God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 404 - The body is here

Chapter 404 – The body is here!

“Be prepared, Domam’s body is here!”

Gu Yi looked into the distance sharply, and Carl and Danvers also followed Gu Yi’s gaze.

I saw a super huge face appeared in front of everyone!

This is how many times bigger than the giant phantom face before!

Looking up from this planet, it seems that the entire universe of dark dimensions is covered by Domam’s big face!

This is the ontology of Domam!

Dommam summoned the body, and it took nearly a minute.

If this were chasing someone else, the other person would have escaped at this point in time.

This is also one of the reasons why Domam will not let his own body appear easily.

Because it’s a waste of time.

And although the power of the Phantom is weak, it is at least at the multiverse level, enough to kill any enemy below the multiverse level.

Even in the face of the existence of the same multiverse, he does not have to worry that he will be defeated by the other party.

Because the Mirage will never fail.

But when Domam planned to descend on his body, it already showed that he was very angry!

He has only one idea now, that is to kill the human beings in front of him, and finally destroy the earth and the entire Nine Realms!


“go to hell!!!”

With a roar from Domam,

The rich dark energy rushed to Karl and the others in an instant.

When Danvers saw this, his face changed drastically.

She found that her energy could not expel this dark energy.

So she didn’t hesitate to use the space gems to increase her own energy, which barely resisted the invasion of the dark elements.

The same goes for Karl and Gu Yi.

For the two of them, only the ability to use infinite gems can block the dark element of Domam and ensure that they will not be corroded.

“This power is really different from before!

I really didn’t expect that after the ontology appeared, Domam’s strength would increase so much.

If we don’t have infinite gems, we really don’t know how to face such a powerful enemy. ”

Carl said with a smile, and slightly eased the tension.

But no one paid any attention to him.

Both Danvers and Gu Yi were very cautious and did not dare to say a word.

Then Carl looked at Gu Yi and asked with doubts: “Gu Yi, I have a question. I want to know how you fought against Domam before.

If you fight against it, he also has the current power. You, who only have an infinite gem, shouldn’t be his opponent, right? “(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

Facing Karl’s question, Gu Yi glanced at him, just about to open his mouth.

But Domam next to him suddenly roared again!

“Asshole Gu Yi!”

“If you have the ability, you don’t use Infinite Gems. I want to see what you can do!”

“Once again and again, it made me fall into the cycle of time. Every time I want to beat you, you will activate the time gem, which is really irritating!

This time, I will never give you a chance to release the gem of time, go to death for Gu Yi! ! ! ”

Hearing Domam’s roar, Carl couldn’t help but open his mouth, then smiled bitterly.

“It seems to be similar to what I thought. You are relying on the gem of time to deal with each other.

But what a resentment it must be to make him so angry!

Having said that, Gu Yi, how many times have you used the Time Gem on him? ”

Carl asked again.

At this time, Domam’s attack had already arrived, but the three of them worked together and their offensive was easily blocked.

With the bonus of infinite gems, the strength of each of the three of them is equivalent to the level of the multiverse.

It’s a pity that, except for Karl, Danvers and Gu Yi and two have restrictions and can’t use Infinite Gems frequently.

Only Carl himself, because of his physique, would not be subject to this restriction.

Later, after the three of them blocked Domam’s several attacks, this ushered in a breathing opportunity.

At the same time, Gu Yi responded indifferently to the question that Carl had just asked.

“I can’t count the exact number of times, but I used Domam 30 million times when he was the most rampant.

If you count other periods, there will probably be fifty to six million? ”

Gu Yi said a shocking number in the calmest tone.

Five or six million?

Carl sucked in the dark energy, then spit it out.

This number is really amazing.

Even Danvers next to him was stunned.

Then a dark tentacled, wrapped around her body, lifted her up.

Seeing this scene, Carl didn’t care about admiring Danvers’s proud figure, but directly activated the reality gem to turn this tentacles into harmless vines for humans and animals.

Danvers also broke free immediately, and patted his chest a little afraid.

“It’s terrible.”

I don’t know, Danvers said that it was terrible, whether it was the tentacles just now or the number of words that Gu Yi said.

But she should have both meanings.

“Damn humans, damn infinite gems, die for me!!!”

Seeing his offensive, Domam was once again resolved by Carl and others, feeling extremely angry.

Now Domam’s attack has been offset by the Infinite Gems, and even if his body descends, he can’t have much effect.

This is the overbearing of Infinite Gems.

As long as Karl and the three of them don’t have unlimited gems in their hands, they can offset all of Domam’s offensives.

But there is a problem with this, that is, the three of them have fallen into passive defense.

Even if Karl wanted to take the initiative to attack, he could only be forcibly bounced back by Dommam.

Even if the three of them rushed out together, the dark element of Domam could also intercept the three of them, preventing them from attacking this huge face.

As a result, a major change occurred.

The plan they had negotiated before, in front of Domam’s defenses like copper walls and iron walls, there was absolutely no way to enter it and attack Domam’s body.

“It’s not a way to go on like this, Carl, you and Danvers give me a chance. I can kill Domam!”

In such a stalemate.

A method deliberately thought of, but it requires the cooperation of Karl and Danvers Foss.

But in this way, Gu Yi has a high probability of going and not going back.

According to the current situation, it was not yet this time, so Karl did not agree to Gu Yi’s plan.

“Gu Yi, calm down, it’s not time for you to perform.

Although making a numbing defense is very difficult to resolve, it is not impossible. ”

Carl organized a deliberate suicide attack, and then the corners of his mouth raised slightly and a smile appeared.

At this time, Carl is already in his chest!

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