Chapter 414 – Get together

“Attention everyone!”

“Around the gate of hell, there was a sudden high-level energy response, and the agents of SHIELD were on standby at any time, ready to attack!”

“The members of the Avengers are on standby at the same time. If the devil appears, you will need to appear!”

One month after Carl returned to Earth.

Hell once again launched an offensive against the earth.

But this time, there are not too many little ghosts, but the hell lord.

The strength of the hell lord can be regarded as the existence of hell, second only to the existence of the devil lord, but even so.

In the eyes of the devil lord, the lord of hell is still just a useful cannon fodder.

Because of the strength of the lord of hell, it is actually that way.

Although they have IQ and mastered black magic, there is also a kind of pseudo-immortality.

As long as they don’t hurt their roots, they won’t get hurt or die.

This kind of hell lord looks particularly strong, but in fact it’s the same, it’s not worth mentioning.

But now the Earth’s defense is relatively empty, and Asgard’s army had already returned a month ago.

And I heard that Asgard is now also facing a war.

So they have no time to care about the earth.

This time the crisis can only be guarded by the people of the earth.

At this time, Steve Rogers, who was in the villa, was still on vacation.

But when he learned the news, he would move S.H.I.

As long as there is a need, this person with extremely high dedication will be there as soon as possible.

But Carl also knew about it, and he didn’t intend to intervene.

Now that Nick Fury has taken the countermeasures, plus most of them, they believe in the strength of the Silver Shadow Man.

So this time, Carl plans to take Luo and Intier to the theater.

Even Tony Stark was following the show here at this time, and did not intend to personally help.

But no matter how much he said, he is also a member of the earth.

So he still let Jarvis control his nearly eighty suits, ready to help at any time.

It’s just that the war between hell and mankind is about to break out again.

Five weirdly shaped behemoths appeared within the range of Carl’s perception of color.

Carl could clearly see that these five weird guys were very tall and tall, and even the shortest one was almost five meters tall.

The tallest one is even fifteen meters away!

These guys are all giants properly!

And the most important thing is that Karl can feel the strong hell breath in them.

This is very similar to the hell breath of Mephisto and Lucifer!

But compared to the two of them, the aura of these five monsters is slightly weaker, but not much weaker.(Read more @

“Is this the hell monarch collectively dispatched? And their target, turned out to be me?”

Carl looked dumbfounded and didn’t know when he had offended so many hell lords.

He didn’t believe in evil and began to remember, then he broke his fingers and began to calculate, what hell did he sin against the hell monarchs.

But he counted and counted, and only Mephistopheles and Lucifer had fought Karl.

As for the five lords of hell, Carl has no idea what’s going on with them.

“It’s really weird, these five guys, is it possible that these five guys are in love with me?”

Carl sighed helplessly, then greeted Luo, ready to fight.

Intil is not suitable for this kind of battle, so it is enough for Carl to keep her at home.

Then he took out four infinite gems and took a look, then put them back, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Carl can use the four infinite gems skillfully.

Even if it is a gem of time that has just been acquired, Karl can be perfectly released after a month of training.

And the side effect of time gems is the lightest of all gems!

Because the side effect of the time gem is to consume the user’s time.

In layman’s terms, it is physical fitness and personal life span.

But Karl’s life span, under the blessing of physique and system, has basically become infinite.

And his physique is even more non-human.

Time gems cannot be invaded at all.

So this also leads to the side effects when Karl uses other infinite gems.

But the side effects of the time gem can’t have any effect on him!

In other words, Carl can use Time Gems without harm!

This is blood!

So these five hell lords came here, purely looking for death!

Carl, who has mastered four infinite gems, is fully capable of singles out five of them!

Although it is a bit risky, it is not impossible.

But just when Karl was dispatched.

A portal appeared in front of Karl.

The new Supreme Mage, the heir to the ancient one, and the current master of Kama Taj, Doctor Strange, appeared in front of Karl.

“I have observed that the real body of the devil appears here, and the energy response is very intense, it should be the devil’s monarch.

Mr. Carl, do you need me to help you? ”

Strange came to Karl gracefully, with a smile on his face.

Carl’s personal relationship with Strange is still OK.

After all, Gu Yi has temporarily handed over the Time Gem to Carl for management.

If Strange doesn’t have a good relationship with Karl, he won’t be back with the gem of time.

And Karl wouldn’t hate Strange, such an enthusiastic person, even if his enthusiasm is pretended.

But Carl can really talk to him, and it doesn’t hurt to have multiple friends.

“If you are willing to help, I don’t mind, but there are five hell monarchs on the opposite side. Are you sure you can?”

Strange froze for a moment when he heard Carl’s words, but nodded gracefully.

“You can solve one at a speed, and Mr. Luo and I dragged down four. The problem is not big!”

“It’s a good thing to have confidence, but you don’t have to be so tired, because there are still acquaintances here.”

“Are there acquaintances?”

Hearing Carl’s words, Strange looked up to the sky, and then saw two bright streamers shining in his eyes.

After a while.

Danfoss, the colorful light, landed directly in a standard heroic manner, and appeared handsomely in front of Karl.

“Long time no see Carl, and Strange, long time no see!

S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau checked that there were huge energy fluctuations here, and I suspected it was the devil monarch, so it came.

Then this is the Silver Shadowman. Carl met him once a month ago, so he should know him. ”

Danvers greeted him first, and then introduced the Silver Shadowman next to him.

Upon seeing this, Strange nodded to him, but didn’t like him.

Obviously, the Silver Shadowman is also not to be seen here in Strange.

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