Chapter 445 – Black hole!

“Silver Shadow Man, do you know what you are doing!”

After returning to S.H.I.E.L.D., Steve Rogers and Danvers were the first to bear the brunt of the place where the Silver Shadow Man was.

But there are no exceptions.

The Silver Shadow had already closed the surroundings, even if they could see the inside through the glass, they couldn’t get in.

Because the ability of the Silver Shadow Man is like this.

At present, Karl is the only one who can break the Silver Shadowman’s ability without pressure.

“Sorry, I have to do this, because I am his person, so I can’t help myself.

During the time I was with you, I was very happy. I even thought about it and wanted to lead him away.

But I can’t do it, because this is the order he gave me, and I must strictly implement it.

And he has come, and my body is not under my control.

So sorry, I’m so sorry everyone, but I have to do this! ”

While apologizing, the Silver Shadow continued to send signals.

He looked insincere, and even had an inexplicable sense of joy.

But the people present were silent.

Because they heard an unprecedented sadness in the tone of the Silver Shadowman.

You know, the original Silver Shadowman had facial paralysis, and he didn’t have any emotions at all.

Whether it’s joy or anxiety, he doesn’t have any emotions, it belongs to that kind of absolute reason.

Steve Rogers, who has been with him the longest, knows this very well.

“It’s useless for you to do this. I have probably found out. His current situation is equivalent to being controlled.

So I plan to experiment with soul gems and soul gems to see if I can relieve him.

If he can, maybe he is no longer an enemy, but if he can’t, then I can’t help it. ”

With that said, Karl used real gems to make the Infinite Gloves smaller, and then all the infinite gems except the time gems were set in the Infinite Gloves.

Then he broke the barrier of the Silver Shadow Man and entered it, using the Mind Gem and Soul Gem, intending to get the Silver Shadow Man out of control.

Although the Silver Shadowman also wanted to do this, his body would not allow it, so the opponent launched a counterattack.

But it’s a pity that Silver Shadow’s strength is not even worse than Karl’s.

His counterattack had no effect.

However, Karl’s use of two infinite gems did not help him release control either.

Carl then added reality gems.

When the three infinite gems were eaten, the power fluctuations on the Silver Shadow Man disappeared!

Carl made it!

But the Silver Shadowman, at this time, faded away the mercury from his body and turned into a naked man, curled up on the ground, and fainted.

Then Karl used the soul gem to check his soul state, but then accidentally entered his memory.

“It turns out that this is the case, no wonder he becomes the puppet of the Planet Devourer…”

Carl sighed, draped him in a suit, then hugged him out, and briefly introduced the current state of the Silver Shadowman and his experience.

An astronomer on the planet Zenn-La in the outer galaxy.

Suddenly one day the Planet Devourer descended on Zenn-La.

He warned all the inhabitants that this planet had been chosen as the food of the planet devourers.(Read more @

Norin decided to try to negotiate terms with the Planet Devourer, and he begged the Planet Devourer to let go of his home star.

The price is that Nolin is willing to serve the Planet Devourer and help him find a suitable planet for food.

After the Planet Devourer considered it, he accepted Norlin’s condition and gave him a powerful force.

When Norin came into contact with this power, his memory, good and evil, conscience, and moral values ​​disappeared completely.

It wasn’t until he followed the Planet Devourer for a long time that he slowly recovered a little feeling, but most of the time, it was cold.

The only way to bring the earth is to be affected by the special environment here, as well as the infinite gemstone fluctuations, moisturizing if there is nothing.

He slowly recovered a glimmer of emotion and morality.

That’s why he said such a paragraph in such a sad tone at the time.

But Carl had just severed all the connections between him and the Planet Devourer.

The Silver Shadowman in front of him had changed back to Norlin, and became an ordinary person, who originally belonged to his memory, and Karl also helped him find it through the soul gem.

But after this guy woke up, he might be on the verge of collapse, and there was nothing Carl could do about it.

Because of this kind of thing, he can only do it by himself.

“The Planet Devourer will leave it to me to deal with, Strange, give me the Time Gem. Six infinite gems are enough to fight against the god of creation.

Luo, Intil, you two waited for me for a while, I’m not sure when I can come back, or even if I will win.

But you don’t have to worry at all, because I will definitely not die. I can’t guarantee anything else, but this is the only thing I can guarantee! ”

Carl said while rubbing Intier’s head.

Then he put his gaze on Tony Stark next to him.

“The space-time shuttle continues to make it for me. No matter when I come back, this thing is always needed.”

“I know.”

Tony Stark didn’t talk nonsense, but simply nodded.

“I will go with you!”

Sol on the side wanted to follow Karl.

But he was kicked by Carl.

“You still want to contend with the Planet Devourer, you are really looking for death!”

Carl yelled at the other person, then looked around with a smile, opened the space channel on his behalf, and disappeared in front of everyone.

They looked at the disappearance of the passage, and the unconscious Silver Shadow Man Norin, with a somewhat complicated expression.

at the same time.

Facing the huge enemy in front of him, Carl chose not to trigger, which surprised him.

However, the choice is not triggered, which means that Carl can completely kill the opponent!

This is a reminder from the system!

This also gave Carl full confidence!

Without any hesitation, Karl directly used the power of Infinite Gems and his own ability to rush towards the enemy in front of him.

When the Planet Devourer saw the Infinite Gloves and the six Infinite Gems, he was also shocked. He grew his mouth in a panic and opened the black hole ability!

However the next second.

The infinite gem burst out with a strong light.

The Planet Devourer exploded!

Half of Carl’s body was scorched, but under the effect of his ability, his body was constantly recovering.

Just one blow!

The Planet Devourer died suddenly!

This is the sum of the six infinite gems, which is as unparalleled as the BUG, ​​enough to destroy the power of the universe!

Even the creation god can’t hold it!

But Karl was also badly injured and confused. This is a side effect of using six infinite gems at the same time.

But somehow survived.

But at this time.

The appearance of that black hole caused Carl’s pupils to shrink suddenly!

“Are the black holes still…”

“Hehe, it seems that I will sleep for a while…”

Carl closed his eyes and couldn’t stand it anymore.

However, before he lost consciousness, he once again urged the infinite gems to wipe out the black hole!

But at this moment, the black hole also absorbed Carl!

‘A new world has been detected, and the selection of the god level has been triggered! ’

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