Chapter 461 – a kind reminder

at the same time.

There is a mess in the hell space.

The battle between Karl and Caster has come to an end.

Inside the hell, there are all kinds of wrecks belonging to little demons and water demons.

Although these wreckages will disappear naturally, but due to the number of water monsters and the number of little devils, there are indeed a lot of them.

This led to their wreckage everywhere, even if they were dead, they did not immediately dissipate.

But these are not the most important.

The battle between Karl and the giant water monster is the highlight!

But from the current situation, Karl completely crushed the opponent.

It won’t take long for Carl to win!

“Caster, I know you can still hear it.

Although I am not from this world, what I dislike most is someone like you who abuses and kills children.

As the lord of hell in another world, I will give you judgment now! ”

With a burst of thoughts from Carl, he clasped Hades with both hands and took a deep breath.

Next second.

The entire space suddenly shattered.

Carl’s figure appeared behind Caster!

“Ghost Cut—”

Carl murmured softly.

The slash that pierced the space instantly fell on the opponent’s body, causing fatal damage!

The surrounding space, also because of Karl’s blow, was like a shattered mirror, with dense cracks appearing!

Next second.

The huge water monster that was hit instantly turned into a puddle of black smoke and disappeared without a trace!

It’s just that although the opponent is young, Carl did not relax his vigilance. He still carefully observed the surroundings, using the domineering look and hearing to start looking for signs of the enemy’s life.

Carl breathed a sigh of relief until he couldn’t feel the other person’s breath even after seeing the domineering.

The reason why he is so cautious is because this water monster will be invisible and will pretend to be dead.

Before, the water monster wanted to rely on the skills of pretending to be dead and stealth to deceive Karl to lift the hell space.

In the first beginning, if Karl hadn’t used his knowledge and domineering cautiously and discovered the other party, he would have been deceived by this guy.

But when he started using it for the second time, Karl was already familiar with the road and would not be deceived by the opponent.

It is precisely because of this that Carl is now beheading the opponent and dare not careless.

“It’s a bit difficult, it took me five minutes to solve him.

But this guy, it makes you happy too, Hades! ”

Carl looked at the black pattern, which had covered a third of Hades, and smiled.(Read more @

Normally, it is impossible for any heroic spirit to provide Hades with so much energy.

The reason why Caster can provide so much power is entirely because of his power, which is too evil.

It is precisely because of this that Hades can have a full meal.

After all, Hades is a demon sword, so naturally he would like this power very much.

However, the demon sword should also be used separately. If the user was not Karl, I am afraid Hades would have been afraid to kill people.

It also meant that Carl was able to control her skillfully, and even prevented her from completely releasing her desires.

Generally speaking, demon swords that cannot release their desires will weaken in strength.

But this has nothing to do with Carl.

After all, Carl’s own strength is excellent and hardly needs the increase of Demon Sword.

In addition, he still has a hell breath to feed, and he doesn’t need to actively kill people, and he doesn’t need to worry that Hades will be hungry.

Although she could not be satisfied.

But Carl can still guarantee normal food and clothing.

Now Carl treats Hades as if he treats a pet. Three meals a day are hell, and it is enough to ensure her normal nutrition.

at the same time.

Iskandar, who was in the outside world, felt a wave of spatial fluctuations, then stood up, his eyes widened, and he looked at Karl, who appeared in front of him through the space.

“You solved the other party?”

“Yes, a perfect solution. Starting today, this murderer will not appear.

But having said that, here is the two of us, and our goal is the Holy Grail, so…”

Carl squinted his eyes and pointed his sword at Iskandar in front of him.

But the other party scratched his head and laughed loudly, without showing any hostility.

“Hahahaha, Carl, don’t make this kind of joke with me, it’s meaningless.

Although the two of us are enemies, I know very well that you are not someone who will do anything for a reason.

So the battle between us should wait until the final battle!

And I heard that you played against the guy Archer, even defeated him, right?

I can swear to you here, when I defeat him, the next one will come back to deal with you and win the Holy Grail War! ”

Iskander was fierce, then turned and left, completely undefended.

As he said, he fully believes that Karl is a man who can’t do anything casually.

In fact, it is true.

It is true that Carl will not attack Iskandar right now, but when she heard Iskandar’s words, she still couldn’t help but want to remind him.

“Iskandall, I advise you not to take the initiative to trouble Gilgamesh.

This guy has a trump card in his hand, and your inherent barrier has no effect on him! ”

“Hahahaha, you know that I have an inherent barrier, it’s really interesting!

But rest assured, I will definitely not die, because I am the Conqueror King Iskandar! ”

Iskander heard what Carl said, although he was a little surprised, but he didn’t care.

In his opinion, it doesn’t matter if his hole cards are known, because he doesn’t care at all.

But Karl said Gilgamesh had the ability to deal with inherent barriers, which made Iskandar cautious.

After learning the news, he can make some preparations for this.

Carl sighed while looking at the back of the other person leaving.

“To be honest, I used to have a good impression of you, and a little admiration.

But since you take the initiative to go and find death on your own, I am too lazy to help you.

Anyway, you will all die in my hands in the end. In fact, it makes no difference whether you die sooner or later. ”

Carl shook his head and walked slowly out of the cave.

As he walked, controlling his abilities, the cave began to collapse.

After Carl left the cave, the entire cave was completely sealed.

All the things in it, including the valleys and the evil magic formations, were all blocked by Karl.

At the same time, Karl still used his power to forcefully sink the foundation here, sealing the entire cave under the surface!

In this way, even if someone wants to dig here, it will be very strenuous.

“Get it done, call it a day!”

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