Chapter 488 – Provocateur

It has been a month since the Daliola incident.

Carl and the others are now boring to fish in the guild.

Because the current mission is relatively small, all the S-level missions were taken away by Laksas and others.

Because they all know how powerful Karl is, they want to accelerate their experience.

As a result, Carl now has no entrusted tasks to accept.

So he can only fish in the guild.

But that’s okay, he couldn’t be too lazy to work, after all, some commissioned tasks need to go very far.

Although Carl can run back and forth very quickly, it is very troublesome.

So if he can fish, he naturally doesn’t want to work.

But even in the guild, those members did not stop at this time.

Intil sang in the square outside the guild, and her wonderful singing attracted a large number of passersby fans.

These people have become fascinated by Intier’s singing, and some even want to invite him to make his debut and become the best singer of this era.

But Intil clearly rejected the other party’s request.

After all, Intil is not here, of course there is no need to be an idol.

Luo on the other side continued to compete with Elisa.

The two of them have been learning from each other and making progress with each other. This is what Carl and others have seen.

Then Naz frantically wanted to challenge Karl.

The result has not changed at all.

It is still a slap problem.

It’s just the strength, sometimes it’s different.

When Carl was happy, he would shoot Naz several hundred meters away and let him run back by himself.

When he is not happy, just stun him, and then he probably won’t be able to get out of bed this day.

But Karl’s shots are counted, at least such an attack will not cause substantial damage to Naz.

He even exercised his defensive abilities.

At that time, facing the enemy, he can proudly use his own dragon-killing magic·flaming head mallet to attack the opponent.

But apart from Naz.

The other people on the first floor are not very peaceful either.

For example, today, Karl was quarreled and had to go to the second floor to seek cleanliness.

Because the first floor was held in Makarov, it started the fights in the guild.

There are no restrictions on this activity. The only requirement is that the entire building of the guild cannot be destroyed, which is a disguised form to ask them to start lightly.

And this kind of activity, on average, has to come once a week.

For this reason, Karl specifically asked Makarov why he organized such an event that was meaningless and did not even have any rewards.

In this regard, Makarov has only one reply.

That is these energetic young people, if they don’t find a chance to vent, it is easy to suppress problems.

After getting this answer, Carl also nodded, with some understanding.

Because Naz is a good example.(Read more @

This over-blooded guy is several times more energetic than others.

It is precisely because of this that if he does not vent his experience, he will easily become violent.

Although he has no malice, it is not good for his health in the long run.

That’s why Makarov will have Naz and make all sorts of troubles.

Although he scolded each other badly every time, he didn’t really punish Naz.

For others, Makarov also treats them equally.

It was only today in Makarov, when this event was held.

A group of uninvited guests arrived.

Carl dozed off on the second floor and heard a provocative voice from below.

This made Carl blink, feeling a little strange.

Because the other party reported that he was a magician from the ghost dominator, he came here to hit the place!

Very simple and rude self-reported, and then started without hesitation.

Seeing this scene, Carl thought of the young and Dangerous movies he had seen.

This is completely a group of small gangsters, fighting each other here, the temperament of the magician disappeared.

But in the face of these punks, Carl didn’t even bother to do it.

He knew that with these people alone, there was no way to shake Naz and others.

But he was still a little worried about Intil now.

Because at this time, she was still singing outside.

“Should I go out and have a look?”

Carl thought for a moment, and then was about to leave.

But at this moment.

A man wearing a blindfold suddenly appeared in front of him.

He pointed his hands at himself, muttering words in his mouth, not knowing what he was muttering.

But as his magic circle lit up, a magical power instantly invaded Karl’s body, and then quickly disappeared.

“What are you doing?”

Carl tilted his head, wondering what the other party was doing.

The man was stunned for a moment, and then activated the magic again.

The result is still no effect!

“How is it possible! My magic can deprive you of magic power, but how can there be no magic power in your body!”

This is impossible, absolutely impossible, if you don’t have magic power, how could you be on the second floor of the exclusive S-level wizard! ”

“Who stipulated that without magic power, strength can’t be strong?”

Carl looked confused, slapped him casually, and blasted the man down the second floor in an instant!

Those who were attacking the members of Monster Tail were shocked when they saw the person who was suddenly defeated!

“How is it possible! This is Alia, the head of the four elements, how could he be defeated!”

“Who is that person on the second floor and why Alia failed!”

“Damn it, the Four Elements were defeated as soon as they shot, what should we fight next?!”

The spectre masters were all a little shocked when they saw this scene.

They didn’t expect that, as the head of the four elements, Alia, who was second only to the leader of the ghost dominator emblem, would be defeated so easily.

Even if everyone didn’t react, he had already been killed in seconds!

This situation is really worrying!

But at this moment.

A man walked in from outside.

His face was full of arrogance, and he pointed at Carl very arrogantly.

“The one upstairs, I am the Dragon Slayer Jajiru, now I will challenge you!”

“just you?”

Hearing what the other party said, Karl couldn’t help but shook his head, and then looked down at Makarov, who was still there with the old god.

“Makarov, it’s okay to leave it to you, right?

Lucy and Intier are both outside, and I plan to bring them both back. ”

“There is no problem here, don’t worry, even if their president Joseph comes over, I can solve it.”

Makarov’s words shocked everyone present.

Carl nodded and extended a thumb.

“Makarov is always strong!”

With that, Carl disappeared in place, no sign of him.

When everyone saw this scene, they took a breath again.

Because no one of them saw how Carl left!

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