God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 409 - Changes in the world

Chapter 409 – Changes in the world

“Brother Carl! You are finally back!”

Intil found that Carl had returned for the first time, and was overjoyed. Then he flew forward, hooked his hands around Carl’s neck, and hung it on his body.

“Is it so excited?”

Carl couldn’t help but smile when he looked at Intil who was so excited.

at the same time.

Luo also found out that Karl had come back, he was overjoyed, and then teleported directly from the third floor to write it down.

“Master Karl! Welcome back!”

Seeing Luo at this time, Carl can clearly feel that he has become a lot more mature now, and the hat has also changed its style, becoming a dark spotted hat.

The previous black and white spotted hat is gone.

Then Karl took a closer look at Luo and found that his body has changed a lot.

And the most important thing is that there are many scars on Luo’s neck and arms!

Carl can see that these scars are scars from battle!

Obviously, Luo has also experienced a lot of battles during this period, otherwise he would definitely not leave so many scars!

“Thanks for your hard work, Luo. With so many injuries, you should have suffered a lot, right?

What happened during this period of time? Why has the earth’s environment changed so much?

Also, why did those hell gates become the territory of hell?

According to my calculations, even if the war is over, it will not be affected there. Is there any accident? ”

Carl sighed and threw out all his questions directly.

Hearing Karl’s question, Luo sighed, then slowly explained.

“Master Carl, during this time, too much has happened. During the three months of your absence, the devil army has invaded the earth almost every day.

According to the information I got, they seem to have mastered some kind of technology that can revive those small demons without limit.

Although it was said that the big devil could not be resurrected after death, they later simply used the resurrected little devil to invade the earth, and they continued to invade the earth without stopping.

As a result, the earth’s defense army is somewhat powerless, even if it is mutants and people from the Avengers, there is no way to prevent the invasion of the hell army.

In the end, relying on Asgard’s army and Thor’s strength, they could barely resist the hell prince.

And Odin also released the Rainbow Bridge once, blocking half of the gates of hell.

In this way, although our pressure has been relieved a lot, the effect is still very limited.

Until some time ago, there was an alien silver creature, who claimed to be the Silver Shadowman, and said that he had a way to solve the matter.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

We believed him, and then he really solved the problem that the little devil can always be resurrected.

But the price is that all the hundreds of thousands of miles around the gate of hell have become the territory of the devil!

However, after doing so, the devil army did stop and did not continue to invade the earth. ”

Luo sighed and said all the things that happened during this period.

“Three months, I didn’t expect that after taking such a long time in the dark dimension, if the universe is different, the concept of time will become blurred.

According to my own understanding, if we are in the dark dimension, it will take 20 to 30 days to do more, right? ”

Carl couldn’t help but shook his head, then put his gaze to the sky.

The sky at this time was shining with dazzling light.

This is the light of the sun.

But apart from the sun, Carl always felt that there seemed to be other rays of light above it.

“By the way, what about the Rockies? Shouldn’t he be here?”

It suddenly occurred to Carl that Loki was not in the villa.

This makes him feel a little strange.

Luo did not speak, but Intil curled his lips, hands on hips.

“This guy Loki returned to Asgard when the Devil Invasion incident temporarily came to an end.

He said that there was something urgent and urgent, and he had to go back quickly, and he didn’t even say anything about it. It was really too much. He simply didn’t put Master Karl in your eyes! ”


Intil snorted coldly, obviously dissatisfied with Rocky’s behavior.

But Carl didn’t care, and Loki went back without authorization, indicating that something really happened in Asgard.

Otherwise, he would never be so anxious, and he didn’t even leave a reason behind.

“Then leave him alone for now, let’s talk about the devil first, and how about that Silver Shadowman?

In fact, I am quite curious, who is the Silver Shadowman in your mouth, and why he is here to help us.

Could it be that this man is the kind of hero who guards world peace?

Or did he come to earth for another purpose? ”

Hearing Karl’s words, Luo shook his head and said that he was not clear, but Intil rubbed his chin thoughtfully and said softly.

“I’m not sure if he has a purpose, but his mental fluctuations have been transmitted to the universe, obviously he is in contact with someone.

But what he did before did indeed help us solve the temporary problem, so that the devil would not invade the earth.

At the same time, he also joined Nick Fury, the black egg, founded the Avengers, and officially became a member of the hero.

Looking at it this way, he is indeed a hero and a good man.

But my sixth sense is generally not wrong. I always feel that he came to the earth with bad intentions, so I reminded Nick Fury.

He followed my advice, so he didn’t always believe in Silver Shadowman, but other people believed him. ”

“Where is Tony Stark? People like him don’t trust others easily, do they?”

Carl asked again, and Intil nodded, then hugged Carl’s waist and said.

“Tony Stark is really shrewd. He didn’t join the Avengers, nor did he join S.H.I.E.L.D., nor did he believe that a foreign creature would help us unconditionally and without reason.

So he completely rejected any communication from Silver Shadow Man, and even started to develop a combat armor against him.

Although it hasn’t taken shape yet, but I saw it before, this is Nano War Armor, very high-tech!

If it can be successful, even mass production can be carried out, and then we can have one set of staff! ”

When talking about this, Intil was obviously a little excited.

But Carl didn’t care, because Tony Stark was able to do this, not surprising.

If he can’t do it, that’s a shame.

Afterwards, Carl continued to inquire about other changes in the world, and both Intil and Luo also informed Carl of everything they knew.

Nothing is missing.

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