Chapter 619 – No distinction

“Your spirit ability, after our teacher’s analysis, is basically transparent.

Although it hasn’t happened yet, what exactly is your martial spirit, but according to the teacher’s words.

Your martial soul is either your entire body or a certain part of your brain.

Based on these, the teacher inferred that your first two spirit rings are spirit abilities that increase speed and strength.

The last purple thousand-year spirit ring can use stronger mental power than others to suppress the opponent, and then you are launching an attack.

Since you learned from Sword Douluo, you have one more advantage in swordsmanship and sword intent than others.

So as long as the other party has no defense against your abilities, it will be difficult for him to oppose you!

But I am different, the teacher has pointed out the way to us.

If I can’t beat you in this way, it means that I’m really just an ordinary person, and even let the teacher down. ”

While Dai Mubai was talking, she turned around to face each other.

Little Sword also nodded, and simply pulled up a sword flower and threw out all the blood on it.

“You are very strong! One of the strongest people of the same age I have ever met!

It’s a pity that I couldn’t fight Yu Tianheng at the time, otherwise I would be able to judge which of you two is more difficult.

However, you defeated Yu Tianheng before, even though the opponent did not know you.

But your strength does make people feel nervous. ”

As Xiaojian spoke, he opened his posture again.

The three spirit rings on his body lit up at the same time, and the spirit power suddenly gathered on his sword!

“To tell you the truth, it’s a pity that my spirit is not a sword, so I can only exert my strength with the spirit guide.

Such me is really not qualified to be called a soul master.

But it doesn’t matter, I believe that one day, I will have a sword that truly belongs to me! ”

“Dai Mubai! Take it!”

Accompanied by a roar of Xiaojian.

He waved the long sword in his hand, and instantly exploded all the gathered soul power!

The powerful soul power, at this moment, condensed into a sword energy that could tear the earth, rushing towards Dai Mubai!

Even the ground was chopped out by this sword energy to a ditch nearly one meter deep!

And the speed of this sword qi is very fast.

Dai Mubai couldn’t dodge at all, he could only defend by relying on his own soul abilities!

But when his protective shield touched this sword energy, it broke instantly!

At the same time, this sword aura also made Dai Mubai feel threatened!


Dai Mubai’s face changed slightly, and his pupils quaked.

He didn’t have any defense power, and was directly hit by this sword aura.

But he didn’t give up, he was still releasing his soul power to resist.

However the next second.

The figure of Xiaojian appeared on Dai Mubai’s other side for sale.

His face was a little pale at this time, and he looked a little weak.(Read more @

But the spirit power gathered in his hand has not weakened in the slightest!

As he swings the long sword again.

The powerful sword aura rushed towards Dai Mubai once again!

See this scene.

He couldn’t tolerate Dai Mubai’s hesitation, he directly released the spirit ring to explode!

I saw three premarital examinations get together.

The spirit power on Dai Mubai’s body instantly changed!

His spirit power began to explode in multiples, directly blocking the other sword aura, and even the sword aura at the beginning became a bit fragmented.

See this scene.

Xiaojian’s expression became more serious.

Dai Mubai continued to explode, and his strength continued to increase.


“Break it for me!!!”

Dai Mubai’s roar resounded throughout the arena.

Everyone can hear his heart-piercing voice.

And this kind of momentum, this kind of power, is completely unlike a soul-sovereign-level battle.

Whether it was Xiaojian or Dai Mubai.

The power they showed now, even the soul sect above the forty level, might not be able to withstand it.

At the very least, it must be a 50th-level soul sect to guarantee a steady victory over the two!

Thinking of this, the rest of the people present couldn’t help but shudder.

They knew that monsters would appear in Shrek Academy.

But who can imagine that Ning Zhifeng’s Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School also hides a little monster!

As long as he doesn’t die halfway, this person’s future strength will definitely not be lower than Sword Douluo!

Compared with the direct disciple of Bone Douluo, the direct disciple of Sword Douluo is the monster among geniuses!

Even if Karl saw the talent of this man, he couldn’t help but feel a little tempted.

But he didn’t know about Sword Douluo’s personal disciple, and Karl would not take his love.

Otherwise, Sword Douluo would really find him desperately.

“Teacher, can Dai Mubai be able to hold it.

This person called the sword is really too strong, right? ”

Oscar asked worriedly.

The others were also very nervous, even Xiao Wu was not laughing at this time, her expression became a little serious.

She is very clear about Dai Mubai’s strength.

Although Dai Mubai’s level was very low, it was difficult for him to be completely suppressed when he faced Xiao Wu.

However, Xiao Wu is a beast spirit of the sensitive attack system after all, so in terms of strength, she is naturally inferior to Dai Mubai.

Even if her level is higher.

But in terms of speed, she was almost twice as fast as Dai Mubai.

So every time she fights, unless Xiao Wu is closely suppressed by Dai Mubai when she comes up, she can’t lose.

The situation before him was that Dai Mubai was actually suppressed by the opponent’s sword aura in terms of strength!

Even if they use the self-created skills Carl taught them, there is no way to get rid of it completely!

From this point of view, the opponent’s strength is really amazing!

“Don’t worry, Dai Mubai hasn’t lost yet, the two of them can still fight!”

Carl observed for a moment, then spoke.

After he said these words, everyone was relieved.

“Huh! Xiaojian, this guy has been talented since he was a child, even surpassing me by a lot, even if he is not as good as his small bones.

I have to say that Grandpa Jian’s education method is really special, but it is only suitable for his sword idiot.

If you change the words of ordinary people, I am afraid that you can’t stick to it at all, because his annual homework is to meditate on the sword!

And a meditation is the kind of non-stop one day or two days, and even forget to eat in the middle!

Take a look, is this the kind of training that people do? Only Grandpa Jian, and Xiaojian can do it, but it’s impossible to do anything else! ”

I don’t know if Ning Rongrong is jealous or complaining.

Anyway, when she said this, her expression was full of disgust.

But she didn’t dislike Xiaojian, but disliked that kind of boring and boring cultivation method that was not even useful for ordinary people.

Even Carl couldn’t understand this way.

But Tang San’s eyes lit up.

After all, his cultivation method is mostly meditation.

In this regard, he is somewhat similar to the other party.

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