Chapter 473 – Battle night!

Alice Phil felt the magic in the big cavity, and her face became more ruddy.

Even the pain in the body disappeared temporarily.

This is the benefit of Lingmai.

When a magician enters the spirit veins, he will naturally feel a little excited.

Even some minor injuries and illnesses can be assassinated.

It’s a pity that Alice Phil’s this is not a minor injury.

Because she is the container of the little holy grail, without the help of outsiders, this ‘disease’ cannot be cured at all.

“Don’t sigh, lie down first, I have already set up a bed for you over there.

Although it is not as comfortable as you sleep at home, it can at least let you lie down, and the space is also very spacious. ”


Hearing what Carl said, Alice Felton was a little surprised, and then she followed the direction Carl was pointing and saw the bed…

“Um…Mr. Carl, are you sure this is a bed and not…”


Alice Phil hesitated for a while, and finally uttered her doubts.

There is no way, the image of this bed that Carl made is like a coffin.

Even he feels this way.

But Carl would never say that this is his evil taste.

He even had a straight face and told Alice Phil righteously that this was a serious bed!

It’s definitely not a pipe!

“Alice Phil, you are so ignorant. This is what I have collected about the world and found the most popular style.

And I spent a lot of effort, spent tens of seconds to help you build it, how can you dislike it?

Plus you sleep once, even if it looks like a coffin? This is what I call fighting poison with poison, so I can better take out the little holy grail! ”

Carl was serious and funny, and really made Alice Phil.

She didn’t even bother to hide her face, but just laughed out, regardless of her own image.

But just as Alice Phil was smiling happily, she suddenly coughed violently and vomited a mouthful of blood.

This scene made the atmosphere that was somewhat joyful suddenly become serious.

“It seems that I really want to lie in the coffin…”

Alice Phil said with a mockery of herself, and then consciously entered the coffin bed.

Carl shook his head, using his power to create a coffin board, and buckled it up while comforting Alice Phil.

“Don’t worry, the little holy grail is something I must get. I will definitely get it and save you at the same time.

Because if I don’t save you, I won’t get the little holy grail either.

I can’t forcefully interrupt the inevitable connection between the two, so Alice Phil, you can rest assured that I’m serious! ”

“Since you are serious, then I can feel at ease…”

Alice Phil’s eyelids became heavier and heavier, and finally fell asleep directly.

Carl sighed immediately when he saw such a peaceful sleeping beauty, and then buckled the coffin board.

He secretly released the breath of hell just now, giving Alice Phil a little sleep effect, allowing her to fall asleep smoothly.

In this way, her heart will be extremely calm.(Read more @

And more importantly, it is also convenient for Carl to do things next.

If Alice Phil was awake, Carl really couldn’t do anything.

Because the next picture is a bit unsuitable for children.

Carl now needs Hades to create a shadow, and then enter Alice Phil’s body, constantly conveying the breath of hell and Hades’s demon power for her.

Because only in this way can it be guaranteed that the evil of this world in the Holy Grail will not be leaked for the time being.

At the same time, it can separate the soul of Alice Phil from the Holy Grail.

It’s just that the moment of separation is a bit longer.

Among them, Alice Phil may make some unexplained sounds.

This is why Carl wants to cover the coffin.

“Then I will leave it to you, Hades, your steps are the most critical.

And if you can swallow all the evils of this world, I am afraid you will soon become a black sword! ”

Hearing Carl’s words, Hades was a little excited, then summoned the shadow and entered the coffin.

Temporarily merge with Alice Phil.

At this stage, there is no need for Carl to do anything.

So he went outside in a big hollow, Carl, relax a little bit.

Just after he came outside the big cave, he saw that Fuyuki City was angry with a dazzling light!

The original dark night, in this beam of light, abruptly turned into day.

At the same time, the clouds in the sky were also dissipated by this sudden light cannon.

The 400-meter long sword swung out from top to bottom!

Seeing this scene, Carl knew that this was Saber’s liberation of his treasure!

“Come on, Saber, if I can, I also want you to get black mud.

There may be unexpected joy at that time.

After all, the black mud can give the heroic spirit a physical body, and with your will, it should be able to withstand the spiritual corrosion of the black mud. ”

While Carl was talking, he went to the highest point of the mountain to see the most beautiful scenery.

at the same time.

The suburbs of Fuyuki City.

The battle between Saber and Iskandar is continuing.

Webber also continued to be disconnected and was completely ignored.

There is no way, he, as the master, almost has no sense of existence.

The other masters are either being beaten or just operating the show.

Only Webber, the lord, was paddling, and he couldn’t even help Iskandar in any way.

This is also the last thing Webber regrets after he grew up.

After all, he is very young now.

Even if you have ideas, you dare not put them into action.

This also led to this Holy Grail War, which was operated by Iskandall alone.

Incidentally, he took a loyal oil bottle to take off.

It’s a pity that in Iskandall’s original work, I came across an open one.

If not, he is really likely to win.

And now, he met another Saber who was on the hook.

In order to keep Alice Phil alive.

In order to stop the reward of the evil of this world.

Saber will never allow the Holy Grail to fall into the hands of other people!

So she no longer releases the water, but reveals her real name, liberates the treasure, and has an upright duel of the king!

And this duel between the two of them.

It also attracted Gilgamesh to watch the battle.

However, the lord behind Gilgamesh is not Tosaka Tokimin, but Yanfeng Kirei!


This pair is the master and heroic spirit with the best affinity.

As for Tosaka Toshimi.

He was probably killed by his favorite land, Yanfeng Qili, just like in the original book.

“It’s really pleasant. I don’t know who can separate Santa Fe from such a battle.

Hero King, don’t you plan to intervene in this duel? ”

Yanfeng Qili asked excitedly, but Gilgamesh shook his head disdainfully.

“There is no need to intervene in the duel of the king!”

“This is the dignity of the king!”

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