God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 329 - I met Koichi for the first time

Chapter 329 – I met Koichi for the first time

“How could the speed be so fast? Who are you guys anyway?!”

Tony Stark has asked this question more than once.

From the beginning of the desert to the Stark Tower, Karl took them over in a total of less than two hours.

This speed is so fast that Tony Stark can’t even imagine.

According to his unpredictable, the speed at which Karl controls the sand to fly is even faster than the average fighter plane!

“Actually, I could be faster, but for the sake of your weak body, I didn’t move forward at full speed.

If I want to, I can actually get here in ten minutes. ”

The corner of Carl’s mouth raised slightly, telling the truth.

But what he said in Tony Stark’s ears was just pretending to be coercive.

But Tony Stark didn’t get too entangled. Instead, he broke into the Stark Mansion and went to find his girlfriend, Pepper.

Carl and others were stopped at the door.

The bodyguards here are very conscientious. Although Intier and Luo wanted to force their way, they were stopped by Karl.

“There is no need to embarrass these ordinary people. Let’s find a place to exchange some money, and then eat some food.

Just when I came, I saw a good barbecue restaurant, and we went to taste it. ”

With that said, Karl left here with Luo and Intier.

Although Intier and Luo had acquired knowledge and language of this world, most of the things were just more conventional.

Regarding some rules of this world, as well as some legal provisions, it is necessary for Karl to popularize with them.

Although the laws of the ordinary world are invalid for them, there is no need for them to violate these laws casually.

Because it will cause some unnecessary trouble.

During the time when Karl was changing money for dinner, Karl also simply told Luo and Intil not to do it casually.

As long as no one is doing it to yourself, don’t take the initiative to provoke right and wrong.

But it was when Karl and others were eating at this barbecue restaurant.

The surrounding environment suddenly changed, and even the space around him appeared upside-down.

But the three of them can still sit here, eating barbecue steadily.

As for the diners around, although they disappeared, Carl knew that they were not harmed.

“Visitors from another world, what is your purpose in coming to Earth?

If possible, please leave now, otherwise I will do it immediately, please leave! ”

A bald woman wearing a yellow robes walked out of an aperture shining with yellow light, staring at Carl and others with scorching eyes.

She glanced at the three of them first, and finally fixed her gaze on Carl.

Although Intiel and Luo also have a good breath.

But the aura on Carl’s body is what makes her most jealous.

Because in Carl’s body, she perceives unusual powers and abilities similar to space gems.

“Is that the Supreme Master Gu Yi? We have the wrong name, right?”

The corner of Carl’s mouth raised slightly, and he put down the barbecue and came to Gu Yi’s body.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

Luo and Intier tried to stand up, but they were pressed back by Carl’s gesture.

“You two continue to eat, I can talk to Gu Yi mage alone, and she is not an enemy, am I right?

By the way, let me introduce myself, I am Karl, from another world.

This is my maid, Intil, and my follower, Bantra Falga D. Vatiel Ro. ”

Hearing Karl’s familiar speech, Gu Yi frowned.

As the saying goes, don’t hit the smiley people with your hands.

Now Carl didn’t show any hostility, and Gu Yi would look a little unsightly if he held on to it.

“Mr. Carl, since you know my name, you should also know my duties?

So now please leave immediately, otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude. ”

Gu Yi still maintained the same attitude as before, but Carl shook his head and took out the manufacturing drawings of the Space-Time Shuttle.

“It’s not that we don’t want to leave, but because we need this space-time shuttle to get out of here.

And we crossed over, which is an exception in itself, you can’t blame us.

So I plan to take a look first, and then look for these materials to make a space-time shuttle. ”

Carl said half-flicker and half-truth.

He doesn’t make a space-time shuttle, but he does need to make this thing.

And when the three of them came here, they were also brought by the Space-Time Shuttle.

It’s just that this is not an accident, Carl just changed his words.

At this time, Gu Yi was looking at this huge design drawing with all his attention.

Then she looked more and more frightened, and finally closed the ‘book’.

“I believe what you are saying is true, but I warn you not to do things that endanger the earth.

Otherwise, I don’t mind getting rid of you, and I will keep staring at you until you guys leave this world! ”

Gu Yi said, then opened the portal and left here.

At the same time, the surrounding environment returned to normal.

Carl quickly threw the design back into his space bag, and then sat down to eat the barbecue again.

“I didn’t expect her to be so sensitive. I only came here a few hours before she knew where I was. It was a bit scary.

This kind of strength, compared to Yim, is simply too much stronger.

I knew it, I should try it and bring Pluto over. ”

Carl sighed.

But now it’s too late to say anything.

Gu Yi’s calm appearance has already made Karl alert that the power of this world is probably stronger than he thought.

But the short meeting did not trigger the choice.

This is a bit regretful.

“Master Karl, who was that person just now? Is she really better than you?”

Luo asked in a low voice next to him.

Carl nodded, but shook his head again.

“I’m not sure, but she has a treasure on her body. If she uses this treasure, I am definitely not an opponent.

But if she didn’t use that treasure, I would be confident that she would be like her. ”

The treasure Carl said is naturally one of the infinite gems of time.

This is a big killer that can reverse time!

Carl does not currently have the ability to affect time.

So if he rewinded his time, he would not find any abnormalities at all.

Maybe the time Carl is in now has been backtracked by Gu Yi several times.

This is the real horror of Gu Yi.

No one can escape her time prison.

And at this time.

Intil frowned and looked outside fiercely.

“Master Karl, someone is here, and he still carries a weapon similar to a musket!”

“It seems that the people from SHIELD are here, let’s go, let’s go out and see them.”

Carl said, then took out a dozen banknotes and put them on the table.

“Boss checkout!”

“Keep the change, please!”

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