Chapter 387 – Nervous

Gu Yi’s sudden visit made Carl understand that Domam was about to descend on Earth.

At the same time, he also informed S.H.I.E.L.D. and Magneto of this matter to prepare them.

As for the other forces, they are more or less affected by the wind.

The whole world suddenly became much quieter because of Domam’s coming.

Although ordinary people don’t know this kind of thing, even they can feel it, and the whole world has become tense.

Especially on the streets, there are more and more police forces.

There are also military exercises all over the world, all in full swing.

And the places where these countries conduct military exercises are the locations of the gates of hell that Carl previously marked.

Carl’s marked location is rather vague, but if you circle this area within a radius of ten kilometers, there will be absolutely no mistakes.

This is the thinking of those countries. After all, they don’t know the precise coordinates, so they can only do so.

However, relying solely on the strength of the nations of the world, they would not be able to completely encircle the gates of hell.

So the mutants of the X-Men and the mutants of the Brotherhood also swept some of the death zones that humans could not easily set foot in.

Magneto and Professor X led their teams to guard one side, and they were ready to meet the devil army.

In addition to them, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents have also dispatched one after another, starting to search for abnormalities around the world to prevent anyone from trying to mess around and destroy.

This war will affect the entire world.

Therefore, they absolutely do not allow anyone to come out and make trouble during this time period.

Even if it’s an underground salvage like Jinhe, there is an organization that likes to find things in ordinary times like Shouhehui.

At this time, they all seemed calmer and didn’t take the initiative to cause damage.

They are not lunatics after all, and naturally know how terrible this world would be if it were occupied by the devil.

Especially the big men of the underground world, they have almost seen Mephisto and know what a greedy devil this guy is.

So it is impossible for them to give up the earth to such a greedy guy.

As for the ghost rider.

Carl didn’t ask him anything. After all, he was unlikely to follow Carl’s words.

However, the ghost knight’s intuition is very accurate, and his perception of the devil’s breath is also very sensitive.

So he knew exactly where he should go.

As for Luo and Intil, the two of them are responsible, and the safety around the city is enough.

After all, there will always be some fish that slip through the net, and more importantly, the believers of Domam will also jump out at this time.

What they have to do is simple, and that is to unite the Avengers, Tony Stark, and Rocky and Sol, and fight against the followers of Domam.

The strengths of these believers vary, but they all have one characteristic in common, that is, they all possess the power of black magic.

And because they completely took refuge in Domam, their mastery of black magic can even compete with the Black Queen who has been practicing hard for many years.(Read more @

This is the benefit of believing in darkness.

The strength can be greatly enhanced, but the shortcomings are also obvious, that is, to become the other party’s eternal slave!

There is another point, and it is also the point that makes Gu Yi most distressed.

That is these believers, most of them are his disciples.

Although she knew from the beginning, these people believed in Domam and then hid by her side.

But in order to cooperate with his fate, Gu Yi didn’t find them directly, but chose to let them stay here.

This is where Gu Yi is more rigid.

Although she is farsighted and very powerful, once some things involve her, she will become a bit old-fashioned.

But it is also this kind of old-fashioned, when she guarded the gem of time for hundreds of years.

It wasn’t until she met Karl that she broke this ironclad rule.

After all, she asked Carl for help, so she took the initiative to hand over the Time Gem for Carl to study for a period of time.

So the staid personality, sometimes, is really too easy to be bad.

In this regard, Odin did a very good job.

His staidness is even worse than Gu Yi.

But sometimes, he is more flexible than Gu Yi.

It is precisely because of this that Karl can successfully get so many Infinite Gems.

And Odin himself knows very well that these gems are the best protection if they remain in Karl’s body.

After all, with him, even if Thanos came in person, he might not be able to snatch the infinite gems from Karl.

And leaving Loki with Karl to study, this is Odin’s most profitable choice.

Because the current Rocky’s strength has more than doubled compared to when he was at the beginning.

Odin can be said to be so happy now that he even gave the Ice Box to Loki for safekeeping.

This artifact, coupled with Loki’s current strength, can be said to be able to display his ice physique to the fullest.

Now even Sol is not necessarily Loki’s opponent.

But recently Odin seems to be helping Thor, awakening his power of thunder, and helping him build a battle axe by the way.

Carl doesn’t know exactly what tomahawk it is, but depending on the situation, it is likely to be the tomahawk tomahawk.

that’s all.

over time.

The tense atmosphere on the earth is ready to emerge.

Even ordinary people, walking on the street every day, can see all kinds of plain clothes, as well as people on patrol, walking on the street.

Even fighter jets and helicopters whizzed past the sky from time to time.

But these don’t count.

Some mutants that can fly, as well as superpowers, also fly in the sky from time to time.

Whenever they see this scene, they will feel that the world has become completely unfamiliar.

Especially when nearly a hundred steel suits roared past the air.

The feeling of “I was born to be a human being, I’m sorry” is even more lingering in my heart, and it won’t go away for a long time.

Originally, Iron Man, or mutant and superpower, was not seen once a year.

Now I have to run into it seven or eight times a day.

This makes them feel that the world has really changed completely!

at the same time.

The interior of S.H.I.E.L.D..

A woman with a shining body is sitting drinking tea in Nick Fury’s office.

“Nick Fury, you call me back so anxiously, what’s the matter?

Although I just returned to the earth today, I always feel that the atmosphere of the earth seems a bit wrong. Who on earth have you provoked and why are you so nervous? ”

“Danvers, this matter was not caused by us, but by someone trying to invade the earth.

Had it not been for someone to inform us that we had to be prepared to be invaded, we might not know anything yet. ”

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