Chapter 406 – Crazy planet!

Millions and billions of seconds of time are being lost.

Karl didn’t know how long it took him to clean up the dark energy of hundreds of thousands of planets.

Although he has the blessing of reality gems, Carl’s right hand at this time has become pitch black.

This appearance looked like obsidian, with no colors other than black.

This is the impact of excessive use of real gems.

This happened before when Carl practiced using real gems.

In the end, he rested for three or four days, and this allowed his right hand to recover.

But even if it kept this state, it didn’t affect the battle, at best, the right hand became more sluggish.

However, Carl has fluttering fruits, and seeing and hearing domineering, even if his right hand becomes sluggish, it will not affect his combat effectiveness.

These two abilities are enough to make up for the side effects of Carl’s reality gems.

at the same time.

Both Gu Yi and Danvers were also out of breath, and spent a lot of energy.

Both of them have been staring at Domam all the time, don’t let his attention, keep focusing on Carl.

So this also led them to deal with Domam’s offensive.

But at this time, Karl was ready to launch a general attack on Domam!

“Gu Yi, Danvers, get ready! I’m going to rush!”

Karl came to the two of them and roared.

I saw the dense giants of light, instantly converging into four dazzling rays!

The mysterious Siao debut!

This is a method that Carl has just discovered.

To summon the mysterious Four Auras, a large amount of light energy must be consumed.

Therefore, he must integrate all the transformed light energy, so as to summon the mysterious Four Auras.

However, even the mysterious Four Olympics, they are just mere appearances, they look more handsome, and they don’t have too much strength.

And the mysterious Siao, just released a light skill together, and then disappeared.

However, when these light skills all hit Domam’s body, they directly pierced his face!

A huge hole appeared on Domam’s big face, and it looked very violent.

“Damn humans!!!”

“Dare to hurt me, it’s really looking for death!!!”

Dommam roared again, bursting out all his strength, and began to attack Karl and others.

It’s just that his attack method is too single.

Carl and others have been fighting here for so long, and they basically understand all the attack methods of Domam.

So it is easy to deal with, without any problems.(Read more @

Afterwards, according to the original plan, Carl began to control hundreds of thousands of planets and smashed towards Domam together!

This scene is very shocking. Neither Gu Yi, Danvers, nor Karl have seen the scene where all the stars are coming together!

“I really have your Karl, I didn’t expect you to have such an ability!

But having said that, the power of reality gems is not so easy to control, right? ”

Gu Yi looked at Karl’s right arm and couldn’t help asking.

Carl shook his head and smiled.

“Don’t worry, I can still hold it. It’s just that half of my arm is out of sensation, and it won’t affect me.

But in my lifetime, I can control hundreds of thousands of planets, which for me is also a peak moment.

Because in the future, I don’t necessarily have to do this, so I cherish it too! ”

The corner of Carl’s mouth raised slightly, revealing a nuclear smile, staring at Domam in front of him.

Danvers didn’t know what to say.

Her hands at this time were also blurred due to the excessive use of Infinite Gems.

This is the side effect of space gems. If you use too much, your whole person will become nothingness, and eventually disappear completely, and even your consciousness and body will not remain at all.

However, this side effect will not affect the user’s body until it breaks out completely.

So Danvers didn’t have to worry about herself at all, because she was far away from the full outbreak of side effects.

This side effect can be recovered after a maximum of one month’s rest.

On the Gu Yi side, there are no side effects at all.

This is thanks to her two magic utensils.

Without these two artifacts, Gu Yi’s body would probably be the first to hold on.

at the same time.

Domam saw hundreds of thousands of planets that originally belonged to him, and he rushed towards him uncontrollably, which made Domam a big deal.

He immediately released dark energy and wanted to control these planets.

But without exception, these planets are not under his control at all.

Because Carl’s fluttering fruit, coupled with the control of reality gems, is absolute.

This is the control of the power of rules, even if Domam is the master of the dark dimension, it cannot violate the rules of reality gems.

So Domam now has only two options, and that is to destroy these planets and prevent them from continuing to hit him.

Either you continue to let the impact, or you are the first to attack Carl and others.

But if he was hit by the planet all the time, even Domam would feel the pain intolerable.

Not to mention, these are hundreds of thousands of planets.

If all of them hit him, they would really be dead!

Domam was extremely angry at this time, and didn’t know what choice to make.

And at this time.

After Carl and others discussed it, they attacked Domam collectively.

However, the three of them all released long-range attacks and then detonated the planet closest to Domam.

The explosion of the planet directly produced violent energy, bombarding Domam’s face, which made him extremely angry!

At the same time, this explosion also caused a bit of your wound on Domam’s face.

Seeing this scene, Carl and others brightened up.

They also had the mentality of trying to see if the energy generated after the explosion of the planet could hurt Domam.

In the end they really guessed it!

Such an operation can really hurt Domam!

So they didn’t hesitate to detonate those planets directly while Domam was still thinking.

Seeing one’s own planet, one by one was detonated.

Domam wanted to cry without tears, and was heartbroken. His inner favorite was full of anger, burning!

In the end, when Karl and others detonated thousands of planets.

Domam finally couldn’t stand it anymore!

He directly exploded with powerful energy, spreading all the surrounding dark elements, covering every small planet!

For Domam, these planets were destroyed, although it would make him very sad.

But this is not irreversible, it just takes a very long time.

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