Chapter 331 – Nick Fury

Nick Fury has seen too many mutants, aliens, and some aliens.

Even the devil in other worlds, he is not unheard of.

Not to mention, he also knows a surprise aunt who maintains the peace of the universe.

So Carl’s statement is quite normal in his opinion.

The only thing Nick Fury doubts now is their true purpose in coming to Earth.

This is what he worries most.

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury will never allow anyone to destroy the peace of the earth and disturb the order of the earth.

That’s why he wanted to know why Karl came here.

“That said, open the chat, and sometimes you can cooperate better.

And I am not an unreasonable person, as long as you can find all the materials in this book for me, and find someone to make a space-time shuttle.

So let’s leave here without saying anything, what do you think? ”

As Carl spoke, he took out the manufacturing drawings of the Space-Time Shuttle.

Nick Fury, looking at this almost half-meter-high huge book, swallowed subconsciously.

Then he bit his scalp and turned it over and took a look, only to find that he could not understand anything.

“I have no way to answer this question. I will ask someone to come over and see, maybe he will know what these are.”

With that said, Nick Fury went out and made a call.

However, Carl and the others were domineering and could clearly hear who Nick Fury was calling.

The person on the other end of the phone is Tony Stark!

According to the normal plot, Nick Fury has not touched Tony Stark at all.

But because of Karl’s appearance, which caused the butterfly effect, Nick Fury didn’t know why, so early in contact with Tony Stark.

But Nick Fury wanted Tony Stark to help, but the other party sounded very impatient, and even hung up the phone halfway.

Obviously the relationship between the two of them is not very good, and even a little bad.

Had it not been for Nick Fury who had spoken Carl’s name during the second call, I am afraid Tony Stark would just block him.

But it was precisely because of Karl’s name that Tony Stark cheered up and agreed to Nick Fury’s request for help.

However, Nick Fury did not come in directly after finishing the call, but left S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.

After a while, Natasha, who was graceful and beautiful, walked in with tea.

She put the tea in front of the three Carl first, and then touched the huge book casually, her eyes a little surprised.

“Will anyone really read such a big book?

And this kind of thing, ordinary people can’t understand it at all, right? “(Read more @

“This is not a book, but a design drawing, it’s just a bit complicated.

But people who understand this thing, for some reason, didn’t come here with me.

Otherwise, I won’t come to SHIELD and look for your cooperation.

With my own strength alone, I can actually look for these materials and make what I want. ”

Carl said lightly.

But Natasha just nodded, and didn’t take it seriously.

Although she is not a mutant, she has no special abilities.

But her physical fitness is twice that of ordinary agents, and her skill is very agile.

Normal mutants are really not her opponents in front of her.

So Natasha didn’t have much fear of people with superpowers, and even some disdain.

If it weren’t for Carl’s strength that Natasha believed was a troublesome problem, she wouldn’t be here at all.

“In fact, I also have a question. You guys don’t stay in the original world so well, why do you want to go to another world?

Could it be that your original treatment in the world was not good? Or is it that wars often break out, causing people to lose their livelihood?

No matter how bad it is, the world crisis broke out, causing the world to end? It’s the end of the world? ”

Natasha’s seemingly inattentive words are actually collecting information and observing the reactions of the three Carl.

However, except for Karl’s face without fluctuations and still smiling, both Intil and Luo were a little angry.

“Your mouth had better be clean for me, my original world is very peaceful!

If it hadn’t been for my temper during this period of time, if I changed to the former me, you would have been sacked by me now! ”

Luo told the truth, but didn’t really do it.

When he was a pirate, his temper was really not good, and he was also a very tough character.

When the world of One Piece became peaceful, his temper gradually calmed down.

If he were to be replaced by him when he was young, I am afraid he would have done it a long time ago.

The same goes for Intil on the side.

But she was not because of her peace of mind, but because she followed Carl’s orders.

She knew that without Carl’s order, she couldn’t do it casually, otherwise she would cause trouble for Carl.

Intil has always been so empathetic, so she just stared at Natasha angrily.

Seeing this scene, Natasha also roughly understood that what she said just now really touched the hearts of these two people.

In other words, they are extremely likely to come from a different world, and that world should be a world that advocates force.

Natasha’s analytical skills are very strong. Although she is not as good as that of a monster-level person, she is also professionally trained and belongs to a ceiling-level agent.

So this simple analysis is easy for her.

“Since you don’t want to talk, then I won’t talk, let’s just talk about other things.

How about the laws of this world and some other rules? ”

While talking, Natasha casually got to the sofa next to her.

Carl and others listened respectfully, but their attention was not entirely on her.

Natasha also talked in different ways, not in the original order at all, and she didn’t even care about some points.

Because the task Nick Fury gave her was to appease the three Carl with words, so that they don’t leave here, and try to delay as much as possible.

And Nick Fury also turned to Natasha and told Natasha, don’t think about playing with them, because she is not Carl’s opponent.

Nick Fury knew this well.

Although Natasha was a little unconvinced, she still obeyed the order and would not attack Carl and others.

In this way, almost the effort of a cup of tea.

Nick Fury came with Tony Stark.

“I’m really sorry, I just finished a press conference, so I wasted a little time.

As for the one you are talking about, where is the drawing of the Space Shuttle, can you let me have a look? ”

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