God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 340 - Meow hammer Meow meow meow

Chapter 340 – Meow hammer! Meow meow meow?

It’s still night.

In a desolate desert.

There is a hammer that doesn’t look very eye-catching, standing quietly in the hole.

Around this hammer, there is static electricity.

Miller is referred to as Meow Hammer.

It is Thor’s hammer dedicated to Thor.

This hammer is full of Odin’s supernatural power.

If anyone wants to covet this hammer, Odin’s supernatural power will play its role.

Only those who are not qualified can’t lift this hammer at all.

This is the prohibition imposed by Odin!

The purpose is to prevent anyone from stealing this Thor’s hammer belonging to Thor.

But Odin never thought of it.

At this moment, three people suddenly appeared around Thor’s Hammer.

Led by Carl, he took the lead in coming to the hammer to try.

Did not pick it up.

Even though he tried his best, he didn’t pick it up.

But he didn’t care. Instead, he directly used the power of the fluttering fruit, and then the hammer flew into Carl’s hands.

“That’s it?”

Carl raised Thor’s hammer disdainfully, trying to summon Thunder.

But unfortunately, he was not qualified to pick up the hammer, but relying on the ability of the fluttering fruit to cheat and pick up the hammer.

“Luo, give it a try. Can you pick up the hammer? To be honest, this meow hammer is still a bit fun.”

With a quick throw, Carl threw the hammer to the ground.

Luo tried it, but he couldn’t pull it out by himself, which surprised him a bit.

“It’s really a magical hammer. It seems that it won’t work if you don’t use some methods.”

Before Luo’s voice is finished, he will use his ability, expand the ROOM position, and use the baton to stabilize it in his hands.

But he also tried to wave it, but didn’t call Thunder.

“It’s me, it’s me! Hee hee!”

Intil smiled and rubbed his hands, Luo Ze put the hammer on the ground and took a step back.

Carl and Luo originally thought that Intil could not be able to pick it up.

But they are all wrong!

Intiel sullen his cheeks and pulls hard!

She directly used too much force and fell down with her back to the ground.

The Thor’s Hammer was even held in her hand.

The three people present were a little dazed, and didn’t know what the situation was.

“Master Carl, you have no ability to coax me?”

“Don’t make trouble, I didn’t do anything.”

“Then Brother Luo, how about you? You are useless, right?”

“Of course it’s impossible. My baton can only help me control, not you, let alone I have cancelled the ROOM field.”

Karl and Luo glanced at each other, and then they understood.

Intil is really qualified to use Thor’s Hammer!

Because her mind is pure, she just wants to sing and serve Carl with all her heart, and she doesn’t have any other impure thoughts.

Although she has no righteous heart, and no chivalry spirit.

But her innocent, single-minded mind was received by the hammer, and then recognized by the hammer.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

Now she wields Thor’s hammer and summons a few centimeters thick thunder, which is the best evidence.

Only Intil’s own strength is not very strong.

These thunders are also thin and short, without feeling.

But Intil was very happy because she could pick up the hammer that neither Karl nor Luo could pick up.

This made her very excited, and even kept thinking about Karl and Luo showing off.

Carl looked at Intier, who was having a great time holding the hammer, and laughed playfully.

“Odin, seeing this scene, I’m very curious about your expression!”

In the temple of Asgard.

Odin fell into Odin’s sleep, and the corners of his eyes twitched involuntarily.

Although he fell asleep, he could see everything in the outside world clearly.

Especially the three of Carl can pick up Thor’s Hammer, which makes Odin feel a little embarrassed.

But he still has to keep pretending to sleep and not show any expressions

Because at this time, Loki has emerged from the shadows.

His eyes were a little vulture.

Raising Gangneil in his hand, his expression became more and more ferocious.

But he gestured here for a long time.

In the end, I couldn’t get it done.

“Father, you can rest assured to sleep, I will take care of all the good things in Asgard!”

at the same time.

In the desert of the earth.

Carl and others were tired of playing Thor’s Hammer and put it back in place.

They plan to stay here to see when Thor will come.

But instead of waiting for Thor, they waited for Colson first.

After a few brief conversations with Coulson, they set up a simple tent here, but did not deploy too much force.

In this way, time slowly arrived late at night.

A man with a sturdy figure and long hair suddenly appeared in this temporary base.

His skill is very bright, and he can easily cross those defense lines and stun the few guards here.

This person is Thor, the god of thunder, who was thrown into the mortal world!

Although his power was sealed by Odin, his combat experience was not lost, and his physical fitness was the same.

“Finally found you, Mauernier!”

The moment he saw Thor’s Hammer, Thor excitedly placed his hand on it and pulled it hard!

The hammer has no response!

Push hard again!

Still no response.

It’s still useless to repeat it.

No matter how hard he tried, the hammer could not be picked up by him.

At this time, a thunder flashed across the sky.

The sky was densely covered with dark clouds, and suddenly it rained heavily.

Saul did not believe in evil, and continued to draw his hammer.

Carl is manipulating the airflow, condensing the thunderclouds in the sky, and wants to make the storm more violent.

Because only this kind of turbulent weather is worthy of Saul’s mood at this time.

“Shall we not go over and arrest him?”

Coleson looked at the video in the surveillance room, his hands itchy.

But without Karl’s order, he didn’t dare to act rashly, for fear of being slapped into flesh by Karl.

“Don’t worry, wait for a while.”

The corners of Carl’s mouth raised slightly, and he said with a dark belly.

“If you don’t see his desperate expression, life will be regrettable.”

Hearing Carl’s words, Coleson looked dazed, completely unaware of what he was talking about.

But he didn’t bother about it either, because Karl often said something that he didn’t understand at all.

That’s it, about ten minutes later.

Sol was already tired and collapsed on the ground, and his whole body was a little ill.

“Why, why can’t I pick it up!”

“I am Thor!”

The rain is getting heavier.

The thunder is getting louder and louder.

The sky is like Sol’s mood.

The heavy rain is full of rain, and life is hopeless!

Saul was still pulling his hammer out of nowhere.

His eyes were full of despair and self-doubt!

He completely ignored the rainstorm and wanted to get his hammer back with all his heart!

But at this moment, a car came from a distance.

“Sol! Get in the car, don’t catch a cold!”

The woman wore a poncho, struggling to walk in front of Saul and help him up.

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