Chapter 25 – Doflamingo!

After sending the pizza away, Carl breathed a sigh of relief.

From Pizza, Carl also understood why the masked man’s reputation would spread in such a short period of time.

It’s all because of the credit of those slave traders.

After these slave traders were beaten twice by Carl, they began to frantically publicize his deeds.

Said that he was the one who robbed hard-working merchants, and asked all hard-working merchants to be careful, and wrapped himself into a mummy.

As long as you encounter people with similar images, you have to take a detour.

Slowly, when the slaves heard the news, they imagined him as a hero.

Coupled with today’s events, the masked man’s reputation will not be limited to a small part of the Chambord Islands.

His legend will circulate throughout the Chambord Islands.

“I’m really speechless. I didn’t expect these slave traders to even help me with publicity.

But it’s a pity that this identity can no longer be used after killing the Tianlongren.

Even if you want to use it, I’m afraid you have to wait a few days to avoid the limelight. ”

But Carl didn’t want to be a hero as the outside world said.

His purpose of doing this is pure, just to prevent the slave traders from feeling well.

He also had no plans to rescue all the slaves, because he knew very well that with his current strength, he couldn’t do this at all.

So he can only say sorry to the slaves who are looking forward to being rescued in his heart.

At the same time, in the naval compound, a man wearing pink carelessness landed in front of Pizza from the air.

“Who are you? This is a naval base. What are you doing here?”

“Hey, hey, I’m Qiwu Haiduo Flamenco. I came here to take the corpse of the Celestial Dragon.

If you are acquainted, let me go, otherwise you will be at your own risk! ”

“Impossible. Although I will be dismissed immediately, I am still the commander here.

No matter who you are with me, as long as there is no order from the Marshal of the Warring States period, it is impossible to take away the corpse of the dragon! ”

“All the navy obeys orders, aim at Doflamingo and be ready to fire at any time!”


“Hey, hey, that’s really interesting, don’t blame me if you want to die so much!”

In the lobby of the naval base, Doflamingo, who is more than two meters tall, gave a strange laugh and suddenly crossed his hands!


All the blood on the scene soared out!

Each of them had ten more bone scars on their bodies.

Only Pizza used the armed color domineering and barely resisted this trick.

But even so, there are six or seven shallow marks on his body.

“Asshole! I didn’t expect you to be so strong!”

“But even so, I can’t let you pirates dominate the navy’s territory!”

“Doflamingo! Go to hell!!!”(Read more @

Pizza was already seriously injured at this time, but fortunately, he was good at it and didn’t get a second shot like other navies.

Taking advantage of his ability to counterattack, he instantly rushed to Doflamingo, covered with armed and domineering fists, and hit Doflamingo’s face.

“Hey eh eh, a rubbish with so many words, it’s really disgusting!”

Although Doflamingo was smiling, his tone was full of disdain.

I saw him gently raise his hand.

As soon as the invisible thread is seen, it shoots out instantly!

Pizza’s naked eyes can’t see this thread, but he is domineering and tells himself that he must avoid it, otherwise he will undoubtedly die!

But his body has not allowed him to dodge in mid-air.

So he had to close his eyes in confession.

But at this time.

Along with the sound of metal collision, Pizza felt his body suddenly fly.

When he looked straight again, he realized that he had already arrived in the room.

It was Karl who saved him!

Originally, Carl wanted to go back to the house to make up for a good night’s sleep, but when he heard the sound of fighting outside in the yard.

With curiosity, Carl wanted to see who was so bold, only to see Pizza’s death.

If he doesn’t stop in time!

Pizza must die!

“Carl, here you are…”

“Yes, I’m here, you can rest, I’ve heard the reason.

Although I also hate Tianlongren, this time for you, I won’t let him succeed! ”

Pizza nodded and squeezed Carl’s shoulder firmly.

“Thank you……”


Something resembling a bullet hit instantly from behind Carl.

Carl turned around and raised the knife, blocked the ‘bullet’, and then looked at Doflamingo.

“Brother Doflamingo, you are one of the seven martial arts under the king. The sneak attack is not in line with your identity!”

“Hey, hey, you two have ignored me for a long time, don’t you allow me to sneak attack?

Has your navy become so defiant now? It’s so funny! ”

Doflamingo sneered and crossed his hands again!

At this moment, Carl’s domineering knowledge told himself that there are sharp threads in all directions!

He has nowhere to escape!

“Since there is nowhere to escape, cut off all these threads!”

Carl gave a chuckle, waved the two knives in his hand, and directly cut the dense thread around him.

Afterwards, Carl didn’t stop at any moment, and flashed directly in front of Doflamingo.

Withered wood and Sakura’s ten-blade position, simultaneously slashed towards Doflamingo’s neck!

There was a ‘clang’.

Doflamingo’s hands were covered with armed domineering, and his body trembled slightly to block Carl’s blow.

“Withered Tree and Sakura Ten…”

“You are Naval Nova Carl?”

“Unexpectedly, I should be so famous. Even a big man like you knows me. I am really flattered!”

Carl chuckled and changed his trick instantly!

Doflamingo didn’t insist on it, but blocked Karl’s change of move, and stepped back a few meters and smiled again.

“Humhhhhhhhh, originally I thought that the old thing in the Warring States Period would arrange good seeds like you in the new world.

Unexpectedly, I threw you into the shampoo. This old thing of the Warring States Period is really a violent thing!

How about you follow me? Join my Don Quixote family, I will never treat you badly! ”

Doflamingo and Carl simply played against each other and found out that his strength is not weaker than his own.

Such talents are still in Chambord, even Doflamingo can’t help but give birth to the desire to attract.

But Carl shook his head, the airflow around his body began to rotate, and he flew into the air.

“Sorry, my dream is to be a navy, and your solicitation does not tempt me at all!

And, as Qiwuhai, you have violated the Qiwuhai treaty by taking the initiative to attack the navy!

Now I have the right to exercise an arrest warrant against you! Just catch it, Doflamingo! ”

“Humhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, since this is the case, let me see what the hell do you, a famous navy star, have any skills!

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