God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 306 - The death of the Red Earl

Chapter 306 – The death of the Red Earl

“Just kill me……”

The legendary pirate, the lonely red and scarlet earl, Barloric Lederfield, was lying weakly on the ice at this time, his whole person was extremely old, and he became skinny.

His fruit power can consume his own vitality to recover from his injuries.

But being so tossed by Carl, Lederfield has no way to completely recover his body.

This resulted in him being completely abolished, and it was impossible to stand up and continue fighting.

Such a four-emperor-level powerhouse was easily defeated by Karl, and it took only a day or so.

Carl looked at Lederfield with this embarrassed appearance, then looked up at the sky.

“Today’s moonlight, everyone is bright! Such weather is really rare.”

Carl said lightly, Lederfield didn’t speak, he just closed his eyes lightly, and he was fully appointed.

When Lederfield was used as a test subject by Karl at the beginning, he already knew that his path might end here.

What Lederfield didn’t think about was why Karl was so strong!

In his opinion, Karl’s strength is very outrageous, even the white beard and Roger at their peak were not so strong.

Even Lockes, who once instigated the situation, couldn’t do this level!

This made Lederfield understand that the young man in front of him was a real monster!

In front of him, other existences called monsters are all weak!

“Carl, before I die, I have a question for you.”

“Oh? Any last words?”

Hearing Lederfield’s weakness, Carl walked up to him with interest and slowly put Hades on his chest.

“Are you really not interested in the position of One Piece?”

“That’s it?”

Hearing Lederfield’s question, Carl curled his lips in disdain and replied casually.

“The title of “Children’s Play House” is nothing but useless to me!

Well, the answer is over, you can go to death! ”

Before the words were over, Karl directly inserted Hades into the opponent’s chest.

Without any suspense, Lederfield, who had been tortured and weakened, had already died at this time.

After killing the opponent, Karl flew into the air, using his abilities with a serious face to create a huge storm that could cover thousands of miles!

Then Karl vigorously swung a sword downward!

The huge sword energy, with the ability of double fruits, directly disintegrated the ice covering thousands of miles in an instant!

The powerful force makes the ice surface flow with the ocean again.

Lederfield followed the broken ice and fell into the sea together, and eventually disappeared.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

“Get the job done!”

‘Choose to complete, get A and ability, take a random chance, do you want to draw now? whether. ’

“No, save it for now.”

Carl clapped his hands to save the chance, and then returned to Dresrosa.

During the previous battle, Carl needed to concentrate on dealing with Lederfield, so it was not clear that Shanks had arrived.

“You really abide by the agreement, but today’s banquet may be a waste. Let’s talk about it tomorrow?”

Carl was a little surprised to see both Kuzan and Shanks waiting for him in the port position.

But Carl quickly reacted, put his arms around the shoulders of the two of them, and walked towards the palace.

Kuzan and Shanks smiled bitterly.

They watched here for a whole day, originally thinking of being able to pass by and support at any time.

But when Carl and Lederfield’s battle became more and more intense, they found out.

Even in the face of enemies of the Four Emperors level, Carl can also have the upper hand, and is comfortable.

But no matter what Lederfield said, he still has the strength, so Karl also used his best to solve it successfully.

But in the end Lederfield, because of his own fruiting ability, gave him a weakness that is not a weakness, and Carl seized the opportunity and cut his nerves.

If Lederfield does not rely on the fruit ability, he can actually connect quickly with his own recovery speed.

But in order to escape here, Lederfield took the initiative to burn his life to recover from various injuries.

This caused him to simply not be able to fight with all his strength.

Then it became a crushing game, and Lederfield eventually became Karl’s dead soul.

“I really didn’t expect that your strength has become stronger and stronger. When you defeated Blackbeard before, you still spent five days and five nights.

As a result, he now defeated one, and Lederfield, who was about the same strength as Blackbeard Titch, took a day to get it done.

I can’t see through you more and more, brother Carl. ”

Shanks sighed with emotion.

He really didn’t expect that Karl’s strength would improve so quickly.

If he were allowed to come, it would be impossible to kill Lederfield.

And Lederfield’s death also allowed Shanks to fully see how big the gap between him and Karl was.

Not only him, but even Kuzan can see clearly, the man in front of him, who is only in his twenties, is a real monster!

“Haha, in fact, it’s okay, my ability is more restrained, plus this fellow Lederfield, I rely too much on my fruiting ability.

Eudemons species, bat fruit, is not a very good fruit.

He abandons his swordsmanship, and has to go the wrong way to regain his youth.

This caused his sword to fall completely, and it was normal for me to suppress it.

Coupled with his fruiting ability, it will consume his own vitality, as long as he is not allowed to suck blood.

In this way, if you two master the method to deal with him, you can actually kill him. ”

Carl told the truth.

Because Lederfield’s flaws are really too big, as long as it can cause damage to him, he will definitely use the fruit ability to recover.

Shanks and Kuzan would drag him for ten days and nights if they wanted to, so that he would not drink human blood or regain his strength.

This guy, I am afraid he will die of old age.

This is also Lederfield’s biggest weakness, Shanks and Kuzan are fully capable of dragging each other to death.

However, they themselves will also pay a certain price.

After all, Lederfield’s strength is equal to that of the two of them, and it is not an easy role.

Shanks and Kuzan shook their heads, and didn’t take Karl’s words seriously.

While chatting, the three of them went inside the palace and had a drink.

In this way, the three of them, and the four of King Liku, drank all night.

The rest of the Red-haired Pirates, but at Shanks’ orders, fell asleep early.

Early the next morning, King Liku was drunk and couldn’t get up at all.

Carl and others were full of energy and headed towards the sky island.

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