Chapter 364 – Stalemate

The White Queen didn’t want to do anything to Carl, but she also didn’t want to offend Carl directly.

Although she and the Black Queen are both members of the Hellfire Club, the organization is very loose and there is basically no discipline at all.

And they are not monolithic inside.

The most important thing is that the Xian Mi Hellfire Club has the Black Queen in power.

But more than half of the people in it all joined the Brotherhood of Mutants of the White Emperor Magneto.

Although the remaining small half did not join, these people are all independent camps, and they have their own ghosts.

The White Queen is also a member of the Brotherhood of Mutants, and she and Magneto are old acquaintances.

So this time to come to Karl, it was also the attention of the White Queen.

The Black Queen just heard about the White Queen and wanted to attract new people, so she was a little curious, and then followed.

As a result, no one thought that the man they wanted to win would kill the White Queen in seconds.

This, the White Queen herself is not clear.

And now the whole person, even fighting with the Black Queen, seemed to have a bit of advantage.

And the most important thing is that the Black Queen will teleport, and Luo will also teleport!

The black queen can fly in the air and keep things in the air.

Luo Jiao stepped on the moon step, and he could also fly in the air, and his fruit ability was stronger than the black queen!

The most important thing is that the mental impact of the Black Queen is completely ineffective for Luo!

Although Luo’s mental power is not very strong.

But he can at least hold it, Carl is a domineering person.

The black queen’s mental impact is at best slightly stronger than Luo’s overlord color.

After all, this is the ability to specifically attack the spirit.

But on the whole, this kind of move has absolutely no effect on Luo.

If you change to Professor X, let alone Luo, I am afraid that even Intil can’t hold his mental power, and Karl will be immune.

But the spirit of the Queen in black, obviously unqualified.

Her mental power is at most the same level as the White Queen, which is not worth mentioning.

So the black queen, the only thing that can pose a threat to Luo is her own black magic.

But black magic cannot be used frequently, otherwise it will cause irreversible damage, and it will also easily attract Gu Yi’s attention.

Gu Yi used white magic, of course she wouldn’t just watch, someone using black magic openly.

So the Black Queen was also worried about Gu Yi, so she pressed her magic, and didn’t use her full strength.

And this is what the White Queen is worried about.(Read more @

She knew the strength of the Black Queen, even Magneto couldn’t be tough with her, and X would be able to control her for a moment.

So she was very worried that Luo would die in the hands of the Black Queen.

In this way, the plan to recruit Karl was completely ruined.

But Carl didn’t care. He just put his hand on the heart of the White Queen and watched silently, the battle between the two of them in midair.

The White Queen saw her heart and was played with by Karl in her hand. Her face was slightly red, and her eyes were a little bit wrong.

She stroked her chest.

I don’t know why, she always feels that the person in front of her looks more and more handsome, very attractive.

This also caused her heart to start beating faster, and most importantly, this heart was still beating in Carl’s hands.

Carl felt the abnormality in his hand, and it was also a bit strange, why the white queen’s heart would be beating so fast.

But he didn’t care, he just thought the White Queen was a little nervous.

“I don’t know how strong the Black Queen you think is.

But my subordinates are much better than you think!

He won’t die even if he loses to the Black Queen, and according to my observations, the two of them should be equal in strength, and there is no difference between the victory and the defeat.

If you don’t believe me, you can sit down and have a cup of tea and have a look with me. ”

“Aren’t you afraid that I suddenly acted on you?”

When the White Queen heard Carl’s words, she was a little surprised.

She didn’t expect that Carl would take the initiative to sit down.

Carl’s behavior made the White Queen feel hairy in her heart, and she didn’t dare to sit down at all.

“Don’t worry, we are not enemies, and Luo has taught you a lesson before and took your heart out.

With the heart in my hands, is it possible that I still have to be afraid of you?

And even if you can take your heart away, you are not my opponent. ”

Hearing Carl’s confident words, the White Queen rolled her eyes, wanting to complain about Carl’s arrogance.

But she thought for a while, Carl did have this capital arrogance.

The strength of a subordinate is enough to kill himself in seconds, so how strong should he be?

The White Queen didn’t dare to imagine, so she still obeyed Carl’s suggestion, got to the chair next to her, and gave herself half a cup of tea.

She didn’t dare to drink too much, because there was someone next to her, who had been staring at herself with angry eyes.

The source of the angry gaze was Intil.

“Huh! I warn you, don’t even think of hitting the master’s brother!

And we are all human beings, real human beings, not mutants like you!

You figured this out for me, ugly woman! Humph! ”

Intiel roared full of anger, which made the White Queen a little speechless.

But she still had some doubts, why Carl and others are so strong that they are not mutants, but humans.

She couldn’t understand this at all.

As if he had guessed what she was thinking, Carl explained: “There are many superpowers in this world. In addition to your mutants, there are other superpowers.

You may have the means to detect mutants, but I can tell you that the detection is not necessarily accurate.

So don’t be blindly self-confident, just in case one day in the future will be the same as now, kicking into the iron plate without knowing it.

I’m fairly good at talking, but I’m just teaching you a lesson. If you were to be some cruel people, you might be dead. ”

Carl’s plain tone made the White Queen shudder.

It was not that she had not thought about this possibility, but felt that the chance of error in the test results was really small, so she didn’t care about it at all.

But when she heard Carl’s words, she paused, then nodded and stopped talking.

Carl’s face-saving ability has taken effect, and the White Queen automatically made up some of it. Regarding the problem of the error in the detection, then this matter is nothing more than that.

Since it is not possible to invite to join, the White Queen now only prays that Karl can return his heart as soon as possible.

Only in this way can she quickly leave this place of right and wrong.

As for the Black Queen who was still fighting Luo, she didn’t bother to take care of it either.

In the eyes of the White Queen, Carl, who was separated from her by a table, was the most terrifying existence!

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