Chapter 302 – Singles!

“The former Admiral Kuzan, the former Admiral Karl, it’s a coincidence that you two would appear here at the same time.

It seems that my luck today is not so good. If I had known it earlier, I would be here a day late. ”

Lederfield casually threw the civilian who had been drained of vitality aside, and then looked at Carl and Kuzan.

Although he said that he was bad luck, his expression was very plain, and he didn’t see any regrets at all.

“Lederfield, what the hell is going on, why are you doing this!”

When Kuzan saw the civilians lying on the ground, he was a little angry.

Although these people are still alive, I am afraid that the remaining vitality will not survive for a year or two.

Lederfield was really angry for doing this, and Kuzan was not blamed for being angry.

Even Carl couldn’t stand it anymore.

He directly drew out his own Hades, summoned the shadow of Hades, and rushed up immediately!

“Kuzan, we don’t have to talk nonsense with such people!

He is in the way of the phantom beast species and the bat fruit ability, he can restore his youthful ability if he has blood sucking!

So he must keep sucking blood all the time, and we must stop him! ”

Before the voice was over, Carl rushed up.

But Lederfield’s reaction was quick, his domineering experience and color also surpassed the limit, and he was on par with Carl’s experience and color!

The two weapons collided instantly, causing a violent spark.

At the same time, the two also broke out, the same level of overlord color, instantly let the ground under their feet drop more than one meter in depth!

“Ice Cube·Burst Pheasant Mouth——”

When Carl and Lederfield were in a stalemate, Kuzan did not speak martial arts, and attacked directly from behind!

I saw a huge ice bird, rushing forward thinking of Lederfield quickly!

Facing Kuzan’s attack, Lederfield jumped directly into the sky without any cause.

But Kuzan’s attack can be directed by him himself.

I saw this ice bird, under the control of Kuzan, flying fast towards the sky, and arrived at Lederfield’s feet in the blink of an eye!

“Really good control.”

Lederfield praised Kuzan, and with a flick of his hand, the umbrella in his hand immediately turned into a sword, releasing a huge sword energy that completely shattered the ice bird.

And his sword aura still maintained a strong power, rushing downwards.

If this blow hits the ground, Dresrosa’s port will probably disappear instantly!

Seeing this scene, Carl made a fist with his left hand and hit the sky directly!

The shaking fruit is launched!

I saw a crack in the air instantly, and the powerful vibration force instantly shattered Lederfield’s sword aura!

Its power has even disrupted the surrounding airflow.

In addition, Carl also released the power of fluttering fruits, making the surrounding airflow more turbulent!

As a result, Lederfield, who was in the chaotic storm, could not land safely.(Read more @

But he is not completely helpless.

Behind Lederfield, a bunch of huge black wings appeared directly.

This is the bat fruit, one of the abilities brought to him, giving him the power to stay in the air.

But even so, the airflow that Carl controls is still very violent.

It hasn’t been long for Lederfield to get the fruits, and he can’t fly perfectly.

So Carl’s storm still made him a little uncomfortable.

At the same time, Karl was also in the storm, mixing some sickle wind blades!

Although the power of these wind blades is not as powerful as Carl’s slash, but no matter what, the sharpness of each sickle Itachi wind blade is very impressive.

If Lederfield is careless, he will be scratched by Carl’s wind blade.

But more importantly, Karl used this method to force Lederfield into the range of the sea.

Only in this way can Karl guarantee that Dresrosa will not be affected by their battle.

“Kuzan, it’s almost done, help me freeze the distance of more than 10,000 meters, and leave the rest to me!”

“Are you really all right by yourself? Although I admit, you are very strong, much better than me.

But the other party is a tie with White Beard, are you sure you can? ”

“Hahahaha! Of course you can, men can’t say they can’t.”

Carl laughed and jumped straight up!

Kuzan sighed, then came to the shore and put his hand on the sea.

“Ice Age!”

Accompanied by Kuzan’s soft voice.

The surrounding sea is instantly frozen!

It’s not just that the surface of the ocean is frozen by ice.

Even the thousand-meter-deep ocean is completely frozen by Kuzan!

The ice age has been spreading outward until it spreads to a range of nearly 20,000 meters, and then the ice is stopped!

This is currently the maximum range that Kuzan can freeze.

But generally speaking, Kuzan does not freeze such a large area, he can only freeze several kilometers at most, so that he can fight easily.

But since Carl has asked so, he is not afraid of trouble, and will naturally help the frozen sea.

It’s just that the distance covered by ice is extremely exhausting.

After Kuzan completed the task, a few drops of sweat appeared on his forehead, and then he shouted.

“Leidfield will be handed over to you temporarily, if you see the situation is not good, come back and replace me immediately!”

“Don’t worry! Leave it to me, no problem!”

Hearing Kuzan’s words, Karl responded, and then rushed towards Lederfield!

at the same time.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Lederfield couldn’t help but sneered, and immediately took out a leaf.

This is exactly the new prop that Lederfield got, the deformed leaf!

“Become Carl’s appearance!”

As Lederfield’s voice fell, the deformed leaf instantly changed to Carl’s appearance, and then rushed towards Carl.

But the breath of this counterfeit was very weak, and Karl just let his shadow go up and easily solved the opponent.

Lederfield saw his ‘Carl’ be solved easily by Carl’s shadow, which made him feel a little unbelievable.

“How is it possible? My deformed leaf can model anyone’s ability. Although the defensive power is not good, the ability can be completely imitated.

Why is there no way to imitate any of your abilities after becoming you? ”

Lederfield was horrified. He had tried many times before, and the deformed leaf could change into anyone’s appearance.

As long as it is a character in his memory, he can change into the other side’s appearance.

Even ability can be completely imitated!

In addition to domineering!

But now he tried to imitate Karl but failed, which really made Lederfield a little puzzled.

Carl smiled without answering.

Although he didn’t know the reason, he could probably guess that it was because of the system, which blocked the deforming leaf’s ability.

Just as Lederfield was shocked, Carl rushed up instantly!

At the same time, the system sound also rang.

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