God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 422 - Buy yellow spring fruit

Chapter 422 – Buy yellow spring fruit

at the same time.

Carl has returned to the ground, back to his villa.

Carl no longer intends to take care of things in hell.

As Johnny Blazer guessed, Carl had no interest in hell at all.

Even if he has become the lord of hell and gained the power of hell breath, he still has no interest in hell.

It is precisely because of this that Carl appointed Johnny Blazer as the temporary agent of hell, and he will be in charge of hell.

Although Carl doesn’t trust each other very much, at least for now, he is the best choice.

And when Karl leaves this world, hell won’t fall into a state of no ownership.

In this way, Carl is not ruining hell, after all, this world, without hell, can easily cause confusion.

So handing it over to Johnny Blazer is the only thing Carl can do.

Immediately afterwards, the first thing Carl did when he returned to the villa was to take a good rest.

The battle with Mephisto consumed a lot of his energy.

Although Carl was not injured, the long battle still made him a little tired.

It’s just that his battle with Mephisto did not last too long.

When he returned to Earth, he realized that his battle with Mephisto lasted only ten days.

This time is not worth mentioning compared to the time when fighting Domam.

So Carl didn’t care.

However, within these ten days, the situation of the earth has undergone some subtle changes.

The devil of hell has completely retreated, and mankind has achieved a complete victory.

Then Johnny Blazer also closed the gates of hell, which gave the human army an illusion.

They began to think that the demons were afraid of humans, so they would close the gates of hell.

If Carl and Johnny Blazer, even the lords of hell, know those high-ranking military personnel, think so, they will probably laugh out of their teeth.

But it’s normal for these people to be arrogant, after all, when fighting desperately, they don’t have to play.

Only after the victory of the war, their CIA will come out and talk and show off their merits and power.

This is a common problem in this world.

But these Karl didn’t know.

The first thing he did when he came back was to lie on the bed and slept beautifully.

Woke up the next day.

Intil fell asleep on Carl’s body, even slobbering.

Seeing such a lovely Intil, Carl kissed her, and then slowly put her aside.

Then Carl alone came to the basement room and began to integrate his abilities.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

But before that, Carl was already a little itchy looking at his 80,000-plus trading points.

Now the mall has been upgraded, and Karl has everything Carl wants.

But the only thing he wants now is Huangquan Fruit!

Only this ability can allow Carl to gain the power of Huangquan and the true immortality!

So Carl did not hesitate, and directly spent 70,000 transaction points to purchase this ability!

However, this ability was not directly injected into Carl’s body, but formed a demon fruit and fell into Carl’s hands.

Looking at the devil fruit in front of him, the corners of Karl’s mouth twitched, wondering if he should eat it.

But according to the system’s reminder, Karl knew that the devil fruit produced by the system had no side effects.

So he doesn’t need to worry, Huangquan Fruit will conflict with the ability of shaking fruits in his body and the ability of floating fruits.

But his only concern is the smell of devil fruit!

Although Carl is a capable person, he has not eaten a single fruit, which also leads to him not knowing what the devil fruit tastes like!

“Everything has a first time!”


Carl muttered to himself, and then took a bite of the devil fruit.

But as soon as he entered the mouth, Carl felt a scent of fragrance that instantly invaded his brain.

This made Carl’s eyes light up, and then he gobbled up all the devil fruits.

“It turns out that the side effects are eliminated, and there is such an effect. Even the original taste of the devil fruit has changed. It is really amazing.

But having said that, it was a pity that I didn’t try the original taste of the devil fruit, tusk. ”

Carl smacked his lips, showing a pity on his face.

This is a typical example of getting a bargain and selling well. It’s true!

But after a while, Carl didn’t feel any changes in himself.

He didn’t even find any clues about Huangquan Fruit in the system panel.

This makes him a little puzzled.

But soon he thought of the setting of the original book, that is, the ability of Huangquan Fruit, which must be aroused by death once!

So Carl must die once now!

But with his current strength, even he himself couldn’t kill himself.

How could this be dead?

Then Carl continued to observe, and then found that at the bottom of the personal attributes panel, there was a line of small characters that were not easily detectable.

And this is the remarks of Huangquan Fruit’s ability!

“Yellow Spring Fruit: Start immediately after the eater dies, regenerate the eater, and when the eater is resurrected, it can stimulate the ability of the yellow spring fruit.”

“Remarks: Huangquan Fruit Ability can be used indefinitely until the eater is old and dead!”

“This is really a BUG ability, especially Brook in the original book, even more BUG!

This ability requires old age to completely disappear. As a result, Brooke in the original book is better, and directly becomes a skeleton.

In this way, it is impossible to die in old age, because it is impossible for a skeleton to grow old.

And my current situation is actually the same. With my current physical fitness, it is impossible to grow old at all. ”

Carl smiled, and then stopped worrying about it.

Anyway, the yellow spring fruit is eaten, which means that Karl can be resurrected infinitely.

Although Karl himself is very difficult to die, but with this ability, he can be more unscrupulous.

But this ability has a flaw, that is, there is no way to restore the body.

Although Carl’s speeding regeneration is very strong, at some point it is not enough.

So Carl set his gaze on Phoenix’s ability.

However, the Devil Fruit of the Phoenix requires one hundred thousand trading points.

Carl has just purchased Huangquan Fruit, and now there are more than 10,000 left, so he is in a state where he needs to save money again.

Then Carl plans to open the personal attributes panel and sort out his personal abilities.

But before he did that.

A beam of light fell from the sky!

This is the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard!

At the same time, Loki’s weak breath appeared within Carl’s perception!

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