God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 420 - Mephistos defeat

Chapter 420 – Mephisto’s defeat

The fire of hell, coupled with the guns Johnny Blazer brought from the earth, exerted an unexpected effect.

This is not the first time Johnny Blazer has used this configuration. When he used firearms before, he could kill a devil in seconds with almost every bullet.

Except for the lord of hell, there is no devil that can resist, a bullet with hell fire.

This kind of power is very exaggerated, but it is a pity that the bullets are limited. If the bullets are not changed, although they can still be used, the power will be greatly reduced.

After all, the bullet itself is also very penetrating and lethal.

In this way, in conjunction with the fire of hell, it can have a very good effect.

It’s just that this method, against Mephisto and Lucifer, can’t cause effective damage.

But delaying the time of the two of them, hitting them by surprise, there is no problem at all.


“A mere human, you still can’t tolerate you being presumptuous in hell!”

Mephisto roared, and he immediately revealed his original form, turning into a huge devil!

But when he was transformed into his original form, his right arm still did not recover.

Seeing this scene, the faces of Mephistopheles and Lucifer both changed.

They originally thought that Carl’s ability only limited their ability to recover.

As long as you return to the original shape, the injury will disappear.

But unfortunately, Hades’s ability is far more complicated than they thought.

“Mephisto, this time, I see how you struggle!”

The corner of Carl’s mouth raised slightly, a smile appeared, and then he rushed straight up.

Lucifer was on the other side, also transformed into a four-winged angel.

But like Mephisto, his arm still hasn’t recovered.

And his wings are black, which represents his fallen identity.

And the black wings restricted his power, allowing him to display only about half of his abilities in his peak period.

This is the price of his depravity!

But even so.

With Lucifer’s current strength, even if he breaks an arm, he can easily suppress Johnny Blazer.

However, as a ghost rider, he is not a vegetarian.

Although his guns could not cause effective damage to Lucifer, he used the fire of hell to cover the iron chain, and it could also have a certain impact on Lucifer.

And most importantly, Lucifer has a soul.

Johnny Blazer’s Judgment Eye is the nemesis of all creatures with souls!

Even the lord of hell is no exception!

Although the Eye of Judgment would not allow people of Lucifer’s level to be directly killed in seconds.

But this ability is also equivalent to a perfect control, which can make him stop the attack, and then just stand in place like a wooden chicken.

Lucifer at this time was hit by the eye of judgment head-on, and then froze in place.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

His eyes are gray, just like petrified, and his soul is very unstable now, as if it is about to explode at any time.

But this situation is just an illusion.

Johnny Blazer knew very well that Lucifer would wake up soon.

So he must continue to weaken the opponent’s strength.

Only in this way can he guarantee his own safety, delaying time by the way, and waiting for Carl to settle Mephisto smoothly.

At the same time on the other side.

The battle on Carl’s side is now one-sided crushing!

Mephisto is not Carl’s opponent at all.

Losing an arm, Mephisto not only suffered damage, but sometimes he was unable to defend against Karl’s attack in time.

This is the effect of missing an arm.

Although this will not affect his manipulation of the breath of hell.

But it will affect his overall strength, because the arm is very important to him!

But this is not the reason Mephisto was crushed.

The main reason is that in addition to using his own abilities, Karl even directly activated Infinite Gems.

In order to make a quick battle, Karl didn’t leave any room for it!

And he also opened the time gem and saw all possible futures!

He probably saw the future more than 10,000 times, and Karl won each time!

But there were a dozen of them, but Mephisto ran away.

So, just in case, Carl directly obliterated all the factors that Mephisto could run away!

Then Karl used other infinite gems to match his abilities to launch a total attack on Mephisto!

Mephisto can barely contend, he is not Carl’s opponent at all.

If it weren’t so absolute and didn’t use Infinite Gems, Mephisto might really have a chance.

But unfortunately, Karl put an end to all, possible accidents, and took out the Infinite Gems in the first place.

As a result, Mephisto has no possibility of a comeback!

In this way, the battle between them intensified.

The whole hell was shaken by the battle between Karl and Mephisto.

And the hell, which was already turbid, is now becoming more turbid, and the temperature is getting higher and higher!

In such a situation, even if Carl saw it, he felt that something was not quite right, but he ignored it.

Because the environment in hell has nothing to do with him, Carl came here only to kill Mephisto and Lucifer!

That’s it!

So what will happen to hell, Carl doesn’t care at all.

as time flows.

Mephisto slowly couldn’t hold on.

Under Carl’s offensive, he thought of the idea of ​​running away for the first time.

Although he suppressed this idea later.

But when this idea appeared, it was out of control!

Coupled with Karl’s offensive becoming more and more fierce, Mephisto’s injuries are also increasing.

When Mephisto found that he had no chance of winning, and even when all his hole cards were pouring out, he couldn’t help Karl, he made the most important decision!

make a prompt decision!

Run if you should!

So Mephisto risked being pierced by Carl’s heart and turned around and ran!

And he also summoned a large number of demons, wanting to delay time.

But it’s a pity.

When he turned to escape, it meant that he had lost!

Next second!

Two steps before Mephisto ran out, his head was cut off by Karl!

His heart, all the organs in the body, and the bones of his body were all crushed by Carl!

not only that.

In order to prevent Mephisto from resurrecting, Karl directly used the power of reality gems to turn his body into a pile of minced meat, and then sealed it in a coffin.

Then he was using the space gem to transport it into the inner core of the sun.

In this way, Mephisto’s body, even if it will not be melted by the sun, will never come out!

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