God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 613 - Out at the same time

Chapter 613 – Out at the same time

“Mr. Carl! I’m about to win! Dai Mubai is going to win!”

When Oscar saw Dai Mubai who was in the small universe exploding at this time, he had already hammered the opponent on the ground.

Although Dai Mubai had no way to release his spirit abilities because of imperfect moves.

However, relying on his own physical skills and his own soul power, he has already mounted the opponent under him.

People from the Royal Fight team saw this scene with a gloomy face, as if bleeding could come from it, which was very ugly.

At this time they wanted to ask Carl how exactly he taught the Department, such a monster as Dai Mubai!

In their eyes, Dai Mubai in front of them was not a soul master, but a fierce soul beast!

I don’t know, I really thought that Dai Mubai was hunting at this time!

And the Academy of the Emperor Fighting Team is his prey!

But over time.

Dai Mubai’s final punch became a little soft.

His body also became a little soft, and eventually became exhausted, exhausted his soul and mental power, and then fainted.

However, he was still standing on top of the opponent at this time.

Although the posture is indecent, but full of momentum!

And this blasted hammer belonged to a member of the Royal Fighting team, and at this time also passed out with a swollen nose and swollen face.

This battle!

Both lose!

Out at the same time!

The referee was also a little surprised when he saw this scene, and he even announced the result several seconds late.

There is no way.

Who made Dai Mubai’s momentum really scary?

Even as the referee of the soul saint, he was shocked by his aura at this time.

Especially Dai Mubai, riding on the opponent’s body.

Although there was no action, the referee did not dare to pronounce the result of the game directly.

The combination of several factors made him complete the sentence for a few seconds.

Falling with his voice.

Ma Hongjun flew out first, and then carried Dai Mubai back.

On the side of the Huangdou team, people also came forward and brought the man back.

But then.

A girl in the Royal Fighting team, wearing a black tight dress, released her martial soul and began to heal their injuries.

There are three spirit rings in her, which is obviously the third soul sovereign of the Emperor Fighting team.

However, she is an auxiliary soul master, and may not be able to play next.

In other words, it is currently the absolute advantage of Shrek!

On their current side, apart from the two auxiliary spirit masters, there is no way to get off the court directly.

There are three souls left to fight!

On the other hand, on the side of Huangdou Team, there is no more Soul Venerable to end.

The others are all twenty-ninth-level great spirit masters.

If so.

Except for Shrek Academy, there is currently only the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect with three souls who can fight.

On both the Emperor Fighting Team and the Elephant Armor Sect, there are only two Soul Venerables who can engage in the ring battle.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

There is only one on the Blue Blaster team.

The Fire Leopard Sect is very miserable, there is no one at all.

So no matter how you look at it, it is currently on Shrek Academy’s side, occupying absolute advantage and initiative!

There is no possibility of victory for the emperor battle team!

The Elephant Sect and the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect’s team can compete with Shrek Academy.

“Now, please send the next contestants from both sides!”

Falling with the referee’s voice.

Ma Hongjun and Carl looked at each other, and then flew off the field!

The strategy this time is to preserve strength.

Xiao Wu and Dugu Yan have not yet played, so the two of them are temporarily used to hold the battle.

Ma Hongjun’s current abilities have basically been fully exposed, so there is no problem in keeping him on the court.

However, the opponent who played next was a twenty-ninth-level control system spirit master.

It doesn’t look good.

But Ma Hongjun didn’t dare to be careless.

Because the people who came out of the Huangdou team, even at the twenty-ninth level, can still fight against the soul!

Even defeating a low-level Soul Venerable is not a big problem.

So at the beginning of the battle, Ma Hongjun flew up directly, leaving no surplus!

The other party didn’t stay behind either, and directly released his two spirit rings, trying to control Ma Hongjun.

that’s all.

The two of you came and went, and finally won the game because of Ma Hongjun’s ability to fly.

But even so.

The opponent also completed his role at this time, consuming a lot of Ma Hongjun’s soul power.

In the next fourth battle, the opponent was also a Level 29 Great Soul Master.

His strategy is exactly the same as the man just now, which is to exhaust Ma Hongjun’s soul power with all his strength!

This time, Ma Hongjun’s time to resolve the opponent was about twice as long as the last time.

Then, when Ma Hongjun got rid of the opponent, his spirit power was basically low.

When the last person came on, Ma Hongjun was just about to fight when he saw a beautiful leg appearing in front of him.

this person.

It was the girl who treated Yu Tianheng and other injured members before!

“Ma Hongjun, right? I’ll heal you, can you just surrender?

Anyway, I don’t have much combat power. We have already failed by default in this game.

But I still want to try to see if I can get a point in this way.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t want it, we can make a symbolic hit twice, and then I choose to admit defeat.

But you have the heart to bully me, someone who doesn’t have the power to bind a chicken, is it an auxiliary soul master? ”

The other party’s expression was pitiful at this time, even with tears in the corners of his eyes, and his mouth began to read.

This little expression of her, coupled with her soft voice, immediately made Ma Hongjun feel sore.

This feeling is like going to…

Like heaven!

It’s so addictive!

When the Huangdou team saw this situation, they couldn’t help but shook their head.

They had already failed by default, but they didn’t expect to have such a move, and they didn’t know if Ma Hongjun would let this point.

However, the men’s academy on the Shrek Academy’s side was already looking straight.

Whether it was Oscar or Dai Mubai, who had just regained consciousness, they had seen this scene, and they were even a little envious.

Tang San gave a wry smile, but didn’t look away from the opponent.

On the other hand, Xiao Wu and the others have already begun to akimbo, and their expressions are a little unhappy.

“Huh! Ma Hongjun, if you dare to admit defeat, let’s see how we can deal with you!”

Xiao Wu’s voice fell.

Ma Hongjun’s voice rang.

“Referee, I surrender! Hehe!”

When Ma Hongjun made this move, he immediately exchanged the smile of this beauty.

The Huangdou team also felt a little speechless to varying degrees.

They did not expect that Ma Hongjun was such a person!

The referees and other spectators did not expect that the plot would unfold in this way.

I have to say that this girl can play.

At the same time, I am afraid that Ma Hongjun’s LSP label cannot be removed.

But what they didn’t know was that when Ma Hongjun was standing, he showed a weird smile.

“Hey! Make you think I’m lustful, then the enemy I will fight will be a girl.

You thought you recognized me, but as everyone knows, all of this is in my calculations! ”

“This wave! This wave is in the atmosphere!”


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