Chapter 28 – meet

“Carl Carl, I know you spent a lot of effort to build the naval base in Chambord in five days.

But you should also be aware that the rank of colonel is not enough to master the naval base in Chambord.

Therefore, I have already sent the appointment order, and she will trigger it immediately. You and her must complete the handover procedures and do things well under her.

Your achievements are still a bit short of the brigadier general, you have to keep working hard! ”

“I know the Marshal of the Warring States Period, thank you for your love, I will definitely not let down your expectations! I will strive for the achievement of getting promoted to Brigadier General as soon as possible!”

“Hahahaha! Yes, very good, what I want is this momentum, you must not let me down!”

Warring States was very excited to hang up the phone worm, and then looked at Polusalino and Pizza at the table.

“After observing Carl for five days, he did his duty for five days, not only leading the soldiers to repair the naval base himself.

It even expanded the scope of patrols and arrested many slave traders and pirates.

I can’t imagine these feats were made by a navy colonel.

This kid has the potential to be a naval general! It’s really a good seed that I value! ”


In five days and five nights, the Warring States side did not do nothing.

He used his maximum authority to observe Carl for five days, let him command the navy to the maximum and see his level.

But five days is already the limit, and the navy in Chambord must have a navy above the rank of major general.

So he must appoint someone to pass, and the time is today!

“Marshal of the Warring States Period, when I first saw this kid, I felt that his potential was very good.

Then after seeing him for the second time, I found that he had repelled Tianyacha, but this kid was only twenty years old and he had great potential! ”

Although Polusalino clocked in to work, he seemed indifferent to everything.

But he still devoted everything he had to the navy.

“Yes, I agree with General Polusalino, Carl is a kid with great potential, and the most important thing is that he is still young!”

“Yeah, you are an old man in Pizza, and you have seen a lot of monsters rise.

So after five days of confinement, do you have any thoughts now?

If you want, I can also transfer you to the shampoo, but your rank may be reduced to brigadier general, from then on assisting Taotu.

But it doesn’t matter if you want to demote, you can go to Zefa’s men and help him train new recruits. These are the two best choices.

I don’t want you to be stationed in the new world, your body can’t stand the battle of the new world anymore. ”

“I know, so I’m going to train soldiers…”

Pizza made his choice in a sigh of relief, while the Warring States nodded, then waved his hand and wrote the order and handed it to him.

“By the way, when you leave, help me inform Taotu so that she can leave as soon as possible and not be late. This guy is becoming more and more lawless and lazy following the crane.”

“Yes, I’m going now…”

Pizza smiled helplessly, and then walked out of the marshal’s office.(Read more @

After Pizza left, the Warring States period set his sights on Polusalino.

“How about it, has Ace been transferred to a secret prison?”

“Kuzan is on the way and will be there soon, but on Baibeard’s side, I didn’t inquire about the information that they wanted to rob prison.

On the contrary, there is another group of pirates, as if encouraged by someone, they have declared that they are going to overthrow the city…”

At this point, Polusalino’s expression became a little strange.

“What pirate group? It’s so bold?”

The Warring States period was a little surprised. This was the first time he saw that a pirate group dared to do this.

Porusalino sighed and said softly: “The remnants of the Straw Hat Pirates…”

at the same time.

Carl looked a little bit reluctant as he had been working in an office for five days.

Since the commissioning order has not come down for the previous five days, he sat here and commanded the navy here for five days.

He has had a very fulfilling five days, much more fulfilling than when he wandered around before.

He even forgot to go to Xia Qi’s bar for a drink in the past five days.

“It’s a pity that the days of fulfillment are always so short, and now I’m going to be forced to leave my job, so I really feel a little bit reluctant!”

Since he is only a temporary commander, he will naturally be replaced.

But the people below have already recognized him, even if the newcomers want to exclude him, don’t be afraid.

But he won’t really fight for power. It’s just a small shampoo, and there is nothing to earn.

As long as the other party doesn’t run him, he won’t do anything to the new chief.

“Master Carl, you said that the new chief is a man or a woman, a lieutenant general or a major general?”

“You ask me who I want to go? The marshal just said that he is coming, and the ghost knows whether he is a man or a woman.

Just wait with peace of mind. When the time comes, we will line up to welcome him, and he must not let him think that we are not giving face. ”

“Yes! Sir!”

“You don’t need to call me the chief, just call me by name. Let’s go and prepare to meet the chief.”

Carl gave the major a glance, then walked out of the room.

The major followed him with a smile on his face.

Time passed by every minute.

Karl led the navy to greet the upcoming commander.

But from the afternoon to the evening, no one was seen for nearly four hours.

The Warring States period was a phone worm that called in the morning. At that time, he said that the appointment order had been issued.

Calculate according to the time, even if there is some accident in the middle or the departure is late.

Carl took the navy to go out to meet the time, just in time to dock with the other party.

But all four of them disappeared, and there was no ship shadow on the sea.

This has made many navies a little angry.

“Who, according to the normal speed, we would have been greeted by this time, and then we finished our meal!

As a result, this newcomer was such a big air, he thought he was a general! You are so crazy! ”

“That is, even a general can’t be so unpunctual, it’s almost four hours!”

“I’m almost starving to death. Will this bastard come or not? Really too hungry!”

“Huh! This bastard’s first impression is so bad, I wonder if I will not listen to him.

Even if he lets me do work, I will act against the yin and the yang, and I will never give him a good face! ”

The surrounding navy chatted, and even more sat down on the ground and began to protest.

Carl ignored these people, but picked up the binoculars and looked at the sea intently.

He has been standing here for a long time, and he didn’t even move much.

Such perseverance surprised the rest of the navy, but at the same time admired him very much.

They thought they could never do it, and stood here motionless for four hours.

At this moment, Carl squinted his eyes and found a naval ship not far away, approaching!

“Everyone! Stand up!”

“Ready to welcome our new chief!”

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