Chapter 377 – Malekis

Time goes by little by little.

It has been half a month since the X-Men came to look for things.

In the past half month, Steve Rogers, running to Tony Stark almost every day, almost lived in his house.

But Steve Rogers is forgiven for doing so.

His shield was repaired by Tony Stark, and it was completely invisible, any difference from before.

Even Tony Stark used Destroyer’s materials to strengthen the shield.

This makes Steve Rogers’ shield stronger.

As for the Destroyer, why did it come to Tony Stark’s hands? It was entirely because Luo couldn’t study this thing.

And Karl is not a scientist, and he can’t do research himself, so he can only hand it over to Tony Stark and let him help with the research.

However, because Tony Stark studied this thing, his armor was updated very quickly, which was more than twice as fast as the original.

Even the villain of Iron Man III appeared earlier than the original, but he chose to appear at this time, and he will face more than Tony Stark alone.

Steve Rogers, because of the shield, owed Tony Stark a favor, so he helped him to eliminate the enemy.

This is why, during this time, Steve Rogers has been running out to find Tony Stark.

His shield was repaired in five days.

In the rest of the time, he basically used to be a bodyguard, and he did not return to a normal life until the villain was solved.

In this matter, Karl has been watching the battle, and did not participate.

After all, this is their own business, and Karl didn’t want to intervene to help.

But for some things, Karl has to take action.

Because the gem of reality has come to the earth!

Carl could deeply perceive that a huge crack appeared in the sky again.

The breath of reality gems resonates with the soul gems and space gems in Carl’s hands.

Obviously, this is the plot of Thor II.

Malekis, the lord of the dark elves, who holds etheric particles in his hand, descends on the earth, wanting to create darkness!

Thor fought hard, but it was a pity that he was not an opponent of reality gems at all.

“It’s a pity, it’s clear that Thor’s current strength is close to the original Thor III, but he is still not an opponent of Malekis. It’s really too good.”

Carl shook his head.

He has been watching the battle from the air, and did not choose to intervene for the first time.

Because he wanted to see what level of strength the current Sol has reached.

But the result disappointed Karl.

“Forget it, let’s help. If he continues to fight like this, I’m afraid he will die here.”(Read more @

With that, Karl looked back at Loki and Luo.

The two of them were called by Karl to watch the game together. If they need to be on the field, Karl will also let them come on the field to help.

Intil didn’t follow, her abilities were not suitable for frontal combat after all, and Carl was not traveling far, so naturally there was no need to follow.

“Luo, Loki, you two go, just be careful of his ether particles.

And Loki, you have been practicing for so long, so it’s time for me to see your growth. ”

Hearing Karl’s words, Luo nodded and flew out directly.

Loki swallowed, and asked somewhat unconfidently.

“Can I really?”

“If anything, if you don’t go, I’ll fine you to clean the villa for a month!”

“I’m going! I’m going now!”

Hearing that it was still a month to clean the villa, Rocky was suddenly excited.

During this period of time, because of his improved strength, he was a little swollen to challenge Luo.

In the end, not only did he not succeed in the challenge, he even lost the duel because of a bet, and then cleaned the entire villa, both inside and out.

This cleaning is not as simple as simple cleaning, but from the inside out, including weeding, sweeping the ceiling, and some miscellaneous tasks.

This is comparable to Steve Rogers and Intier’s daily cleaning, I don’t know how many times the trouble.

After doing this, he was tired, and he couldn’t straighten up the next day.

Even if he was Asgard’s physique, he couldn’t handle it.

So when he heard Karl’s words, he didn’t care if he could do it.

Just don’t clean the villa anyway!

At this time, Loki had already learned the moon step. Although he was not yet proficient, there was no problem in keeping flying in the air.

After all, Loki is also the second prince of Asgard, with extraordinary talent.

After Karl exchanged a potion for him, it took Rocky almost a week to learn the moon step.

And this is still him, using his spare time to practice the illusion, which shows that he has a very strong gifted talent.

“Let’s see how you perform. I hope you can solve the spicy chicken shreds. In this case, I don’t have to do it.

But when it comes to spicy chicken shreds, I am also a bit hungry, so I might as well eat spicy chicken shreds at night. ”

Carl nodded, thinking that his idea was perfect!

at the same time.

The battle between Malekis and Thor is still in a stalemate.

However, it is a stalemate, which is a bit of praise for Sol.

In the current situation, it was Malesky who unilaterally abused Sol.

Relying on the gem of reality, that is, the powerful power of ether particles, he completely played Thor in his palms.

Although Thor can control the Thunder, with his power, even the protection of smashing ether particles can’t be done.

Even if it was hard for him, he thought of a countermeasure, using the weight of a hammer to defeat the opponent.

But the power of ether particles is to change reality.

Relying on the etheric particles, Malekis can even lift Thor’s Quake!

But he didn’t lift it up by himself, but let the etheric particles form an arm and lift it up.

Upon seeing this scene, Saul was completely stupefied.

He didn’t expect that ether particles could still be used in this way.

Then, just as he was stunned, Malekis threw the hammer out with his backhand, hitting Thor’s chest heavily, causing him to squirt a mouthful of blood.

Asgardians are not easy to vomit blood.

So you can imagine how heavy the blow was just now that will make Saul vomit blood.

“Thor Thor, your death date is here!”

“After I kill you, it will be your father Odin’s turn. Finally, I will destroy Asgard and plunge the entire Nine Realms into darkness!”


With a burst of laughter, Malesky condensed the etheric particles into the image of a growth spear, and instantly stabs Sol!

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