Chapter 469 – Assassin exits

Carl got up from the ground, patted the dust on his body, and then put his gaze into the dense forest aside.

“Come out, after listening for so long, it’s time to show up, right?

After all, the stories of our kings are worth some money. Even if you don’t give money, you still have to show some face, right? ”

Hearing Karl’s words, everyone present was shocked.

Because they were completely unaware of the existence of other people around.

As an assassin, one of Assassin’s most powerful abilities is his concealment skills.

It is precisely because of this ability that other people can be observed in the original work so that they will not be discovered.

However, no matter how good his concealment ability is, there is no way to get too close.

Because the rest of the people present are not easy to provoke.

If the distance is too close, they will still find it.

Gilgamesh didn’t say anything, he was already in the same group with the other party, and he knew Assassin was here for a long time.

But Saber and Iskandar’s magic perception is not weak.

If Assassin is too close, for example, a distance of 20 or 30 meters, it will be perceived by both of them.

So Assassin can only hide in the distance and observe in secret.

It’s just that Assassin didn’t expect that Carl’s domineering experience could cover several island countries.

It is precisely because of this.

His concealment ability is useless in front of Karl’s domineering look.

As a matter of fact, Assassin appeared here in the first hour of the meeting between the kings and observed it in secret.

But Carl didn’t directly expose the other party, but wanted to see what he had planned.

In the end, this guy did well. He was directly here and listened to the story for more than four hours.

It wasn’t until Karl was born that he walked out of the dense forest.

At this time, the other heroic spirits, as well as the master, saw the appearance of the other party, all showing a somewhat surprised expression.

Except Gilgamesh.

“Hahahaha, what is this for? Is it possible, do you want to assassinate us?”

Iskandar laughed, then drew his weapon and prepared to fight.

Gilgamesh curled his lips on the side, and did not intend to fight, but leisurely summoned the king’s seat to sit on it.

Saber directly took out his weapon, ready to fight with Assassin who appeared here at any time.

But Carl didn’t do much, because in his eyes, this Assassin was not even as threatening as Caster who had been wiped out before.

Even if he can split hundreds of avatars, there is absolutely no objection to these people present.

Saber has a treasure against the city.

As long as a flash cannon, if they do not dodge in time, they can only be destroyed by the regiment.(Read more @

Not to mention Iskandar, his inherent enchantment king’s army has thousands of troops.

In front of such an army, hundreds of Assassins couldn’t make waves at all and could only be swallowed easily.

The same is true.

If Gilgamesh is hostile to Assassin, he doesn’t even need to liberate the Departure Sword, just relying on the treasures in the King’s Treasure.

Even the treasures above the C level can be easily destroyed assassin without using them.

Not to mention Carl.

He released a few sword qi at random, and could easily destroy these Assassins by simply using the ability to shake the fruit.

So Assassin poses no threat to Carl and others.

But Assassin feels good, although he also knows very well that he is an abandoned son, used to test Iskandar and Saber’s strength.

As for Gilgamesh, as well as Karl’s strength, there is no need for temptation.

From Carl’s previous performance alone, they already knew how strong Carl was!

So Assassin’s goal this time was for Saber and Iskandall.

“Why don’t you speak?”

“Could it be that you don’t even have the courage to speak in the face of us?”

The corner of Carl’s mouth raised slightly, mocking the other mercilessly.

But in exchange, only Assassin’s sneer and the opponent’s charge!

I saw hundreds of people, who jumped up in an instant and rushed towards Carl and others.

Facing this huge mayor, Carl and the others drew out their weapons calmly, ready to fight at any time.

But at this moment, Iskandall raised the cloak behind him, revealing a meaningful smile.

“Hahahaha, as the initiator of the King’s Talks, I will naturally not let the clown make trouble here.

So I will be responsible for solving the invaders, and I also let you take a good look at what is the real king! ”

“Appear, my king’s army!”

Accompanied by Iskandar’s roar.

The surrounding space changed instantly.

Everyone looked a little surprised at the scene before them.

Even if it was Carl, seeing the barren desert around him and the thousands of horses behind him, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Because he can feel that every one of these over 10,000 troops is a hero, and the most important thing is that the physique of each of these heroes surpasses Assassin’s physiques!

Even if these heroic soldiers are released, they can win a place in the Holy Grail War.

At least to tie the previous Lancer, eliminating a single Assassin is not a problem.

The only pity is that these heroic spirits do not have their own treasures, because they are the Titans who follow Iskandar.

They are all heroes of the follower Iskandar!

“See, this is my king’s army!

Everyone here is my former subordinate.

Now, my Master Weber will also become my subordinate!

Follow my pace and charge, hahahahaha! ! ! ”

Iskandar muttered to himself, then pulled Webb up and let him sit in front of him.

When Webber saw this, although he was a little timid, he still had the courage to make a ‘haha’ twice, reluctantly wanting to blend into the atmosphere.

Unfortunately, his temperament is completely inconsistent with this army.

But it does not matter.

Iskandar and his men didn’t mind at all.

After all, Webber is a man recognized by Iskandar.

This reason is for those people.


At this moment, Assassin saw this scene, his eyes lost the light, and there was no resistance at all.

They even left their weapons and fled in a hurry.

It’s a pity, here is the army of the inherent enchantment king.

No matter how fast they escape, it is impossible to escape the pursuit of the King of Conquer!

Assassin is here to leave!

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