Chapter 617 – Pull down



Zao Wou-Ki:…

Yu Xiaogang:…

Tang San:……

Xiao Wu:…

other people:……

At this time, everyone’s expressions are like this ‘Σ(⊙▽⊙”a’.

Everyone in Shrek Academy did not expect that they randomly researched the name of this move last night.

It was actually used by Ma Hongjun!

And he likes it very much, the name Cosmos Burst.

He didn’t even care about finalizing the name as Soul Ring Eruption, instead he continued to use this name.

Such a scene is really shameful.

Carl really didn’t know how to complain.

Compared with the name of Spirit Ring Eruption, the secondary level of the explosion of the small universe is simply exploding!

Even the level of shame is a crushing explosion!

The ghost knows why Ma Hongjun would like such a second-level move name.

Could this be related to his Phoenix Martial Spirit?

After all, the Phoenix Martial Spirit was already in the second grade.

It is not surprising that Ma Hongjun has such a temperament.

But he is not embarrassed.

The embarrassing thing is other people!

The other people in Shrek Academy were so embarrassed that they wanted to get into the ground.

At the same time, they have to face the strange glances from other teams.

That’s right.

In addition to being surprised by this move, people from other teams are more likely to complain about this name.

After all, this arena is open-air and there is no soundproofing equipment, so Ma Hongjun yelled so.

As long as they are on the scene, they can definitely hear it.

So Carl and others are extremely embarrassed now.

But on Ma Hongjun’s side, it was as if he had been beaten with blood.

Not only did he not feel embarrassed, but he even exploded with strength and soul power about twice as powerful as before!

The current Ma Hongjun, sacrificing his soul skills, in exchange for a powerful explosive force, instantly broke the opponent’s cage.

But breaking through this cage, he also paid a little price.

The one on his chest, not very deep, was the price he paid for breaking through the cage.

Seeing this, the other party didn’t hesitate, and kept releasing his soul abilities, trying to trap Ma Hongjun.

At the same time he also moved to prevent being approached by Ma Hongjun.

However, no matter how he releases his spirit ability, Ma Hongjun can break him with two or three punches.

And the most important thing is that Ma Hongjun’s speed is now about three times that of the opponent!

In this way, it is impossible for him to escape Ma Hongjun’s pursuit!(Read more @

But the other party was not afraid.

When he saw that he couldn’t escape, he directly released the first spirit ability, and a chain appeared in his hand.

But his chain is not tied to Ma Hongjun, but attached to himself!

“Come on! Since I can’t control you, come head on!

Next, let’s see if your fists are hard, or my chains are hard! ”


The reason he wrapped himself up was because he wanted Ma Hongjun to fight over!

Although the chain can be used for control, it is also a weapon.

It can even be used as armor!

Just as a weapon and armor, it is slightly rough and difficult to control.

But in the current situation, he is also in a state of wit, thinking of this method, or facing Ma Hongjun’s fist, he will undoubtedly lose!

But being able to think of this method also shows that his fighting talent is very strong, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a genius among geniuses.

See this scene.

Ning Zhifeng and others nodded, admiring his approach very much.

Carl sighed.

“Ma Hongjun lost…”

As Carl’s voice fell.

Ma Hongjun’s fist had already touched the opponent’s body.

However, his fist slammed into the filling column firmly, causing it to vibrate.

Then this man spit out a mouthful of blood on Ma Hongjun’s fist, and then hit Ma Hongjun’s face with a backhand punch!

There are also chains attached to his hands!

Such a blow hit Ma Hongjun’s face, directly causing him to feel dizzy.

After all, this is metal, and it is much more powerful than a simple fist.

And the most important thing is that although the physical strength of the soul sovereign is stronger than that of ordinary people, it is also limited.

Only after they have reached more than seventy and learned the Martial Spirit Real Body can their physical strength undergo a qualitative change.

At that time, they can break steel and smash gold with their bare hands without even using martial arts!

Even an auxiliary soul master can do this.

But before the seventieth level, without the assistance of spirit power or martial soul, it was impossible to do this at all.

That’s why, soul masters below the Soul Sage level would be killed indiscriminately by Tang San’s various ordinary hidden weapons.

This is why their physique has not undergone a qualitative change.

However, even a spirit master above the 70th level, in the face of special tactics and hidden weapons with wedding assistance, must be cautious to prevent hidden weapons from entering the body.

From this point of view, only Super Douluo’s body can completely prevent the hidden weapon attack.

Even an ordinary Title Douluo can prevent attacks from ordinary hidden weapons.

That kind of top-notch, rare and limited hidden weapon is still difficult to defend.

That’s why in the original work, Tang San used those rare hidden weapons many times to turn danger into a breeze.

The current situation, although somewhat different from the original.

However, the opponent used the advantage of the iron chain to successfully defuse Ma Hongjun’s offense.

Although he consumes a lot of himself.

But at this time, Ma Hongjun was a little bit unable to hold on.

See this scene.

Carl gave Xiao Wu a look, and Xiao Wu immediately nodded, and then shouted.

“We lost this round!”

The voice just fell.

Xiao Wu went on the field, and Ma Hongjun, who was about to fall into a coma, carried it back.

Carl also took advantage of his body, before it completely collapsed, and immediately released the healing inflammation to heal him.

Ma Hongjun’s condition was a little different from yesterday’s Dai Mubai.

His physical fitness was originally inferior to Dai Mubai.

If he were allowed to fall into a coma naturally, his body would definitely collapse.

Although Karl can be saved, he himself has to endure more pain.

Carl couldn’t bear to let him scream, so he simply brought him back in advance to end the game.

But more importantly, Karl disliked him as being noisy, so he instructed Xiao Wu to do so.

“Sorry teacher, I couldn’t beat him in this round…”

Ma Hongjun said with some self-blame.

Carl shook his head and comforted softly.

“You did a good job. It’s just the opponent’s tactics, which is a bit aimed at the first player to play.

So the rest of the battle can be handed over to others, and you can rest assured. ”

With that, Karl patted Ma Hongjun’s stomach, and then put his gaze on Dai Mubai’s body.

“Dai Mubai, it’s time for you to play!”

“I have only one request for you, at least I will continue to take away one of the other souls!”

“Even if we end up together in the end, we must let the other side off. Only in this way can we continue to let Xiao Wu’s strength remain mysterious!”

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