Chapter 429 – select

‘God selection has been triggered! ’

‘Choice 1: Bring Thor into his command, get freely assignable attribute points: 1, freely assignable skill points: 1, get trade points: 5000. ’

‘Option 2: Bring everyone in Asgard, including Thor and Loki together, to get freely assignable attribute points: 3, freely assignable skill points: 3, and get 20000 trading points. ’

‘Choice 3: Help Sol and Loki complete their revenge, and bring all of their Asgard, including Sol and Loki together, to obtain freely assignable attribute points: 4, freely assignable skill points: 4, Get trading points: 20000, get three random discount opportunities in the mall! ’

‘Remarks: After the mall is randomly discounted, it will only be discounted when the product is purchased for the first time, and then it will be sold at the original price. ’

After the choice appeared, Carl just took a look, and he didn’t even have a second to hesitate, so he chose three!

There is no choice at all!

Only the third one is what Carl wants most, and it also comes with three discount opportunities!

In other words, as long as Karl completes the task, he can purchase three discounted items.

Although every discount may not be satisfactory, at least it can save some money.

I have to say that this choice is very timely.

Carl does not have many trading points now. If he can complete the selection, then Carl can really help Sol and improve his strength.

Because the fruit of the thunder, it is only a trading point of only fifteen thousand.

Although Carl thought about using Thunder Fruit and Shining Fruit together.

But after a lot of deliberation, he finally discovered that even if these two fruits are used by himself, their strength will not be much improved.

So Carl still has to save money to buy Marko, and the Phoenix Fruit ability will do.

This is what Carl wants.


“Sol, I’ll give you a proposal now, so how about you and your Asgard people, all depend on me?

If you agree, I will help you retake Asgard now and get rid of Surtel by the way! ”

Hearing what Carl said, Saul was a little tangled.

Because he knew that Carl had this ability, but he didn’t want to be Carl’s subordinates, let alone the people of Asgard and belong to Carl’s subordinates.

Because of this, the people of Asgard will be restricted by Karl, and more importantly, Odin will be very angry.

Sol knows this very well.

“Also, if you agree, Odin I will help you out.

This transaction is already a bargain, although I know it’s a bit bad for you, and even a little bit of suspicion of taking advantage of others.

But I can assure you that I will not interfere in anything with Asgard, all I want is loyalty, nothing more!

Because I don’t have much power in this world, sometimes it’s not easy to be alone.

That’s why I have this plan. This is a win-win situation for both of us!(Read more @

But I’m not in a hurry. I will give you some time to consider it. If you agree, you can come to me to discuss it at any time. ”

Carl is not in a hurry that Thor takes his people to surrender, because there is no time limit for this task.

So Carl can wait slowly, and when Thor is resuscitated, his selection task will be completed logically.

“Well, I can’t decide this matter alone. I’ll go back and discuss it with them.

After I think about it, I will come to you again, thank you for your help, Mr. Carl. ”

Sol solemnly saluted, and then left here.

Carl nodded and watched the opponent leave.

“Master Carl, I’ll go there too, and help you persuade me by the way. How about my hard-headed brother?”

Rocky asked tentatively.

Carl nodded, and Loki let out a sigh of relief, and then immediately followed.

After both of their brothers left, Karl showed a smile.

But Luo and Intier couldn’t laugh.

“Master Karl, will they really agree?”

“This matter is not with me. If they want to return to Asgard and save Odin, they must agree!

Because now I am the only one who is willing to help them fight against Sulter and lift Odin’s seal.

If he wants to ask S.H.I.E.L.D. for help, the price will only be greater!

Especially the Avengers, Saul will probably be locked in for the rest of his life, even losing his freedom.

After all, the Avengers are a compulsory organization. In this comparison, my conditions are much looser! ”

Hearing what Carl said, Luo nodded, expressing understanding.

But Intil pouted, obviously a little unhappy.

“Hmph, I don’t know what’s going on with his head.

It’s speechless to not agree to such a good thing! ”

“You can’t say that, if he really agrees immediately, then he is not Thor, either.”

Carl rubbed Intiel’s head and explained it with a smile.

Tony Stark has not left at this time.

He is now like a transparent person, keeping silent in the corner.

But he is drawing at this time.

When Carl was talking with Sol and others, he had already drew more than a dozen sketches quickly.

These sketches are all sketches of the space-time shuttle.

Obviously, Tony Stark already has the inspiration, and now it’s almost time for the shuttle simulation experiment to succeed, and the materials for the shuttle machine!

at the same time.

The situation on S.H.I.E.L.D.’s side is not as happy as Carl’s side.

Once again, they noticed that there was a spacecraft approaching the solar system in the universe.

Danvers wanted to contact each other, but was stopped by Nick Fury.

“Director Fury, why don’t you let me contact them?

If they are allowed to wander around the earth, it is likely to attract other spacecraft.

This is very detrimental to our planet, so let me get rid of them. ”

“Don’t do this first. Apart from having contact with the Asgardians, the earth hasn’t really come into contact with aliens.

So this may be an opportunity, as long as they are not hostile to the earth, we don’t have to drive them away.

So let’s observe and observe first, and see what their plans are. ”

Danvers frowned upon hearing Nick Fury’s words.

She has come into contact with too many cosmic people, so in her opinion, these aliens are nothing unusual.

But this is a good opportunity for Nick Fury and even the entire human race.

Nick Fury will naturally not miss it!

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