare to resist them, even just a word of mouth is a sin!(Read more @

To be sentenced to death!

The people here are very savvy, so after hearing the quote from the Tianlongren, they all remained silent.

The person in charge of the auction house also announced the result of the auction tremblingly, and then sent someone to loosen the murloc.

“Huh! I have long heard that the murlocs auctioned here are fine products, and the ones that are offered to me on the compilation of untouchables are even more beautiful. After seeing them today, it is true.”

Tianlongren looked at the mermaid in front of him excitedly, and then left the auction house,

“That, auction money…”

After watching the Tianlongren leave, the person in charge couldn’t help but ask.

But the Tianlongren ignored him, and the man in black next to him took out his pistol directly.

A ‘bang’!

A blood hole suddenly appeared in the auctioneer’s forehead!

“The scumbag, this is your money, take it away!”

The man in black sneered disdainfully, and then left with the large group.

After they were gone, the auction room suddenly fell into chaos.

The personnel inside the auction house were even more at a loss.

The auctioneer is also the person in charge here, and now that the person in charge is dead, they are also no leader.

When the meeting place was in a panic, Carl took advantage of the chaos and left and quietly followed the pace of the Tianlongren.

At this time, the Tianlongren was sitting on the back of the slave. Next to him, a huge slave was helping him carry the water tank.

“It is true that he is a Tianlong person, and he took more than 30 slaves when he went out.

Seeing the eyes of these slaves, they seemed to be numb, and they didn’t know if they knew how to write the word escape. ”

Karl shook his head, and a flash came to the front of the Tianlongren, blocking his way.

“Huh? Where did the untouchables dare to stand in my way, really looking for death!”

When the Tianlongren saw Karl who suddenly appeared, he was a little angry.

He did not hesitate to pull out the pistol and squeeze the trigger, trying to solve Karl who was in the way.

But this kind of pistol is not a threat to Carl.

He just tilted his head and escaped the bullet.

“Listen, all slaves, if you still want to survive, run now!”

“Round Dance Slash–”

The voice has not fallen yet!

Carl swung a knife in an instant!

The round sword energy instantly lifted the ** devices on the necks of all slaves!

He added the fruit ability to the power of this sword, which directly destroyed the explosion system inside the shackles!

After a few days of experimentation, it was very easy for him to complete this delicate operation.

To put it simply, it is only hand-skilled.


After seeing the shackles disappear, the eyes of all the slaves present restored their brilliance.

I don’t know who shouted, all the efforts exploded out of all his potential, and he rushed!

Even the slave who was riding under him overturned the Sky Dragon at this time and ran away swiftly!

Except for the murloc who couldn’t move freely, the other slaves all expressed gratitude to Karl, and then quickly fled the scene.

“What are you rubbish doing, hurry up and catch these damn slaves!”

Although the Tianlongren was thrown into a turbulent manner, his thoughts were still very clear, and he immediately ordered the black-clothed bodyguards to catch the slaves.

But before they acted, Carl’s figure had already arrived in front of the Tianlongren.

He wiped the necks of all the people in black around him!

These men in black looked arrogant, but they were not as powerful as the Lieutenant Commander.

“you you you……”

“Do you know who I am, you untouchable, I am a dragon, the god of this world, you…”

Before he could finish speaking, Carl pierced his heart instantly.

“God? Haha!”

After a sneer, Carl glanced around and found a naval patrol team not far away.

Without any hesitation, he picked up the murloc and ran towards the beach.

After a while.

The long overdue naval patrol team was shocked when they saw the slain Denon.

“It’s over, we are late!”

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