Chapter 394 – Shocked Danvers

“You can smash the space?!”

“You said, did you secretly use the power of infinite gemstones to smash the space?

Or in other words, you have mastered the method of using infinite gems, and then you will not be backlashed? ”

Danvers couldn’t believe that Carl could do harm to space by his own strength.

So she decided that Carl used Infinite Gems, so she questioned him.

However, Carl chuckled and slowly retracted Hades to the suspension bridge, then opened the space bag and took out the Infinite Gems.

“The infinite gems are here, and I didn’t use this thing to cheat.

And you are not Domam, I don’t need to use Infinite Gems against you.

This power is nothing but my own ability, for example! ”

With that said, Karl first threw the infinite gem back into the space bag, and then waved it casually.

I saw the atmosphere cracked instantly.

A hundred meters in front of him, the collapse began to appear, and eventually the entire ground shook.

The powerful force caused this Gobi Desert to vibrate directly for more than ten seconds before eliminating the impact.

“My ability can cause atmospheric cracks at will, and then cause shocks to an area.

And this energy, I can attach to any part of my body, even my weapon can cover it.

As long as my control accuracy is high enough, the slashing is sharp enough, the speed is fast enough, and the power is strong enough, it is not difficult to smash the space. ”

Carl briefly explained his own devil fruit ability.

People in the Marvel world don’t know what the devil fruit is, so Carl can only explain it to them in this easy-to-understand way.

And this is not the first time Carl explained this way. After coming to Marvel World for more than a year, Carl would often chat with Odin and Gu Yi.

So he already had his own set of rhetoric. After all, Gu Yi and Odin were very curious about his abilities, and he couldn’t help but explain.

After all, it is better to deal with Domam together, or to get to know each other.

Otherwise, it’s easy to happen outside the situation.

But Danvers at this time was obviously frightened.

She really didn’t expect that Carl had the ability to smash space with his bare hands.

If she knew that Carl had such power at the beginning, and gave her some guts, she wouldn’t be able to take the initiative to ask for trouble.

Because of this ability, let alone Thanos, there are only a handful of the universe capable of shattering space.

So she is now a little doubtful whether Nick Fury deliberately didn’t tell herself about Karl’s true strength.

“Every time I see your abilities, I kind of feel envious.

Although your abilities are extremely offensive and destructive, if used properly, they will be very strong.(Read more @

But if you are a bad-hearted person, in addition to the existence of that small part in this world, I am afraid that the power of infinite gems can restrain you. ”

Karl nodded when he heard Gu Yi’s words, but at the same time shook his head.

“The power of the infinite gem is very strong, I have to admit that.

But this also divides people. If you two use Infinite Gems, I am definitely not an opponent.

But for people who are weaker than you, such as Rocky Thor and others, even the dark elves that have a high affinity with reality gems, I won’t be afraid.

After all, infinite gems are also used by different people. People who are not very strong, I really don’t need to care whether they have infinite gems. ”

What Carl said was full of pride.

However, his remarks did not arouse disgust, and Gu Yi and Danvers took it for granted.

Because someone as strong as him should have this kind of pride.

“That, Lord God King said, if you can, please speed up the meeting, he will enter Odin’s sleep for a few days…”

Sieff on the side said weakly.

Her sense of existence, in front of Carl’s trio, is really too low.

Even Strange has a higher sense of existence than her.

Had it not been for the title of the goddess of the earth and the four warriors of Asgard, she would have been completely ignored.

There is no way, who can let her strength be completely unable to intervene in the big brothers.

This time, if Odin hadn’t asked her to speak, she would have been so silent forever.

“In that case, we should also go back.”

With that, Gu Yi gave Strange a look.

Strange nodded, then began to rub his hands with magic.

Three seconds later, the space door was formed, and Strange sent a total of five of them back.

“Strange, you still need to improve.

A multi-person portal actually takes three seconds. It seems that you are not very proficient in this magic. ”

Hearing this intentionally, Strange nodded, expressing his understanding.

“I know the teacher, and then I will focus on practicing this application. After all, I use less, so it’s time to practice.”

Strange is very good at this, he can face his own problems, instead of starting to find reasons to throw the pot after being told.

Although the three-second time is not very slow.

However, compared to the ancient one’s instant, the speed at which Strange creates mass teleportation is indeed a lot slower.

Even in the original book, when Strange made a large portal, he could do it with a wave of his hand.

So now he is still a little bit behind when compared to the original work against Thanos.

But now he is much stronger than the original book, when he hurriedly resisted Domam.

After all, in the original work, he had practiced for a few months at most, but now he has practiced for more than a year.

“Well, next, we should discuss things about Domam.”

Carl spoke, then found a place for himself and sat down comfortably.

Gu Yi and Danvers also found a place to sit down casually, and then began to communicate.

Only Sieff stood aside tremblingly at this time.

Although there is still a place, she is totally afraid to do it now.

When she came here before, because she represented Odin’s will, she was not very afraid of Gu Yi and Karl.

But more importantly, she didn’t know the true strength of these two people at the time.

But now when she witnessed the strength of Karl and Gu Yi, and Danvers.

She found that she was very uncomfortable like a kitty who strayed into the tiger group.

This caused her, even the discussion of Gu Yi and others, did not hear clearly.

Fortunately, it doesn’t matter if she hears it clearly, because she is just Odin’s second wood.

As long as Odin can hear the content of the discussion through Sif, and Sif can pass the word on his behalf, it is enough.

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