God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 457 - Ma Tong Sakuras talent

Chapter 457 – Ma Tong Sakura’s talent

Time passed again.

It was the night three days later.

Jian Tong Yanye was monitoring the situation in Einzbernberg at this time.

Although Jian Tong Yanye didn’t know the specific location of Einzbernberg, Karl was here to give directions.

He couldn’t find it.

As for how he hides himself, that’s his own business, and Karl doesn’t need to help him.

If he is really in danger, Jian Tong Yanye will use hell to ask for help.

He is not a fool after all, so naturally he will not die in vain.

“Sakura, do you want to learn more powerful magic?

Although the magic in this world is good, the foundation is really bad.

If you want to learn more powerful magic, I can teach you. ”

Carl asked softly, wanting to see Ma Tong Ying’s choice.

Although he is not good at magic, but compared with the magic of the Moon World, he still checked some.

This is not only a difference in power, but also a fundamental difference!

Carl’s eyes can completely see through the magic, but if he changes to magic, he may not be able to see through.

For example, Carl’s own fantasy world.

This is the high-level magic of Zhenger Bajing. Although the level is not very high, as long as the strength does not exceed the user’s twice or more, it will not easily break free.

Even in the face of an enemy whose strength is twice that of his own, he can buy some time for his escape.

That’s why Karl wanted to ask Ma Tong Ying if he wanted to learn magic.

After all, Karl can only use this one, and he can’t teach the others. It is the magic of this world. Karl can help analyze and stay away, so that Ma Tongying can master it skillfully.

“Brother Carl, if I have learned this magic so that I can protect myself, can you just let it go?”

After thinking about it, Ma Tongying answered Karl’s question.

Carl was shocked by this.

He thought that Jian Tongying would have many answers, but he did not expect that the first thing Jian Tongying thought of was not himself but Karl and Jian Tong Yanye.

This moved Carl a little bit.

If Jian Tongying’s words were heard by Jian Tong Yanye, he would probably pick up Jian Tongying excitedly and turn around three times in place.

“Yes, you can understand that.”

Carl gently rubbed Tong Ying’s hair and asked curiously.

“Why do you have this idea?

In fact, if you don’t learn magic, there will be no problem.

Because your Uncle Yan Ye will protect you, as long as he finishes the most recent period of time, he can always protect you. “(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

“Uncle Yan Ye and Brother Carl, you are all good people, and I also know that you are doing it for Sakura’s good.

But you don’t have to lie to me, although my memory has not been restored, I can’t remember my grandfather and brother.

But I know how they both treated me since childhood, and I also know that you killed both of them.

I don’t know how I spent the last few years, but I know they started torturing me when I was a kid.

So these two people are definitely bad guys, at least they are bad guys for Sakura.

And Uncle Yan Ye and Brother Carl must be good people, otherwise why are you so good to me?

So go ahead and fight for victory in the Holy Grail War, so that I can truly relax.

And Brother Carl, if you give me magic, then I will have the ability to protect myself, so I don’t need to hold back! ”

Ma Tongying smiled and said these words, which made Karl’s expression freeze.

He really didn’t expect that the magic in Ma Tongying’s body would help him break through part of the shackles of memory.

In this way, it may not take five years before she can completely lift the seal of memory.

As for how long it will take, Carl is not sure, because Ma Tong Sakura’s physique is really special.

You know, she is in the original book, but she has a very rare imaginary number magic.

This kind of magic with no attributes and very special nature has a special energy.

If she is fully awakened, Ma Tong Ying will also run away completely and become an existence similar to the evil of this world.

Even more terrifying than the evil of this world!

It can even blacken the heroic spirit and turn it into her person.

It is precisely because of this that her memory of being covered in dust will appear loose.

“Since you have said so, brother Carl and I, it is impossible not to leave or do nothing.”

Carl shook his head helplessly, then touched Tong Ying’s hair and began to teach her the magic of fantasy.

Just one night.

Ma Tong Ying’s talent directly allowed her to learn the release of this magic.

However, due to her own lack of magic power and unskilled reasons, it is very difficult for her to release each time.

In other words, although she has learned that she can release success, she has to accumulate energy for a very long time if she wants to ensure the success rate.

If she can master it proficiently, she can naturally achieve a second release.

But Ma Tongying obviously couldn’t do this step now.

But Carl was also a little surprised now, if he had taught Ma Tong Sakura to learn magic on the first day he came to this world.

Her current strength is probably not too weak!

It is even possible that in less than ten days, one can master this magic proficiently.

Although she is unlikely to reach the level of instantaneous casts, it is better to release it once more than ten minutes now, and every time it is released, it will become a state of semi-collapse.

This made Carl a little regret, because he was really hesitant, until today he made up his mind to help Ma Tong Ying improve her strength.

After all, Carl was very sympathetic to Ma Tongying’s life experience and didn’t want her to step into this war again.

But it is a pity that as a member of the Matsumoto family, even if she is thousands of miles away, she is likely to be trapped by fate.

This is the sorrow of Yusanjia.

As long as there is one person left at the end, even if there is no blood relationship, they must complete their mission of imperial family.

that’s all.

Carl taught Sakura for one night.

This evening, the two of them tried almost every posture, and found the most labor-saving and most comfortable way for Ma Tong Ying.

This made Ma Tong Ying very happy.

The next thing she has to do is to continue to practice, anyway, she has learned to stay away, and she can feel it slowly by herself.

It’s just because after a night of tossing.

Although Carl was fine and energetic, Ma Tongying was too young to bear it.

So after she finished her breakfast, she went back to the room to make up for it.

But at this moment.

A powerful aura appeared within the range of Carl’s domineering perception.

This made him squint his eyes, then opened the door to welcome the arriving guests.

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