Chapter 323 – Love Drew!

“So what do you mean by telling me this story?

Could it be that you also want to be friends with me?

Sorry, I don’t have this addiction! ”

Karl immediately rejected Im.

But Im was not angry at Carl’s words at this time.

He just glanced at the red earth continent under his feet, and then used his abilities.

I saw a space suddenly appeared inside the Red Earth Continent.

Then inside this space, there was a dilapidated island!

Such a situation, even Carl did not expect it!

He didn’t expect that Lavdrew would be in the interior of the Red Earth Continent!

“It’s amazing, isn’t it? This is the real Lavdrew.

However, the previous Ravdrew was normal, but later I hollowed out the mountains of the red soil continent to prevent someone from finding Ravdrew, and then threw Ravdrew into it.

Originally I thought that this would be foolproof, but who knew that such an accident as Roger happened more than 20 years ago.

I never imagined that he discovered the location of Lavdrew through an ability called ‘Listen to the Voice of All Things’, and even found the entrance.

Even I didn’t expect that there would be a hole here that could allow him to enter the Red Earth Continent.

This is my miscalculation, I never thought that such a magical guy would appear

Although his strength is average, his potential and talent even I am amazed!

If it were not because he was seriously ill and could not live for a few years, I would just kill him directly.

Because for so long, he is the first person to threaten me, and you are the second! ”

Im sighed, then threw Ralph Drew onto the sea casually like this.

It looks like throwing away a piece of garbage.

This kind of ability, the visual effect seems to be more shocking than the fluttering fruit of the crocodile.

After a moment of silence, Yim relieved his emotions before continuing to speak.

“To be honest, the appearance of your freak has affected the reincarnation of the world in your eyes.

Before Roger appeared, everything was normal in this world, even the appearance of Lockes was in my expectation.

Because in every reincarnation, there will be one or two people who try to challenge the authority of the world government/government.

The former Locks is exactly the same as the current dragon. This is a reincarnation.

But Roger is different. His death caused the great nautical era, which caused this cycle to change direction.

Coupled with the appearance of a weird like you, it completely exceeded my expectations.

You weird people shouldn’t appear in reincarnation and disrupt the rhythm of this world! ”

Im getting more and more angry, and then releasing his abilities to Karl.

But Karl was more relaxed, but instead of attacking Yim, he came to Lovelu.

“Although I don’t quite understand what you are talking about, your time has passed.(Read more @

People in the new era are now emancipating their minds, bodies, and even their own countries.

Your system of world government/government has long been decayed, and it simply won’t work.

Maybe your original intention has not changed, and you have always wanted to be the king of the world and keep the world peaceful.

And you did this, maintaining peace on the plane, but the surging in the dark, do you know? Do you know the miserable life of ordinary people?

Since they are all overthrowing the previous ruler and becoming the new ruler, I think you should understand the importance of public opinion, right? ”

Carl said while visiting Lavdrew.

There is actually nothing novel here.

All around are all kinds of dilapidated buildings, as well as some huge stones.

And Karl was also here, and found a tall stone stele.

It is full of ancient characters.

This should be the truth of the world as Roger saw.

But Carl is not interested in this, what he wants to know now is how to solve Eim!

Carl followed the stele and looked aside.


A name familiar to him appeared before his eyes.

‘Gol D. Roger is here for a visit! ’

‘I’m Gore D. Roger, I didn’t expect the direct truth to be so exaggerated.

But I came early, and I met a man who claimed to be the king of the world.

He said he could kill me at any time, but because of my illness, he didn’t bother to kill me.

And I also believe that what he said is true, because I found power far beyond me in him.

I fought him briefly, although I lost to the opponent, but I found a flaw in his ability.

If anyone comes here, you must remember that if you want to deal with the king of the world, you can only use mental attacks against him.

Physical attacks have absolutely no effect on him.

Having said so much, I should also go. The crew are still waiting for me, hoping that those who follow me can see what I said.

Gore D. Roger, stay! ’

After seeing this message, Carl looked a little ugly.

He didn’t expect that Yim’s weakness would actually be mental strength.

But Carl should have thought of this a long time ago.

Eim needs a deep sleep to relieve his mental state, and as long as he falls into a deep sleep, it is about ten years.

Unless something big happened midway, he would never be able to wake up.

This is enough to show that his spirit is a little abnormal, otherwise he wouldn’t be so lethargic.

But what makes Carl a little uncomfortable is that, besides the domineering look and domineering, he has no mental attack methods that can affect the opponent at all.

Moreover, the overlord’s domineering opponent also has it. It can be said that this move is completely offset, and it will not have any effect at all.

So Carl began to look at his personal attributes, looking for spiritual abilities.

But unfortunately, there are not many.

Even if it has a few mental abilities, it is non-aggressive.

So the flaw Roger mentioned basically didn’t help Carl at all.

But at this moment.

The knife in Carl’s hand shook suddenly.

Seeing Hades in his hand and the shadow next to him, Carl thoughtfully.

In addition to affecting the body, Hades’s demon can actually cause damage to the spirit.

But Karl rarely used it like this, because it would cause some damage to Hades.

But the current situation is that if it doesn’t, Yim can’t kill it!

This makes Carl a little helpless.

at the same time.

When Karl was still struggling.

Eim also slowed down at this time and teleported to Karl’s side.

“I thought about what you just said. It makes sense, but it doesn’t apply to me.

Because I didn’t expect world peace in the first place, this is just Joey Boy’s wish!

So keep fighting, only if you kill you, the reincarnation of this world will return to normal! ”

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