Chapter 337 – A month

time flies.

Carl came to the Marvel World and was surprised for almost a month.

During this time, except for Natasha and Tony Stark, no one would come to his villa to disturb him.

This makes Carl a lot easier.

In this month’s time, the plots of Iron Man One and Two have basically been finished.

Carl did not participate, but smiled at Tony Stark’s performance.

Because Tony Stark got it ahead of time, the manufacturing method of the new elements, and the body was restored because of Luo.

However, he announced to the public that his body had not recovered, and his purpose was to catch a few big fish.

As a result, someone really took the bait.

First, Tony Stark’s uncle, driving the Iron Overlord to kill him.

In the end, Tony Stark controlled the armor to fight back.

He created the Department of Energy from the beginning, but he didn’t directly use it on his body, instead he had been fishing with the old reactor.

Then he caught such a big fish.

Later, Tony Stark, using the armor equipped with new energy power, easily dismantled the Iron Overlord.

From this, it can be seen that Tony Stark is stronger than the original, both in terms of strength and the degree of development of the armor.

And the most important thing is that Karl has always placed the design drawings in the Stark Industrial Building for Tony Stark’s reference.

Although Tony Stark still couldn’t understand part of this design, he was inspired by it.

His armor also improved quickly.

However, Carl gave him a suggestion, that is, it is best to keep only one for each suit, otherwise it will be used by someone with a heart, and finally blame him.

At the same time, because Carl participated in the research of the battle armor, although he just walked through the cutscene, to help Tony Stark experiment with the power of the battle armor.

But he was involved in the research after all, and if anyone wanted to frame Tony Stark, he would definitely be brought along.

Since Karl had previously shot Hulk and hated him in a flash, many people knew him.

Now it’s always a problem for Karl to go shopping on the street, and I can only ask Intil and Luo to help him buy it.

So now there are a group of people who want to kill Karl.

Because his threat is too great.

Tony Stark did the same.

Since he announced that he is Iron Man, the stock of Stark Industries has soared, and he has once again become the richest man in the world.

Its wealth can even be directly controlled, and about 30% of the country’s money flows.

In addition, Tony Stark himself is a genius, his steel suit can easily destroy a country’s armed forces.

The power is self-evident.(Read more @

So they will naturally look for opportunities to deal with Tony Stark.

There is no way, this country is like this, even people from their own country, they will fight in a nest, thinking that he wants to rebel.

The crisis consciousness of those politicians is so advanced,

It is precisely because of this that some things that would not have happened will eventually be forced by them and have to happen.

In this regard, Carl has nothing to say, after all, he is not from this world.

Relatively speaking, he is just a passer-by.

As long as the Space-Time Shuttle can be successfully manufactured and he has obtained the six Infinite Gems, he can leave at any time.

After all, they are here, so naturally I have to take some local products.

Infinite gems happen to be in this world, and it is a special souvenir, so Carl will naturally not let it go.

So Carl has been trying to get information about the universe’s Rubik’s Cube from Nick Fury’s mouth during this month.

Unfortunately, he did not succeed, because Nick Fury was really tight-lipped.

But this is because Karl didn’t directly use force to threaten, otherwise, he wouldn’t always pretend that he didn’t know anything.

Carl didn’t care about this, because Nick Fury went around and always returned to his hands.

And Carl also established a Carl Biomedical Co., Ltd. during this period.

The address is in the villa where he is currently located.

Although this biomedical company does not have any actual products, Carl founded this company in his own name.

With his own name and the assets he carries, even if he doesn’t do anything, it will be enough for the company to operate for hundreds of years.

What’s more, Carl really intends to study something.

Although Luo is a doctor, he is also a pharmacist in genetics.

Although he is not very professional, he is already among the top batch of biologists compared to most of the world.

In terms of biological genes, Luo studied under Bergapunk.

That’s why Karl said that he is not very professional, because in Karl’s eyes, only Begapunk is a professional.

The others are a little bit off.

It is a pity that Begapunk is unwilling to come with Karl, because he is in the world of One Piece, and there are still many things that have not been thoroughly studied.

But even if Begapunk didn’t come, Luo would actually be enough here.

Carl was like S.H.I.E.L.D., buying a lot of experimental materials, and then took a lot of experimental equipment from Tony Stark.

Fortunately, Carl had built a very large basement under this villa.

If not, there is really no place to put these experimental materials and experimental equipment.

In this way, Carl’s biomedical company was established hastily.

Carl himself serves as the CEO, Luo is the chief biological expert and the physician here, and Intil is Carl’s secretary.

By the way, Carl also asked Intil to sing two songs from this world on the live broadcast at the opening of the company, which triggered a wave of public opinion.

People squinted at Intil’s singing, and then Carl’s company’s stock price rose sharply.

No way, the power of fans is so powerful.

Even if Karl didn’t do anything, some fans were willing to pay.

In addition, Intil’s charm ability is passive. She didn’t even actively release the ability during the live broadcast, so she charmed all those people.

Such an effect, even Carl did not expect.

Because he just intends to let Intil, increase the popularity of his company.

Who knew this would happen.

Some people even called and asked Intil to make a direct debut at a high price.

For this kind of person, Carl hung up the phone without hesitation and greeted his family.

All that Carl did seemed to him very normal, but he had been monitoring Natasha and the black marinated egg from SHIELD.

They didn’t expect that the people around Carl were also very scary.

Needless to say, Luo had already seen his strange ability.

It was the first time that Intil’s ability was demonstrated, but its effect was no less than the shock that Carl had brought before.

Because she is regardless of gender, as long as the willpower is below a certain threshold, she will be completely charmed by her.

As for when to recover, it depends on the individual’s physique.

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