Chapter 382 – One year

The most annoying thing about Hydras is not how strong they are, but their very exaggerated hidden abilities and self-hematopoiesis ability.

Just like their slogan, the heads of the Hydra were chopped off and eight were left.

Even if they have one head left, they will never die.

It is precisely because of this that Hydra is very difficult to deal with.

But this is just so difficult compared to SHIELD.

For Carl, it means that they are all a group of children, and they can’t escape his eyes.

So when the agents of Hydra came to the door, Karl followed the taste and solved the high-level Hydra one by one.

Although the action was a bit rough, it didn’t do any cover-up work.

It also caused a very bad influence, leading officials in this world to condemn Karl collectively, and even want to use public opinion to influence Karl.

It’s just that Carl just announced a piece of news immediately, that is, if someone continues to talk about him, the second generation of potions will no longer be sold to these people, and he will blacklist them one by one.

All the people who denounced him disappeared about two-thirds as soon as he said this.

There was still a small group left, basically people who hadn’t used medicine before, but they quickly stopped speaking.

After all, no one wants to offend the boss of a company that can make life-prolonging medicines.

In this way, the Hydra has been completely annihilated, and SHIELD has not split, although there is still a part of the Hydra battle that has not been dealt with by Carl.

But the rest of this person can’t make any waves, so there is no need to worry at all.

So this knowledge passed slowly, and no one wanted to mention it.

This time the Hydra, let alone a head, was afraid that even the whole body was almost wiped out by Carl.

They may also be left in the end, a little bit of thighs, or tails. If they want to regain their vitality, I am afraid that it will not be enough before a hundred years or so.

It is precisely because of this that Carl’s brutality was seen by everyone.

This time, as long as he identified the opponent as a Hydra, he almost killed them all.

Within a day, Carl killed nearly a thousand people.

These are all high-level officials of Hydra, and they are also high-level officials of this world.

Even the boss of Nick Fury was killed by Karl.

Although somewhat arrogant and unreasonable, after investigating after the clues provided by Carl, they found that these people were indeed Hydra people!

Karl didn’t make a mistake!

And this made most people stay away from Karl.

In their opinion, Karl is already an omniscient god, so he doesn’t want to have anything to do with him in the car.

But even so.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau still maintains close contact with Carl. Even Carr’s Biomedical Co., Ltd. has been taken care of by S.H.I.E.L.D. and successfully listed.(Read more @

Finally, Carl and Tony Stark also joined forces to form a new Institute of Biotechnology.

The lineup of researchers inside is also very exaggerated.

In addition to Tony Stark and Luo, the two promoters, Dr. Pym, the first generation Ant-Man, also participated.

As a PhD in biology, Bruce Spinner, of course, also joined this research institute.

In addition.

S.H.I.E.L.D. people also sent people to join it.

Nick Fury’s purpose is very simple. He just wants to know the research data of Karl’s biopharmaceuticals.

In this regard, Carl did not ask for confidentiality, but let Luo choose.

As for whether Luo Ge did not give it, Karl didn’t know, and he didn’t bother to care about it.

In this way, there is not even a week.

This biotechnology research institute already has one hundred subordinates.

Among them, more than 70 people have at least a doctorate degree, and more than 20 people have a double doctorate degree or more.

A small part of them have special abilities and even superheroes.

But what Carl didn’t expect was that an oolong appeared in this research institute.

They even invited Strange, who had not yet become Doctor Strange, to join them.

Strange hadn’t been in a car accident long now, so he wanted to find a way to heal his hand, and then Tony Starkla came in by accident.

This made Carl a little speechless.

And Gu Yi was also somewhat helpless.

This was originally a game she had set up, and she wanted Strange to take the initiative to find Kama Taj and worship him as a teacher.

It turned out to be better now. As soon as the oolong came out, Gu Yi himself came over and talked to Karl, hoping that Karl could find a way to let him go to Kama Taj.

In this regard, Carl can do nothing, because he has no reason to do so.

In the end, Gu Yi had no choice but to do it himself, forcibly acting in front of Strange, telling him that he had a way to help him solve the problem quickly.

Then Strange was obediently taken to Kama Taj by Gu Yi.

However, Gu Yi’s appearance at that time also scared them.

Because everyone present, except Luo, was the first time to see Gu Yi, a powerful mage.

Even Loki saw Gu Yi for the first time.

It was also this meeting that made Loki understand the insurmountable gap between himself and the Supreme Mage.

as time flows.

Soon a year passed.

Carl’s Biomedical Co., Ltd. is already comparable in size to the Stark Industrial Building.

And Karl was also next to the Stark Industrial Building and bought a building about the same height as his building.

In this way, both of them can take care of each other.

It’s just that there are some staff members in this building, and Karl, Luo and others don’t often appear in this building.

The person in charge here now is Loki.

Karl put him in charge of the building and 80% of the company’s business.

Anyway, except for the development of pharmacy, everything else was managed by Loki, and Carl did a hand-off shopkeeper with ease.

As for his medicine, it has also been developed to version 4.0.

This version has increased the life span of human beings to an average of about one hundred years.

Although it looks, it is not very high.

But the most amazing thing about the medicine Carl sells is that he can reduce your aging degree and prevent organs and cells from failing so quickly.

In other words, unless you are really dying, your cells and organs will not fail immediately.

But correspondingly, when your life span is approaching the limit, the organ will give a warning three years in advance.

These three years are basically the loopholes Carl deliberately left. In order to remind them in time, they can prepare for funerals.

As for the 5.0 version, Carl does not plan to develop it, because if he develops further, it will be a real strengthening potion, not a life-increasing toy.

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